loona and moxxie (fair argument (meme) and etc) created by thewilldpink
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Friendly reminder that this animation is already finished and has been available for almost a month in my Patreon


Artwork made by me!

More stuff: https://linktr.ee/thewilldpink

  • Comments
  • papyruseaterofspaget said:
    "The animation is already finished" so post it already???

    Read between the lines dawg. They want you to sub to their patreon to see the full thing, otherwise you're waiting till they make it non exclusive. Them's the breaks.

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  • malikfoxen said:
    Read between the lines dawg. They want you to sub to their patreon to see the full thing, otherwise you're waiting till they make it non exclusive. Them's the breaks.

    There's no point though, just making your fans wait for the fun of it.

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