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  • I'd make this my avatar, but I've changed it like 3 times these last to weeks. I'm certain someone else has beaten me to it, anyway.

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  • K4RN4GE said:
    I shall link this picture to any and all who start console vs. PC flame wars.

    PC! But PS3 has better controllers!

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  • I really don't see the point of arguing about different PC's and consoles. If they're happy with what they have, let them enjoy it, don't make a heated debate about it.

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  • lucariodark said:
    I really don't see the point of arguing about different PC's and consoles. If they're happy with what they have, let them enjoy it, don't make a heated debate about it.

    I agree your actually a sensable person :3 PC, and Consoles Don't suck, its just your preferance, besides, every console and PC has there pro's and cons. and people have there preferance, so no console or computer sucks, they just have pro's and cons.

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  • lucariodark said:
    I really don't see the point of arguing about different PC's and consoles. If they're happy with what they have, let them enjoy it, don't make a heated debate about it.

    I wasn't actually going for a flame war, I was just being the random, attempting and failing at humor, person that is me.

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  • itsapainfulworld said:
    I wasn't actually going for a flame war, I was just being the random, attempting and failing at humor, person that is me.

    at least you tried, rather than not trying at all.

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  • K4RN4GE911 said:
    I shall link this picture to any and all who start console vs. PC flame wars.

    Have you seen the steam console? It's literally a tiny computer. Consoles are aiming to become more like computers, not the other way around. If you could hook up the controllers to a PC and get the same games, it would easily top any console with it's sheer power and flexibility

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  • lucariodark said:
    I really don't see the point of arguing about different PC's and consoles. If they're happy with what they have, let them enjoy it, don't make a heated debate about it.

    YAAAY!! Someone who is sensable! Its all really about a matter of opinion.

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  • shadowbuster08 said:
    I agree your actually a sensable person :3 PC, and Consoles Don't suck, its just your preferance, besides, every console and PC has there pro's and cons. and people have there preferance, so no console or computer sucks, they just have pro's and cons.


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  • And yet you use a PONY, something that was once the most controversial thing on this site, and one of such on the internet outside of obviously horrible crimes of humanity.

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  • I just came here after somehow forcing myself through a drama train wreck on a "hurr durr kill bronies" troll attempt. Nerves calmed. I need my god damned meds.

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  • K4RN4GE911 said:
    I shall link this picture to any and all who start console vs. PC flame wars.

    PS4 master race
    ... I am sorry, I had to

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  • BlitzDaHyena said:
    PS4 master race
    ... I am sorry, I had to

    HOLY SHIT HOW!?!?!?

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