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Children: 2 children (learn more) show »

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A young man strode down a windy dirt road; the billowy trees on either side of it shifting and dancing with the calm autumn breeze. The dirty-blond haired boy carried with him a basket of assorted food that his mother had prepared for him to deliver to his sick grandfather. He kept the basket close to his side as he navigated the curves of the rustic road, all the while the blue hooded cloak that he wore blew behind him against the wind.

Billy, also aptly referred to by some of the local townsfolk as "Little Blue Riding Hood," stopped along the side of the road to take a quick break. He looked on ahead of him to see that the windy trail seemed to extend on forever, although he could estimate that he only had a couple miles of travel left to get to his grandfather's cottage. After having already traversed the trail through the woods for several miles already, he wanted to stop for a momentary rest before continuing.

Along the side of the road, Billy sat himself down against one of the oak trees which appeared to be particularly larger than all the others. He propped himself back against the massive trunk and sat the picnic basket down beside him, stretching himself out and yawning as he relaxed. He looked up and marveled at the carefree sights and sounds of a flock of birds chirping and dancing in the sky together. Meanwhile a pleasing scent filled his nostrils from the freshly-baked food in the basket.

Billy tucked in his knees and brushed some dirt and twigs off of his blue cloak. He leaned his head back on the tree with his eyes closed out of relaxation from the serenity of the peaceful forest.

Faintly however, he heard rustling come from the nearby brush. Following it, he heard a flock of birds breaking forth and fleeing from the canopy of the above trees in fear. Billy's eyes opened and he looked about the trail in confusion and apprehensiveness, expecting someone to have approached along the dirt road. He saw nobody, however; the road appeared deserted in both directions.
Billy regained his composure and was about to cover his eyes with the hood and recline himself back on the tree behind him again before he was interrupted by an unexpected noise.

"Little Blue Riding Hood; it's unwise to venture into the woods alone," a husky voice spoke near the right side of his head.

A startled Billy spun around and simultaneously bolted off the tree trunk. When he looked up, his eyes bulged out of his head as he was met with quite a sight.

There, leaning over the tree that Billy had been resting against, was a tall, furry form gleaming down at him. The creature had clearly wolfish features including a coating of grey fur, yellow eyes, claws, a tail, and a maw of fiendish dagger-like teeth. The creature stood upright though; its two legs causing it to tower well over Little Blue Riding Hood.

The wolfish creature smiled at the boy's jolt of fear and the guise of shock that he now wore at seeing it. It casually leaned back on the tree, looking down at him curiously.

"Oh my, have I startled you, young man?" the Big Bad Wolf cheekily asked with a grin.
Billy cleared his throat and looked at the wolf creature intently. The initial shock at seeing this amazing and terrifying creature was still present, but now along with it was something else entirely. With the Big Bad Wolf now fully revealed to him, Billy could now make the connection that the creature's bountiful, furry breasts upon its chest as well as the sultry, feminine voice made this creature a female. He found it difficult at first to break his gaze away from the two billowy mammaries staring him in the face.

He shook his head awkwardly and smoothed his cloak out as the she-wolf's eyes stayed upon him.

"N-, no, I was not startled, mam," he lied, his voice cracking prematurely. "I just, err, stumbled is all."

The Big Bad Wolf continued to grin down at him, her eyes moving from place to place over his body while a clawed hand rubbed at her own stomach in circles. After a moment, she indicated the nearby picnic basket by tapping it with one of her padded feet.

"Where are you off to with this, my young lad?" she asked, continuing to rub her taut furry stomach with a hand.
Billy frowned to himself slightly. He in his youthful adolescent angst grew increasingly annoyed whenever people still referred to him as "young man" or "Little Blue Riding Hood." He was thirteen after all, and no longer viewed himself as "little," although everyone else still seemed to.

He picked himself up onto his feet and rubbed the last of the twigs and dirt from his breeches while looking up at her.

"I have to take this food to my grandfather. He's very ill, you see, and I need to bring this to him to make him feel better," he replied.

The Big Bad Wolf stepped up to him, causing him to flinch slightly. As she sauntered over to him, her large breasts swayed back and forth, only keeping his buggy-eyes gaze fixed on them more.

"That's a very kind thing for you to do for your poor grandfather," she grinned, circling around him.

Billy spun around to face her, but whenever he did she would anticipate his move and quickly appear behind him again as if toying with him.

"But, aren't you a tad young to be wandering off alone? How old are you, boy?" she huskily asked, continuing to playfully circle him.
He gulped, growing nervous and frustrated that she would evade his gaze every time he spun to face her.

"I'm not too young to go through these woods," he firmly replied. "I'm thirteen."

She let out a low appreciative growl in her throat at this, sensually rubbing her stomach just above her navel. Billy could see her out of the corner of his eye and heard the intimidating growl that she'd given him which sent a tingling chill up his spine.

"But, young lad; surely you must know that it is getting late. The forest is no place to be once the sun goes down," said the wolf.

Billy frowned incredulously. Getting late? It was not an hour past midday! Billy thought to himself.

"Yes, yes," she continued, "Surely you must know that the woods are filled with terrible creatures at night."

Terrible creatures? What in these woods could possibly be scarier than she was?

She worked her way around him again until she was towering over behind his back. She put her hands on his shoulders, grinning as she felt a shudder run through him from the contact.
"You must stay here with me, my boy, just until morning," she insisted, "I'll not have you going off down that road, not with all the dangers in these woods and not with the sun going down, no I won't," she said, squeezing his shoulders gently.

Billy bit his bottom lip as he felt her soft fuzzy hands linger on his shoulders, rubbing them gently. He then shivered and his mouth croaked open in momentary pleasure as he felt one of her claws go under his blue hood and tickle at his neck.

"B- but, I have to take the food to my grandfather," he croaked awkwardly, sighing as he felt her claw sensually tickle at his neck in circles while her other hand massaged his shoulder.

The Big Bad Wolf grinned as continued rubbing at him. She put her nose near him and sniffed him deeply. His twinge of fear and his growing arousal were driving her wild.

"Surely he can wait a few hours," she whispered into the boy's ear, "Your grandfather wouldn't want you getting hurt out here, would he?" she emphasized her question by running a hand smoothly up and down his back in strokes.
Billy sighed as the she-wolf's gentle tickling motions were causing his reluctance to slip away. He began to blush beneath his hood as her stimulations sent a warmth through him.

"No...I suppose he wouldn't," he sighed as her claw grazed his cheek.

She grinned through her wolfish maw. Perfect. He's starting to want it. The Wolf thought to herself with joy.

She put her snout near his ear again and whispered, "So...will you stay with me tonight? I'll keep you safe and you can return to your grandfather tomorrow morning."

He felt her paw/hand go down to his side and tickle it, causing him to let out a slight laugh at the sensation. Gradually he nodded his head in response to her.

"Ok, I suppose I can afford to go to the cottage in the morning. I don't want to run into anything dangerous, after all," he softly replied.

The Big Bad Wolf beamed at this, her maw of sharp teeth spreading into a happy grin.

"Excellent, my boy!" she happily exclaimed, "Come now, let's go to my humble little...sanctuary," she said with a smirk, leading him over to his basket.
Her arm was hooked around his shoulder as he was walked over to the tree and she prompted him to pick it. Billy gathered up his food and the Big Bad Wolf urged him gently forward past the large oak and further into the forest.

Billy looked up at her to see that she too was staring back down at him with that same toothy smile. Her breasts were pushed out in front of her as she walked, captivating him. The pink nipples and areolae starkly contrasted with the grey fur coating them. The fact that the young boy was staring at her full beauties didn't go unnoticed by her. She grinned appreciatively and pulled him in closer to her as they walked; her arm snaked around his shoulder to draw him to her until his cheek pressed against her breast.

The Big Bad Wolf led him through the forest away further away from the trail for about fifteen minutes. As they went along, the hand that had been grasping his shoulder had shifted itself lower. Billy blushed and went rigid as he felt one of her clawed hands squeeze his bum.

She half expected the hooded boy to break away from her and run after she'd done that. But no, he continued to dutifully walk along with her even as one of her hands roamed over his body. She suspected that he was either too shocked to even react, or that part of him actually enjoyed the attention she was giving him.
They eventually came to a section of the woods that was more enclosed. The grove was surrounded by thick shrubbery and taller trees to make it isolated from the rest of the forest. What Billy found surprising was that in the center of the alcove was just a single silken blanket.

She led him over to the blanket and sat down, casually reclining her tall wolfish form back upon it. She smiled and intentionally parted her legs, giving Little Blue Riding Hood an unobstructed view of the first pussy that he'd ever laid eyes upon in his young life.

He gasped and even dropped the picnic basket to the ground in dumbfounded surprise as he saw a womanly orifice for the first time. The Big Bad Wolf's pink pussy lips gleamed up at him, the lips swollen and glistening with her arousal between her furry thighs. She sensually rubbed the inside of her thigh and gave a wicked smile while the boy's eyes remained fixed on this pink pussy while his mouth hung open. She lowered her head down and looked with admiration to see a rising bulge in the boy's brown breeches.
Perfect; he obviously likes what he sees. He'll be falling under my spell in no time.

She smiled up at him, beckoning him over by patting the blanket beside her. Billy bit his lip and slowly walked over to her nervously. He sheepishly sat himself down beside her, struggling to contain his arousal at seeing the she-wolf's pussy by straightening out his breeches to conceal his unexpected erection. She looked at the bulge in his pants and licked her lips as he sat next to her.

They sat in silence for a few moments; Billy sat and looked around to admire the beauty of the forest while occasionally casting a sideways glance at the tall wolf beside him. Meanwhile, her eyes were travelling all over the young man's body while naughty thoughts played out in her head. Her eyes went from his freckled face beneath the blue hood, to his slim torso, to his legs that he'd curled up to keep his subsiding hardness hidden from her.

This one is quite the treat. So slim and short and innocent, just the way I like them. This is going to be a lot of fun.
A chilling breeze suddenly blew into the alcove, causing Billy to shiver and hug his cloak against him tighter to fight the chill. The Big Bad Wolf noticed this as well and scooted herself closer to her young guest.

"Oh my, are you cold, dear?" she asked him.

Billy's teeth chattered beneath the hood as the chill ceased to let up. He quickly nodded to her in response. She smiled and opened her furry arms invitingly.

"I've got plenty of warmth to go around. You're welcome to it, if you want," she offered with a tender smile.

Billy bit his lip and looked at her cushiony breasts with the pointy pink nipples as well as the pink fruit nestled between her legs (which she hadn't closed). As he continued shivering, he realized that he didn't really have any other way of getting warm. He just hoped that she wouldn't notice him growing stiff within his pants. That would be embarrassing for him, he thought.

He shuffled his way over to her on his knees and leaned back into her, snuggling himself into her side. She smiled and wrapped an arm protectively around him, keeping him pressed against her furry, warm body. Meanwhile, one of her legs and coiled about his side and pulled him closer into her so that he was pressed right into the middle of her. His head was pressed back in between both of her breasts while her legs were on either side of him.
He leaned back into her loving embrace and gradually began to feel his shivering lessen because of being pressed against this warm she-wolf. Vaguely, he felt her hot breath on his neck even with the blue hood in the way. He also began to feel something else behind him running up and down his back. He then gasped as he realized that the she-wolf was grinding her womanhood up and down his back while her hands tickled at his sides.

His hard cock which had only just started to go down began to swell up again as he felt her pussy grind along his back, smearing juices along his shirt. He fidgeted his legs uncomfortably as it got to the point where his hard manhood had no wiggle room in his trousers. The Big Bad Wolf noticed him fidgeting as well and stopped her grinding movements as her breathing slowed as well.

"What's wrong, Little Blue Riding Hood? Is someone uncomfortable?" she asked sweetly.

Billy willed his arousal to go down, but it was no use; there was no hiding it now.

"Ye-, yes...a little bit," he sheepishly replied.
Her hand went down to his knee and she gently squeezed it.

"Hmm, it's not here I suppose?" she coyly asked him.

Her hand then traveled lower until it went to his thigh.

"Or here perhaps?"

Billy shivered from the contact and squirmed his legs. Her hand crawled closer to his entrapped cock until it was touching it. The claw of her pointer finger delicately circled the covered head before her entire hand wrapped around the entire shaft beneath his pants.

He gasped and his hips jerked as she gripped his member. She gave a massive grin from ear to ear across her maw.

"Ah...I thought it might be here. This must be really uncomfortable for you, isn't it? It feels really hard to me," she grinned, giving it a squeeze.

Billy nodded, sighing as her hand made up and down stroking motions on his covered cock. He looked down to see that the wolf's hand was tugging at his breeches.

She made a tsk noise. "Poor boy needs relief, don't you? Would you like some help with this?"

He looked up at her and then down at her hand pulling at the band of his pants hesitantly.
"No...yes...I, I don't know," he squeaked reluctantly. Truly he wanted release like nothing else, however, the presence of claws made for a rather frightening prospect.

"Oh don't you worry, young man, I'm not going to hurt you. No, no, I only want to make you feel good," she grinned running her hands up the insides of his thighs and to his covered cock again. "Doesn't this feel good?"

As her furry hand squeezed his member he realized that it did feel good and that it would probably feel far better if her hand was directly rubbing it.

He quickly nodded his head at her vigorously.

She giggled through her maw. "Then...let's let it out why don't we?"

With that she tugged at his pants, unceremoniously pulling them down his waist until his smooth cock sprang out. The young man sighed and his head fell back against her soft breasts as his prick was released and stood up in the frigid air.

The Big Bad Wolf looked down at his bobbing cock, her eyes glistening and her mouth panting like a bitch in heat. Her hand immediately went to his cock, wrapping around it as she pulled him up into her lap more.
"I love young virgin cock," she whispered into his ear. "They're so smooth and fresh. And you know who else likes them? My pussy really likes them." She pulled his blue hood off of his head with her teeth and whispered into his ear, "I think it's going to love having yours inside it," she hissed, licking his earlobe.

With that she began to furiously jerk him off, her furry grey hand stroking his cock smoothly. The thirteen year old moaned and began to buck his hips up into her stroking fist. The wolf smiled and kissed at his blond hair with her maw, delighting in the sound of his whimpers and moans of pleasure as she stroked his cock up and down.

The Big Bad Wolf upped the ante of her stroking and gave it gentle squeezes, taking great care not to injure her new toy with her claws. As precum began to ooze from the head of his cock and drench her stroking fist, she began to kiss and lick his cheek while whispering naughty things into his ear.

"You like that, don't you? It feels good, right? When you stroke yourself, I bet you think about sliding inside the pussy of a pretty farm girl, don't you? Are you thinking about that now? Or are you thinking about sliding up into my pussy? Well...that can be arranged if you want it," she hissed, her fist gliding up and down his self-lubricating young cock even faster.
He whimpered as he felt something boiling in his loins. "Oh, I...I feel strange, I'm going to..." he moaned.

She slowed her stroking and stopped altogether just as he was right on the edge. "Hmm, I can't have that happening just yet can I? Not until I've gotten a few fillings of your boycum in my holes," she hissed.

She suddenly pushed him off her lap and he landed on his stomach on the blanket beneath him. He looked up frantically to see what the wolf was doing, before he felt her grip his pants at the bottom and give them a big tug, completely ripping them off of his legs.

Billy then yelped in surprise as the Big Bad Wolf pounced atop him lustfully and spun him over onto his back. Before he could comprehend anything, she quickly gripped him by the chin and pressed her maw to his mouth, thrusting her big tongue down his throat. His yelp was muffled her tongue twirling around his mouth and coiled about his own tongue, wrestling with it.

She pulled out of his mouth with a pop and her yellow eyes looked into his lustfully. Billy let out deep breaths from the intense kiss she'd surprised him with, but didn't look entirely uncomfortable.
She smiled at the flustered expression he wore on his freckled face. His cheeks were flushed and he was panting very hard.

"Oh, was I too forceful with you, baby? Well, let's try that again, shall we?"

She tangled a hand into his hair and pulled the boy closer, her maw narrowing in on his mouth slower this time. Billy was nervous but he was ready for her this time. As the Big Bad Wolf pressed her wolfish snout to his mouth, he met the kiss with open lips.

She squealed with delight as she felt the boy's tongue coil and dance with hers between their mouths. Vaguely she picked up the change in the boy's scent, indicating that he was getting more aroused as their tongues wrestled. She was even more surprised when the boy reached his hands up to start feeling at her full, furry breasts with his slender hands.

His touch was slow and experimental, but the she-wolf loved every second of it. His fingers fell upon the curves of her breasts and began to circle and stroke them, especially paying close attention to the protruding pink nipples in their centers. All the while Billy had his eyes closed and let out whimpers as he kissed into her open maw.
He opened his eyes and they pulled back from each other's wet mouths. Billy was smiling and panting, apparently no longer afraid or incredulous of her.

"First time?" she asked with a grin.

He nodded, still smiling and breathing deeply. "Yes...that was my first time, and it was great!" he exclaimed.

She beamed and her tail swished excitedly beneath her. "Well, get ready, because there will be many more first times for you today," she hissed.

The Big Bad Wolf reached around him and pulled him against her, his face pushed right in between her soft breasts; they were so big that they practically absorbed his head between them. Cradling his head in her hands, she whispered down to him, "Suck on my nipples, my boy."

He looked up into her wolfish face from between her breasts and nodded. His mouth went to one of her dainty pink nipples and he began to furiously suck on it. She moaned and growled in her throat as his fingers went to her breasts and stroked them as his lips latched onto her nipple and his teeth lightly grazed them as he sucked.
As he was enjoying her breasts, she began to undo button after button on his shirt, gradually exposing his slim, hairless chest to her greedy eyes. Soon enough she pulled open his shirt and cast it aside alone with his blue hood, leaving him completely naked to her. As he continued to avidly suckle on her nipples, she ran her hands up and down his smooth torso, delighting in the feel of it.

After another moment, she pulled his head gently back and gave Little Blue Riding Hood a wet lick across his face.

"Now...I think it's time for a good cock sucking, don't you?" she smiled at him mischievously.

He gasped at this prospect, both in wonderment, and a slight twinge of fear again at the thought of the she-wolf's mouth of dagger-like teeth.

As if she knew this was the case, she said, "Oh don't worry, Little Blue Riding Hood; I wouldn't want to damage my new plaything. You'll be fine," she assured him sweetly.

She reached down and gripped his cock, feeling its hardness in her hand. She crawled lower until her head was between his splayed-open legs and her yellow eyes looked up into his face.
"I'm hungry for a load of virgin boy spunk and I don't plan on pulling my mouth away until I get exactly that. So, I hope you know that I won't be going easy on you," she said, stroking his cock to full hardness.

He looked at her nervously and excitedly and nodded his head. "I'm ready," he softly replied.

She gave a hearty chuckle. "Oh no, you're not ready for this. But...ready or not, here I come."

The Big Bad Wolf hoisted the boy up by both of his legs until she held him dangling above the ground before her. With that, she then quickly devoured his cock with her maw, shoving down as far in as she could while her tongue coiled around it. Her maw pistoned up and down his cock with loud slurping and sucking noises filling the wooded alcove. With her hands wrapped around his thighs, she pulled him into her mouth while pistoning her mouth onto his cock as if he were a popsicle for her.

Billy's legs shook and quivered from the intense sucking that he was receiving from this strong female wolf. He moaned as he felt every wet lick that her thick canine-like tongue expertly made around his shaft. After she would take him down her throat and twirl her tongue around his cock, she would pull him completely out and lick at his balls and the underside of his cock and head, before continuing the process again.
This was more stimulation than any inexperienced young man could take. As she pulled him by the buttocks to suck his cock in and out of her maw, he began to instinctively hump his hips into her mouth as he felt a climax short in the coming.

" can't hold on...I have to-," he moaned, humping himself against her mouth harder.

"Mmm hmm," The Big Bad Wolf growled through a cock-filled maw, grinning as she did.

She intensified her sucking, coiling her thick wet tongue around his member and sucking furiously. She gripped him by the buttocks and pulled him into the back of her throat and held him there.

Billy cried out loud and his hands tangled into the fur of her wolfish head as his semen built up for release. In her mouth, her tongue and lips formed a tight seal on his cock so that none of his cum would go wasted. His balls tightened a moment before the pressurized cum exploded up his young cock and squirted against the back of her throat.

She held him steady as rope after rope of his adolescent cum splashed and hit the back of her throat, each of which she greedily swallowed down with fervor. Billy moaned and saw stars as she ate down his cum and she gobbled up his cock furiously. This felt a million times better to him than finding solitary relief in his own bed back home.
Finally his hips slowed and he collapsed back against her huge hands with a sigh. His cock stopped finished releasing its creamy treat into the wolf's hungry mouth finally. The Big Bad Wolf swallowed the remainder of his cum and coiled her tongue around his tender cock to collect any remaining residue. She then popped him out of her mouth and gently laid the tired lad back down onto the blanket.

She licked her lips, collecting the last string of his cum and drinking it in with a smile across her maw.

"Ah," she sighed before gulping, "So tasty. If I could thrive on boy cum, I gladly would."

She turned her gaze downward to see his slim chest rising and falling in relaxed breaths. He looked up at her with dizzy eyes and smiled at her.

She laughed loudly. "Someone enjoyed that I see. How did it feel my cute boy?"

He grinned at her, feeling his semi-hard cock still pulsing. "Really, really good," he cooed happily.

She beamed. "Good, I'm glad. And I'll bet you thought I was going to eat you, right? Well...I suppose I did, just not literally," she chuckled.
Billy laughed too, laying his head back and closing his eyes. The Big Bad Wolf laid down beside him and began to gently stroke his head with one of her hands.

"You see...people seem to think that I am a monster or sorts. But really, all I want to do find young boys like you wandering in the woods and give them a place to release their raging hormones. Well...and mine too of course," she giggled. "It's hard to look at me like a monster after you've cum inside my mouth and pussy a few times, isn't it?"

Billy nodded and laughed with her. She straddled him and began to kiss and lick at his chest and nipples, causing him to giggle serenely. She reached down and gave his cock a squeeze, gasping as she realized that he was still plenty hard even after having released a payload of cum into her mouth.

"My, my, Little Blue Riding Hood is still hard and ready for more, I see?" she tsked, grinning down at him. "Well...maybe it's about time you lose that pesky virginity of yours, hmm?"

Billy looked back and forth between his hard cock and her face with slight hesitation.
"Well...I want to...but my mother always said that I should save that for a special girl that I marry," Billy argued softly.

The Big Bad Wolf licked his cheek and fondled at his cock, coaxing it to get harder under her grip. He sighed from the feeling.

"That's no fun. Come on, little one; what momma doesn't know won't hurt her. It will feel really good," she tempted him, "Even better than what I did with my mouth."

Billy bit his lip as the wanting spread through him and his resolve slipped away. The Big Bad Wolf scooted herself up his chest and straddled his head. He now looked directly into the seething wet pink pussy lips of this she-wolf. He gasped as its beauty was hovering right above his face, enticing him.

"See...look at how wet you've made me," she said, plucking apart her pussy lips and showing off the glistening folds. She then began to drive her own pointer finger in and out of her pussy, mimicking the carnal act of sex.

"This can be your cock instead of my finger, imagine it," she said while continuing to finger herself. "Nice and wet and tight and hot, and a cozy place for you to fill up with more of that boyseed," she hissed.
"Ah, I know what to do to get you to come around," she continued.

She pulled her furry finger out of her dripping twat and lowered her pussy down onto his open mouth.

"Lick," she gently commanded, "Taste my sweetness."

Billy hesitantly complied, flicking his tongue out against her swollen pink pussy lips. His eyes widened as he tasted their sweetness on his tongue. He gently dipped his tongue deeper into her honey pot to delve for more of that sweet taste while the Big Bad Wolf growled and gyrated her slit onto his mouth.

"Mmm, such a good tongue," she sighed. As his tongue circled her lips and licked away into her, she plucked her lips apart and pointed to the little nub at the top of her folds.

"If you pay close attention to that, my boy, I promise that I will give you the best fucking of your young life," she hissed, pointing to her clit.

Billy looked at the enticing pink nub. Even without her telling him anything, he was compelled to lick and nibble on the love button. He gently flicked his tongue out and lashed it at her sweet spot.
The Big Bad Wolf jerked her furry hips and howled as the boy beneath her began to suck upon her sensitive clit. He would then circle around her wet lips and lash it against her clit repeatedly. Already she felt an orgasm of her own approaching; however, she preferred orgasms induced with a young cock buried in her pussy.

She retracted her hips from his face, causing the boy to look up at her questioningly. She scooted herself down until her glistening pussy was positioned over his hard cock.

"So, Little Blue Riding Hood, are you ready to lose that virginity now?" she asked mischievously, gripping his hard shaft and pressing her hot pussy lips gently down onto the head.

He nodded his head to her vigorously, groaning and pushing his hips with his desire to be inside her now.

"Yessss," he gasped, "Please, I am, I am!" he replied urgently.

Her smile gleamed down at him as she wiggled her hips and prepared for entry.

"You'll love this. Just sit back and enjoy the ride," she lustfully said to him.

Billy bit his lip with anticipation as he felt her hot pink lips press against the head of his cock. With everything in line, she growled in her throat and forced her hips down, taking his shaft inside her hot, boycock-hungry cavern in one downward swoop. They both moaned in pleasure and delight and Billy threw his head back as he lost his virginity to this lovely she-wolf.
The Big Bad Wolf thrust herself down the rest of the way, taking his cock inside her pussy to the brim. She sighed and licked her lips as her pussy walls wrapped snugly around his hard young cock lovingly. She put her hands on his chest and rolled her hips around, feeling his cock moving inside her.

"I'll have you coming back for more, my little lovely," she growled.

She then raised herself up, his cock slipping wetly from her embracing confines, before slamming herself down again. They both continued to moan in pleasure as she dictated the pace, sliding herself up and down his hard shaft. Billy was going crazy with pleasure from having his cock inside a warm, wet inviting pussy for the first time in his thirteen years. He couldn't imagine anything feeling better in his life.

Soon enough, she was rocking against him harder and faster, his cock sliding in and out at an amazing pace while her furry thighs smacked against his skin. With every downward stroke, she felt his pelvis collide with her protruding clit, causing her to bite her lips with pleasure every time it happened.
Billy soon began to thrust up into her as well; an instinct deep in his being driving him to get into the natural way of mating. As they both thrust against each other, his cock slipping in and out of her tight silky passage, she began to moan down to him.

"Mmm, so good...I love young men like you. So eager to learn and eager to please. Oh yes...keep fucking my pussy with your energetic, youthful cock," she screamed. "Ohhh yes, I'm I cum!"

She howled like a feral wolf while continuing to ride him through her orgasm as her pussy clenched down on his shaft and she got even wetter. He thrust up inside her quicker and quicker as he felt his balls churning for another release of semen, this time into her hungry pussy. He slid in and out of her and slammed his eyes shut as he felt her channel milk his cock.

"I'm getting close again...what do I do?" he panted to her.

She rode him faster, groaning as she gripped her breasts. "Shoot your seed up inside me, of course," she moaned. "I could use some creampie now. Fill me up with all you've got, baby!"
He grit his teeth and gave her a few more hard thrusts before shoving himself as far in as he could go and held himself there. His balls conjured up another helping of sperm for release and sent it shooting up his cock. He cried out loud as he shot his load in spurts deep into her silky pussy passage.

She tweaked her nipples and moaned along with the young man beneath her as she felt every splash of his hot cum as it bathed the walls of her pussy. When he had filled her up with all that he had to give her, his hips slowed and he collapsed back on the blanket.

The Big Bad Wolf sighed, wiggling her hips to feel his hot white goo drooling along the insides of her pussy. With his cock still inside her, she flipped over onto her back with him lying on top of her; his head cushioned on her furry breasts.

She planted a kiss onto his head and stroked his hair. Her furry legs came to wrap around his back and kept him pressed snugly inside her tender pussy.

" boy. You were perfect," she panted at him.

"Thank you," Billy sighed contentedly at her as he laid down atop her.
"Let's get some sleep just like this. If you get wood in the middle of the night, you're welcome to use my pussy some more," she growled.

Billy sighed and laid his head down on her chest and fell asleep in her warm, furry embrace with her arms and legs wrapped about him.

In the middle of the night, Billy was woken up by the Big Bad Wolf's tight pussy clasping around his cock which had instinctively caused it to grow erect and stiff again. In between sleeping intervals he would thrust in and out of her pussy until he came inside her again before falling back asleep. Each time he did this, he felt her hips thrusting up against him with his strokes and heard her growl as she did.

When the Big Bad Wolf woke up in the morning, she was met with the sight of the energetic young man pounding into her pussy for the fifth time since they started, grunting and moaning as he pushed in and out of her. He then grew rigid and threw his head back as he held himself inside her pussy and unleashed another load of cum inside her.
She cooed as she felt another splash of his cum inside her along with what was already pooled up in there. She pat the naked, sweaty boy on the head with her hand and grinned.

"Morning my boy, get much sleep?"

He shook his head, panting in the wake of his orgasm. "Not...much," he replied.

She chuckled and kissed him on the mouth before pulling back and allowing him to get off of her. He pulled his cock out of her pussy with a squelch, releasing the flow of five combined cums that he'd left in there. The wolf's eyes bugged out of her head from the surprising amount left by her young friend.

"Oh my, you didn't get much sleep did you?" she laughed.

He smiled at her, beginning to pull on his clothes while she dipped her fingers into her pussy and ate out the treat that he'd left. When he was fully clothed, he pulled on his blue hood and the Big Bad Wolf stood up and handed him his picnic basket.

"You'd better get back to your grandfather now, my dear," she softly said to him.

Billy's eyes actually downturned at that and he looked disappointed that he had to leave. The she-wolf gently cupped his chin and lowered her head down to plant a kiss on his lips.
"But...I'll be waiting along the road when you come back," she huskily whispered, winking.

His mouth curved into a wicked grin that matched hers. He nodded and brazenly dipped his finger into her pussy, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"I'll be back for this later," he said to her.

My god, I've created a monster! She thought ecstatically.

"Looking forward to it, Little Blue Riding Hood," she hissed, smiling at him.

Little Blue Riding Hood spun around and made back for the main road to his grandfather's cottage. The Big Bad Wolf rubbed her breast and bit her lips in anticipation for when she'd encounter Little Blue Riding Hood again.


Billy/Little Blue Riding Hood came back down the forest road at a fast-paced walk. He had successfully delivered the basket of food to his grandfather without incident and now, a day later, it felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off of his shoulders. However, his quickened pace was not attributed to eagerness to return home nor eagerness to get out of the woods but rather a craving to return to the spot that he had been at a night before.

The blue-cloaked, blond-haired thirteen year old navigated the forest trail with ease and haste. As he did so, he was spurred on by thoughts of the peculiar and vivacious female creature that he had unexpectedly come across the day before. The female was none other than the infamous Big Bad Wolf that roamed this forest.

As it turns out, the Big Bad Wolf wasn't quite as menacing and ravenous as the local townsfolk (including his mother) had made her out to be. Sure, the wolfish features that dueled with her humanoid ones were a bit disconcerting, but she hadn't caused him any ill or harm. After their "encounter," he had been left relatively unscathed. Actually, the only thing that he had lost in the brief encounter with the she-wolf was his virginity, which she had rather pleasantly relieved him of.

Billy smiled and blushed beneath his blue riding hood as he replayed with vivid detail the moments when, within that very forest, the sexy buxom she-wolf broke him into the adventures of adult sex-play. He couldn't understand why the adults in town admonished and abhorred such open sexual behavior. How could things that felt so pleasant and good possibly be wrong? And how could he ever go back to merely rubbing himself off in his solitude when compared to the intense pleasures that this experienced female had instilled on him?

He had to find her again. For the sake of satisfying the storm of raging adolescent hormones within him he had to find this amazing creature again.

The trek along the road eventually led him to the location very near to where he had first met the Big Bad Wolf. Billy took a deep, eager breath and spun around in every direction, looking for the she-wolf. His eyes scanned over the surrounding foliage as well as the distinctively large oak tree that they'd first met at.

A twig suddenly snapped behind him, causing the boy to spin around in search of the source of the noise.
"Hello, is anyone there?" he called out into the foliage.

The bushes in front of him rustled a few times and more twigs snapped. Faintly, he saw two small yellow eyes blinking at him from the brush.

Billy smirked and smoothed out his cloak as he slowly approached the bush. He should have known that she'd be toying with him like she had the day before.

As he neared the bushes, they suddenly began to rustle more intensely before a brown form suddenly bolted forth from the sanctity of the bushes, rushing right at him. Billy yelped and fell back on the dirt road in surprise as a deer broke the brush and bolted off down the road in fear.

He shook his head and laughed as he wiped down his dirty cloak while continuing to look around for any sign of the Big Bad Wolf. Upon closer inspection of his surroundings, he frowned as he realized that he was in fact alone.

The boy shrugged and continued off down the road, hoping that maybe he would run into her further down the path. Just as he had turned around to move on, he suddenly heard an audible growl and the sound of many more twigs snapping. By the time he spun around, his eyes bulged as his vision was filled with a massive furry form. A large application of weight was suddenly pushing on his chest as the furry form plummeted into him, pressing him down into the dirt road beneath him.
Billy gasped in momentary fear as he realized that something was atop him. He then looked further down and his eyes lit up as he realized that it was none other than the female that he'd been seeking: the Big Bad Wolf. This was evidenced by the two billowy, gorgeous breasts that were level with his face as she sat astride him.

He looked up into her furry wolfish face and those striking yellow eyes. He then gulped as he realized that the Big Bad Wolf wasn't smiling or acting playful as she had the day before. Her eyes were alight with malice, her maw of teeth was clenched and growling and her claws were bared as they lightly dug into his shoulders.

Billy's mouth crooked open in fear as he struggled to free himself or say something before the she-wolf quickly stifled his next words by clamping her paw over his mouth.

"Don't squeal, boy," she growled, "It's such an unpleasant sound."

He struggled against her grip harder as she put her maw near his face and opened her mouth wide, exposing all of dazzling and terrifying teeth to him completely. She pressed his head to the side slightly, exposing his neck to her.
"Just relax. It will all be over soon," she hissed into his ear before snarling and opening her mouth wide.

Billy cried out in terror and clamped his eyes shut as he awaited her maw to bite into his neck, ending his life. This didn't come however, instead, he felt a wet, slightly scratchy appendage swipe across his neck and up to his earlobe.

He forced his eyes open and saw that the guise of ill intent on the wolf's face was gone and replacing it was huge grin spread across her maw as her canine-like tongue hung out of her mouth playfully. Her claws had also retracted and one of her hands was now tickling tenderly at his sides.

The Big Bad Wolf let out a big, hearty chuckle as she pulled her other hand away from his mouth. She cupped both of his cheeks with her hands and planted a big kiss right onto the young man's open mouth. She deftly thrust her tongue into his mouth and intertwined it with his while her hands stroked his face.

Billy had regained his composure as it had finally dawned on him that the "attack" had merely been a joke that she'd played on him. As her tongue swept around his mouth, he responded to the kiss, pressing his mouth against hers and swapping saliva in a feverish mouth-to-snout kiss. When she pulled back, she looked down at her young lover smiling up at her, clearly no longer fearful of her due to her initial ambush.
"I knew you'd be back quick, my little stud. Do you want to have some more fun?" she lustfully asked him as one of her hands narrowed in on his thigh.

He grinned and eagerly nodded his head. "Oh yeah," he replied confidently.

She laughed again and gave him another quick kiss and a lick on the nose. "You are such a delight. And you are all mine," she hissed into his ear.

With that, the Big Bad Wolf reached a furry arm under his legs and a furry arm under his torso and gathered him up into her arms like he weighed nothing. Billy gasped in surprise as he was completely hoisted off his feet as she carried him further into the forest.

With her wolfish haste and agility, her hind-legs bounded across the forest floor while the thirteen year old in her arms clung to her and was jostled back and forth with her movements. With each movement, her right furry breast swayed to and fro and the nipple grazed his cheek. He looked at her in a mutually naughty grin and his mouth latched onto her nipple and began to lick and suckle at it hungrily.
The Big Bad Wolf's legs quivered as she carried him. She let out a pleasured growl as his lips sealed themselves around her erect nipple and his teeth and tongue tenderly worked around the areola. She looked down between his legs and saw that a bulge was already forming in his pants as he licked at her breasts. As her head grew dizzy with lust and she eyed his growing erection forming in his pants she realized that she couldn't wait any longer.

"This is far enough. I need you now!" she growled lustfully as she skid to a halt in the middle of the woods.

She gently dropped him to the forest floor and made quick work of untying his pants and pulled them swiftly off his legs. She maneuvered herself over him so that her entire furry body was straddling his smaller body and her dripping wet snatch was right in his face. Billy gave a naughty grin, discarding his blue hood as her stared at her open pink delight hovering right above him. Without pretense, he gripped her warm furry thighs and buried his mouth into her dripping sweetness, slipping his tongue between those pink folds ravenously.
The Big Bad Wolf howled and jerked her hips into his blond head as she felt his tongue begin to delve into her delicious pot. She turned her gaze to the task at hand. She looked down between his legs at his smooth, fully-erect cock which was already drooling precum glaze in anticipation of what was to come. The wolf's mouth watered with lust as she wrapped a hand around his cock and began to pump the boy's meat, feeling it pulse with life in the palm of her furry hand.

She ran her hands along his thighs and then opened her mouth wide, completely engulfing his cock into her snout with a gulp. He moaned into her pussy and continued to slurp away at her as her tongue washed his member with saliva and her mouth sucked upon his hard shaft over and over. The she-wolf and her young boy lover worked to give each other equal oral pleasure; her mouth making wet slides and retreat up and down his smooth shaft while he worked his tongue along the moistened pink lips of her pussy and suckled her hard clit into his mouth as her tail swished across his forehead.
Unbeknownst to both of them, another passing figure had been made aware of their presence and was creeping through the trees to investigate the source of the noise. A tall, brawny, red-haired woodcutter hefted a large axe over her shoulder, creeping through the foliage warily as she heard the muffled moans and cries off in the distance.

The Woodcutter was a strong, athletically-built woman in her late twenties with a muscled physique. Despite the muscles and her strong general appearance, she still maintained womanly curves in just the right quantity; not to mention of course, her breasts. The Woodcutter's most blatant of womanly parts were naturally larger than average; the large mammaries standing out proudly beneath her red and black striped lumber jacket.

The Woodcutter had been finishing her lumber collection for the day and had been ready to bring her load back into town before she her attention was caught by the peculiar sounds of muffled groaning off deeper in the forest. Along with that, she began to follow the strange footprints that had been left along the dirt forest floor, leading in the direction of the noises. The footprints were padded, like that of a wolf or a fox, but were larger than the average beast that she'd encountered before. This entire situation marked trouble to the Woodcutter.
She brandished her lumber axe and cautiously moved on ahead as the noises grew louder and louder. From this distance, she could tell that one of the moans sounded distinctly like a young man in pain. The unfortunate situation that he was in remained to be seen however.

The Woodcutter took a deep breath to steady herself whilst readying her axe. She pulled back the branches of the tree in front of her and stepped forward. What she saw next nearly put her face-down on the forest floor.

Right in the middle of the forest, before the watchful female Woodcutter, were two figures lying one atop the other 69ing each other. Ordinary she would have assumed that it was two mischievous teenagers being naughty in the middle of the woods and thus she would have just left them to it. This was not the case though. What caused the Woodcutter's knees to quiver and what kept her mouth open in shock was the realization of who and what the two lovers were.

Her earlier assumption about these two being teenagers was only partially correct. The male on the bottom was a teenager, but only just. Judging by his height and overall appearance, it didn't take long for the Woodcutter to determine that the boy on the bottom couldn't be any older than fifteen! What really left her comatose though, was the female astride him.
The Woodcutter gasped as she saw a perfectly blended female form of wolf and humanoid sitting atop this young man, driving her wolfish maw up and down his cock with deep slurps while she let out pleasured growls in her throat. The Big Bad Wolf would occasionally pop the boy's cock out of her mouth and give it a few licks along the underside and along his testicles before she popped him back in her mouth while tickling his thighs.

The Woodcutter cleared her throat and rubbed her eyes as she tried to reconcile what she was seeing. She briefly considered the fact that maybe this boy was in fact in need of aid. Maybe this was happening against his will. Upon closer inspection of the boy, this consideration was quickly evaporated though. The young man was in fact avidly slurping away at the large she-wolf's juicy slit, letting out whimpers and moans of his own each time the wolf's tongue wrapped about his member as she sucked him. No...this was definitely not a violent attack, it was a full-blown consensual, albeit debauched, romp.
"Heaven almighty!" the Woodcutter gasped, covering her mouth with her hand as she pulled herself back to watch the scene from a distance.

Whether her conscious mind approved or not, the Woodcutter realized in that instant that she was becoming considerably aroused from watching this strange creature and this young man pleasure each other. Her nipples began to harden beneath her jacket and she felt her pussy begin to get very wet. One of her shaky hands moved up and cupped her breast while her other hand trailed down to her pussy, gently rubbing at her womanhood through her pants as she watched these two suck each other off with fervor.

Back in the clearing, Little Blue Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf were both reaching their peaks swiftly. She popped his cock out of her mouth and stroked it with her fist wetly while he ran his tongue along her clit.

"Are you getting close, my boy?" she asked, planting a kiss onto the swollen head of his cock.

He pulled away from her hot, juicy depths and sucked in a deep breath of air.
"Uh huh," he groaned in reply simply before diving back in.

She grinned, rubbing her nipples as her fist continued to stroke his hard cock. "Me too. I can't get enough of that tongue of yours. But, how about we get right to the main thing, hmm?"

He gave a naughty smile and nodded in agreement. He gave her clit a last quick nibble, causing a shudder to run through her, before he disengaged himself from her pussy as she did his cock. She pulled herself up off of him, allowing him to get up onto his knees. The Big Bad Wolf wrapped her arm around him and pulled him into a wet kiss before she reclined herself back onto the ground.

The she-wolf looked at the boy with lust in her eyes and opened up her legs invitingly, leaving her dripping pink pussy open. She rubbed the inside of her thighs and beckoned him over as she bit her lip with anticipation. Billy rubbed his stiff cock and shuffled up to her spread-open thighs on his knees until he was comfortably between them. Her legs came and wrapped around his back as he lined up his hard adolescent manhood with her pussy.
The Big Bad Wolf howled and Billy moaned as he buried himself fully inside her wonderful, snug pussy. Her legs wrapped around his back and pulled him tightly against him as his cock sank into her pussy and her walls wrapped lovingly around his member and sucked upon it hungrily. They settled in for a few moments before Billy drew himself out slightly before thrusting back in as her legs helped to guide his movements and her hips rose and fell with his gentle thrusts.

In the brush, the Woodcutter gasped as she watched the boy fuck the she-wolf. By now, her own womanly juices were soaking her undergarments and she could hardly contain herself as she watched the boy and his furry lover hump against each other right in front of her.

In a frenzied hurry, the Woodcutter pulled down her pants and kicked them off to the side. She pulled her sodden panties off to the side and wasted no time in thrusting her fingers deeply into her own juicy twat and fingering herself furiously. As she slipped two of her fingers wetly in and out of her pussy, she bucked her hips up and down off the ground, mimicking the she-wolf thrusting her hips in time with the boy's downward thrusts.
In the clearing, the she-wolf and the boy's fucking was intensifying and approaching a mutual climax for both of them. Billy kicked his thrusting into higher gear, slipping and sliding his cock in and out of her pussy faster as he panted and began to sweat. Her tongue hung out of her mouth and she threw her head back as she felt her orgasm coming upon her while continuing to thrust her hips up in time with him, feeling his cock slipping in and out of her.

Billy moaned and saw stars as his balls tightened. He buried himself inside her to the hilt as he pumped his flow of warm creamy cum deep inside the Big Bad Wolf's pussy. The Big Bad Wolf growled, grinding her pelvis against his as she felt his strands of cum shoot up inside her where she liked it, thus triggering off her own orgasm as well. The walls of her pussy contracted and clenched tightly around his shaft, milking what was left of his cum into her pussy before he collapsed atop her, burying his head into her ample furry bosom.

As Billy and the Big Bad Wolf finished cumming, the Woodcutter's self-induced orgasm had only just begun. As she had watched the two furiously romp, she had fingered herself at a blinding pace while sweeping her fingers up to rub her clit. She then clenched and threw her head back moaning as she came, squirting her juices onto the forest floor as she pinched her clit. She sighed, closing her eyes shut, serene relief washing over her voluptuous body as she finished cumming.
The wolf's ears perked up as she heard the distinctive whimper and moan coming from the nearby bushes. She also began to sniff at the air as her advanced senses picked up the musky scent of feminine arousal. Billy picked his tired head up from off of her breasts and looked up into her wolfish visage curiously as the Big Bad Wolf's eyes scanned the clearing.

"What is it?" he asked, rubbing his eye.

She gently gripped him by his hips and pulled him up out of her with a squelch and slurp as some of his cum dripped onto the ground as his semi-flaccid cock popped out of her. She regained her footing and started walking toward the spot that she'd heard the noise originate from.

"Stay here," she whispered down to him.

Billy looked at her incredulously as the Big Bad Wolf crept over to the bushes; her tail swishing behind her with her caution as she went. With quick speed, she suddenly burst through the bushes, taking the unexpected guest by surprise.

The brief struggle took place outside of Billy's view, but he could hear a gasp and a series of vocal protests from another feminine voice as the foliage shook with the conflict. After a few moments, two figures came rustling into the clearing from the brush. The Big Bad Wolf led a human woman into the clearing with a wide grin crossing her maw.
Billy stifled a gasp as he noticed that the red-headed woman was missing her pants. Even more than that, he noticed clear droplets of fluid dripping down her toned legs, leading up to a moist pussy with a small, thin patch of fiery red pubic hair.

The Big Bad Wolf chuckled, giving the Woodcutter and playful smack on her bare ass, causing the woman to yelp in surprise.

"Look at what I found, my boy!" the Big Bad Wolf hollered. "This sexy little strumpet was watching our little show!"

The Woodcutter rubbed her arm and blushed and Billy did as well, averting his gaze slightly but still looking between her legs at her dripping cooch. The Big Bad Wolf reached down and plucked apart the red-head's pussy with two of her claws, leaving it open and exposed for Billy to look at.

"And look at this; the horny vixen couldn't even wait to start finger fucking herself while she watched us!"

Billy gasped at this prospect, realizing that that was why she was wet, because she too had orgasmed while watching them. He gulped as he felt his semi-flaccid cock begin to harden again, spurred on by thoughts of this muscular yet sexy woman fingering herself by watching HIM have sex. Him, a mere boy.
Both the Woodcutter and the Big Bad Wolf took notice of this detail as well. The red head bit her lip as she watched his glistening young erection begin to expand before her eyes.

"Hey, Little Blue Riding Hood," the wolf huskily said, "She's eyeballing your cock like it's candy," she chuckled, dipping her finger into the human woman's sweltering pussy.

She put her maw near the Woodcutter's ear and whispered, "I'll bet you have an appetite for boycock too, am I right?"

The Woodcutter could only groan with lust as the wolf's claw flicked across her clit gently while she herself continued to look with admiration the young man's cock.

"Hey honey...I've got a treat for you," the Big Bad Wolf whispered.

The she-wolf dipped her fingers now into her own pussy, feeling around for the warm ooze that the young man had left behind in her snatch. She pulled out a big glob of his cum and held it out on the tips of her fingers. She then brought them up to the red-head woman's mouth and unceremoniously shoved her fingers into her mouth, feeding her some of Billy's fresh cum directly from her pussy.
The Woodcutter's eyes bulged as she tasted the salty fluid on her tongue, knowing that this seed came from this thirteen-year-old boy sitting right in front of her. After a moment, she realized of course that she absolutely loved the taste of cum and relished the idea of drinking down the essence of such a young man that she'd never in her wildest dreams imagine that she'd have an attraction to.

The wolf slipped her fingers out of the woman's mouth as she gulped it down. Billy meanwhile was sitting there amazed at what he'd just seen. By now his cock was so hard that it almost hurt.

"Want some more?" the Big Bad Wolf asked the Woodcutter.

The blushing woman eagerly nodded her head in response. The Big Bad Wolf then made a tsk noise.

"Well that's too bad. If you want some more, you'll have to go get it directly from the source. I worked for my load of cum, now you'll have to work for yours. Isn't that right, my boy?" The Big Bad Wolf asked with a fiendish grin.

Billy smiled and nodded, his cock twitching with anticipation. The Big Bad Wolf tapped her lips with her finger as if in deep thought. Her eyes then lit up as she turned her gaze downward to the jacket covering the Woodcutter's bountiful, milky tits.
"I know what you can do," she whispered so only the Woodcutter could her.

"Hey boy, take a look at these babies!" The Big Bad Wolf announced. With that, she gave a firm tug at the Woodcutter's jacket, causing it to fall open at the buttons and the woman's massive jugs to flop out into the air.

Billy's eyes damn near bugged out of his head as he feasted his eyes on the largest, most attractive breasts that he'd ever had the pleasure of beholding. The woman's large, milky breasts were complimented by flawless skin and hardened-tipped nipples that practically twinkled at him. The Big Bad Wolf too was taken aback by just how well-endowed this woman was.

"Holy cow! You could sink a ship with these beauties!" The wolf gasped, gently gripping one of the woman's breasts and giving it a squeeze. She looked back and forth between the woman's jugs and Billy's throbbing cock as a wicked idea came to mind.

"Lay down on the floor," the Big Bad Wolf suddenly commanded her.

The Woodcutter gulped with slight nervousness as she looked between the she-wolf and boy a moment. She then nodded her head and laid down on the ground flat. The Big Bad Wolf beckoned Billy over to the prone woman as she knelt down beside her. Billy slowly walked over to the red-head as his cock continued to throb.
The Big Bad Wolf pulled him by the buttocks toward her and engulfed his prick into her mouth, washing it and getting it plenty wet. He groaned from the sensation before she pulled him out of her mouth. She then knelt her head down and gave equal oral treatment to the crevice between the Woodcutter's huge breasts before pulling herself away.

Turning back toward Billy, the Big Bad Wolf said, "Now, sit on top of her chest."

Billy licked his lips and complied, sitting atop the woman's torso while his knees were on either side of her. His cock was now pointing directly at the woman's milky tits.

The Woodcutter looked at where his cock was positioned and her eyes grew alight not with fear but rather naughty excitement. She now smiled happily and made the next move herself, cupping her hands at the side of her breasts and squishing them together so that there was a narrow little passage for his cock to fill between her tits.

The Big Bad Wolf chuckled as the woman took initiative. "That's the idea babe! Now, my boy, go to town! Push it in!" she encouraged him.
Billy aligned his wet cock with the valley between the two wonderful breasts and pushed his hips forward. He awed at the new sensation as his cock slid between the near-stifling proportions of the Woodcutter's busty jugs. He looked down in wonderment at the sight of his cock completely disappearing between the two beauties as they snugly cushioned his erection between them like two buns.

With that, he drew himself back and began to saw himself in and out, sliding his cock back and forth between the two tits while she kept them pressed tightly together. He moaned and gasped at this wonderful feeling as his cock appeared and disappeared within the confines of her billowy tits over and over again.

The Big Bad Wolf meanwhile had grown considerably horny again from watching this titfuck happening between this woman and her young lover. She now decided to take to her own devices to get herself off again as the boy was working toward shooting a milky load all over the woman's breasts.

She got herself comfortable between the other female's slender legs. She scooted herself forward, intertwining her furry leg with the Woodcutter's. She then shifted her hips closer until her pussy was pressing directly against the wet pink lips of the Woodcutter's pussy and her furry pelvis tickled at the human woman's skin.
The Woodcutter groaned as she felt the moistened petals of her pussy brushed against another set of female lips as the she-wolf's hips locked around her legs. She continued to pressed her breasts together to make it a pleasurable experience for the boy fucking her tits above her but it was increasingly difficult with her pussy kissing another pussy down below.

The Big Bad Wolf then began to furiously grind herself against the woman's glistening slit, sweeping her protruding clit up to the Woodcutter's as she growled and rubbed at her own breast. Soon enough, the Woodcutter was moaning from the feeling as well and began to grind her pussy back against the she-wolf's. The two females were no furiously tribbing and scissoring each other while Little Blue Riding Hood was "riding" the snug crevice between the Woodcutter's luscious breasts.

Billy thrust his cock in and out between her tits faster, gasping and moaning as he did so. The Woodcutter pressed her breasts together and tweaked at her own nipples while grinding her pussy hard against the Big Bad Wolf's and looking up with lust at the boy.
"That's right, dear, fuck those milk jugs nice and good," the Woodcutter hissed, speaking the first words she had since being discovered.

Billy groaned and his thrusts grew more frantic as his sweat intermingled with the woman beneath him. "I'm gonna burst at any second," he gasped.

At that, the Big Bad Wolf frantically unlatched her thighs and pussy from the Woodcutter's as a strand of pussy juice clung between the two of them. She scooted up and quickly pulled Billy off of her chest and brought him down to a laying position. The Woodcutter raised herself up and approached the Big Bad Wolf who was staring right at the boy's young cock.

"Come on babe, let's give him a sucking he'll never forget," the Big Bad Wolf said, winking at her.

The Woodcutter smirked brought her head down so that it was between the boy's thighs right beside the she-wolf's. Billy looked down with amazement at the sight of two gorgeous female heads about to lovingly wash his erection with their mouths at the same time.

He moaned as both sets of female lips and tongues made contact with the flesh of his cock. The Woodcutter sucked the head of his cock into her mouth and her tongue ran itself along the underside of the head while the Big Bad Wolf ran her flatter, larger tongue up the length of the underside of the shaft. They would both then trade off in intervals, moving from his balls to his shaft to the head and so on, all the while their striking eyes never left his.
This was too much pleasure for any man, boy or beast to behold at any one time. With a groan and his hands intertwining with the hair of both female heads, Billy's hips jerked and his cock twitched twice before streams of his white seed sprayed forth from his cock, raining down onto both the Big Bad Wolf and sexy Woodcutter. Both females pulled themselves wetly back from his cock as soon as he started cuming and happily opened their mouths as he shot wads of his cum into both of their mouths. They swallowed down each shot greedily as the boy moaned. Finally, his cock stopped twitching and he fell back onto the ground in a heap.

As Billy regained his composure, the two woman greedily drank down his salty see before they pressed their hungry mouths together and began to swap what was left of his cum between them. When they had finished they gulped down the remaining residue and let out satisfied sighs.

Billy looked up at both of them with a serene, happy smile crossing his features. To his astonishment (and that of the females), he realized that he was already getting hard again just from looking at the two sexy females huddled against each other with his own cum dripping from their breasts.
The Woodcutter's eyes lit up as his energetic cock started to gain renewed life again. "My god," she gasped. "Does he ever get tired?"

The Big Bad Wolf chuckled. "No he doesn't, and that's just the way I like it. He may be a young little thing but he fucks with the energy of a jackrabbit. Think you have it in you for one more go?" she asked the young man.

Billy wiped sweat from his brow but eagerly nodded his head.

The Big Bad Wolf smiled and pressed her lips up against the Woodcutter's ear. She whispered something to the other woman that Billy couldn't hear; however, after a moment, the Woodcutter let out a happy squeal and clapped her hands like a little schoolgirl.

"I definitely want to try that," the Woodcutter replied back to her.

The busty redhead reclined herself back onto the ground, raising her butt off of the floor slightly and spreading her legs wide apart.

"Come here, my boy," the Big Bad Wolf motioned him over between the Woodcutter's spread legs.

Billy shuffled over and sat himself down on his knees between her splayed open legs. The Big Bad Wolf took hold of his cock and began to suckle upon it, getting it more lubricated while the Woodcutter began to finger her own pussy. Once it was nice and soaked, she pulled her maw off his cock and gripped his cock at its base.
"Close your eyes. You're going to love this," The Big Bad Wolf said.

"And so will I," the Woodcutter lustfully added.

Billy nodded and slammed his eyes shut as he felt the she-wolf guide his cock forward. He shuffled his hips forward a few inches and he suddenly felt the head of his cock make contact with a fleshy wall of skin. He then gasped in shock as he felt the head of his cock pressing against a very tight ring.

"Push boy, push!" the Big Bad Wolf urged him.

He gripped the Woodcutter's hips while keeping his eyes closed and pushed forward with all his might. He then groaned along with the Woodcutter as he felt the tight little ring expand around the head of his cock as his hard member popped inside a very tight passage.

"Open your eyes now," the Big Bad Wolf happily ordered.

Billy opened his eyes, expecting to see his cock fed up inside the Woodcutter's juicy pussy. Instead, he was taken aback as he realized that his cock was jutting out from the sexy woman's tight bottom hole: the rosebud of her anus. He moaned as he felt her tight rectal muscles squeezing and clasping at his hard member so snugly.
"Oh my god, that feels sensational!" the Woodcutter moaned, squeezing her full breasts as she felt her ass filled with a hard young cock.

Billy awed at this revolutionary feeling of being inside such a tight orifice. He looked up as the Big Bad Wolf had swung her legs onto either side of the Woodcutter's fiery head, pressing her pussy down onto the woman's mouth. She began to grind her pussy all along the woman's open mouth and lips as the redhead's tongue eagerly delved into the juicy pussy and hands squeezed at her furry thighs.

"Fuck...her tight ass good, boy," The Big Bad Wolf moaned between licks made against her pussy.

Billy pushed his hips forward, gradually burying himself in the rest of the way until his cock had bottomed out inside of her asshole. He then began to draw himself back out until the head remained on the outside, before thrusting himself back it. Because of the lubrication from the she-wolf's saliva, he could slide easily in and out of her tight ass while retaining that amazing feeling of tightness as her muscled walls snugly wrapped about his member as he entered and retreated.
The sexy Woodcutter was soon being fucked senseless between the two of them. The young man slid in and out of her ass as his hips slapped against hers while the furry wolf woman rode her face.

Obviously, the Woodcutter was the first to cum due to being in such an erotic, captive-like situation between the boy and the she-wolf. Not to mention the fact that the young lad's hard cock delving deep into her anal passage felt so damn good; his member hitting hidden pleasure points in unexplored territory.

The Woodcutter bucked her hips and moaned into the Big Bad Wolf's snatch as her own pussy clenched and squirted juices onto the boys thrusting groin even as he continued to hammer her asshole good. Her orgasm seemed to last an eternity as she gave into the blissful feelings being worked within her loins.

The Big Bad Wolf, who hadn't cum during her scissoring with the buxom female human, now found her own release as the Woodcutter's tongue brushed against her clit. She tangled her claws into the woman's red hair and howled at the sky, sending her own reserve of juices splashing like a tidal wave onto the woman's face.
Finally Billy, who had already cum twice in less than a hour, reached his peak. He sighed and pushed himself as deep into her snug, tight anal chasm as he could as the floodgates opened and he filled the sexy woman's bowels with a creamy helping of his cum. After he was finished dumping his payload into her asshole, he sighed and collapsed atop the woman as the three laid together in a heap.

The Big Bad Wolf reached down and pulled Billy up between her and the Woodcutter. The two sexy females started to make quick work of licking Billy's member, each other's pussies while Billy sighed with contentment and stared up at the night sky. The Big Bad Wolf had also taken some time to slurp out the contents of the Woodcutter's well-fucked asshole as well.

When this was finished, the two women snuggled themselves in on either side of their young plaything. Billy smiled tiredly at both of them and wrapped an arm around each female, occasionally reaching down and stroking a furry breast and a milky, hairless breast. Both women buried their heads into the young man's shoulders and planted kisses onto the young man's cheeks as tiredness began to overtake the trio.
"I think this is the start of a very good friendship," Billy thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep happily.

With that last thought, Little Blue Riding Hood, the Big Bad Wolf, and the Woodcutter fell asleep naked in each other's arms as the ambiance of the surrounding forest drowned out the sounds of their peaceful sleeping.

  • Comments
  • Lance_Armstrong said:
    Grandpa, what big tits you have..?

    I didn't see the banner until i posted X(

    [But still, i think granma sounds little less weird]

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  • splotsedelik said:
    It keeps getting taken down. Guess it's part of the crackdown on underage stuff.

    I would hope that maybe it gets posted somewhere else cause i wanna see it so bad

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  • Naraku said:
    I didn't get a quarter of the way past the story and I cummed 10 times fingering myself. Now I think I need to lie down... Lol

    Where the hell did this fucking comment come from?!?! I never wrote this?!?! Fuck my gf!!! I am now going to change this fucking avatar. That bitch!!!

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  • Hot Diggity fucking damn on a lime popsicle I hate reading so goddamn much, with a fiery passion. but I can assure you that description is worth every second you spend reading that

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  • Hi there! I was the one who commissioned this art and wrote the story in the description. I'm glad a lot of people in the comments liked this, and the story I wrote years ago! I would however like it if you could credit me with the story in the description next time rather than just posting it in there uncredited. Thank you much! :)

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  • I remember it and clearly have a same image in my head, there's another picture like this with the exact position but the wolf have darker fur and the robe of the human boy is red, and it's some sort of monster dominant porn

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