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  • Comments
  • supersnipereagleman said:
    This is certainly something I didn't expect or want to be adding so many uncomfortable tags for... well, such is the life of an e621 user, I suppose.

    Yup. You got a blacklist, just add em and move on.

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  • Wow, the contrast between her appearance and her personality is very... unsettling. The personality kinda reminds me of Loona. What's next? A zoroark lady who is super friendly? lol Amazing animation!

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  • i just barely seen tyranotar get a boner lmao, small detail but im suprised i seen it

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  • kojin said:
    catch a male Lopunny to solve this problem.

    Isn't that just going to result in a lot more lopunny's for him to take care of?
    I mean, the poor guy doesn't even have the stamina to take care of one...

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  • there's something precious about that white sketch of both of them at credits
    call me crazy about it

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  • There's ways to train dogs. Food motivation... play motivation... Give them motivation to get them to do what you want.
    You're telling me you have a sex-motivated pokemon and she can't 1HKO a lvl 35 Gyarados with a quick attack yet? What a horrible trainer.

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  • musk_lover69420 said:
    (this is a simping comment. Don't hate))))))) MOONIE. STOP POSTING CONTENT THAT MAKES ME WANT TO DRAIN MY BALLS FOR HOURS ON END!! (just kidding. Make my cock suffer for being so dirty thx~


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  • The audio is amazing, not the sexual sounds but using the pokemon OST along with the voice sounds of the Lopunny to be just kinda perfect. I loved it. Also really lewd video. More!~

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  • This Lopunny is insolent, the trainer must like her a lot given the way she talks to him. (or maybe she loves him a lot and expresses her love poorly.)
    ...Why do I think so much about a pokemon porn video?

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  • Since the separated clips were deleted and with it the comments, i'll just repeat myself:

    DUDE HAS TO TRADE HER, and yes i know it sounds a bit cruel but considering that giant loppuny doesn't seem to have a modicum of respect for her current trainer and only sees him as a sexual toy (it's also clear that they're physically incompatible specially with the guy's dick being the size of a walnut for her which only creates a cycle of frustration for both partners) i think trading is the best option, that or just ditch her in a random place.

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  • musk_lover69420 said:
    (this is a simping comment. Don't hate))))))) MOONIE. STOP POSTING CONTENT THAT MAKES ME WANT TO DRAIN MY BALLS FOR HOURS ON END!! (just kidding. Make my cock suffer for being so dirty thx~

    what the actual fuck did I just read. Even with that warning, I died of cringe.

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  • giraffe007 said:
    This Lopunny is insolent, the trainer must like her a lot given the way she talks to him. (or maybe she loves him a lot and expresses her love poorly.)
    ...Why do I think so much about a pokemon porn video?

    Touch grass

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  • sputty said:
    There's ways to train dogs. Food motivation... play motivation... Give them motivation to get them to do what you want.
    You're telling me you have a sex-motivated pokemon and she can't 1HKO a lvl 35 Gyarados with a quick attack yet? What a horrible trainer.

    Play well, eat well, sleep well! That is the turtle hermit way!

    Seems this Pokémon is missing the "eat well" part. Make sure to feed your Pokémon!

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  • This is why you need to commit to the BDSM act with a lopunny. Sure you're whipping her into shape but use an actual whip.

    Kinda like the old tamer sprites from gen 1 of Pokemon. But if she acts up. Just spank her. Reeallly get into it.

    Otherwise she'll act like a goddamned brat.

    And that's professor Tamamo's lesson for how to deal with a bratty lopunny.

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  • highhealth said:
    People disliking whatever comment for no reason

    Probably got tired of people linking to that "It's not illegal, Batman!" video which was pretty cringeworthy, to be fair.

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  • sputty said:
    There's ways to train dogs. Food motivation... play motivation... Give them motivation to get them to do what you want.
    You're telling me you have a sex-motivated pokemon and she can't 1HKO a lvl 35 Gyarados with a quick attack yet? What a horrible trainer.

    Tell me you've never played a full Pokémon game without telling me you've never played a full Pokémon game.

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