orion and taross created by agropuer
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Walk and wark

Commissioner's description

"I didn't expect it to be THAT light, though." The dark-brown feathered chocobotaur said, with an amused lilt to his voice "It always looked like it would be a very hard chore to do."
Taross laughed along a moment, keeping pace with the other draught before nodding "You'd be surprised how strong chocobo actually are, and our size at that." shi answered and then raised a finger "Don't think you can get away with pretending you're not that powerful though. Shi knows exactly what is or isn't possible from personal experience."
Obviously shi was talking about the proprietor of the small stables and fields Orion, the other taur, was spending his time at.
"Shi is well capable of hir own horsebird appearance, so no slacking." Taross gently prodded at one of hir walking partners' wings.

Orion nodded in silent answer and took a few moments to look around while steadily walking along the trail "Still, can't say I'm unhappy with the choice I made for my vacation. The food's good, the scenery is wonderful. And even if I didn't expect the kind of work to put in, it still feels pretty satisfying."
"And the fact you're not the only chocobotaur on the premise probably helps a lot, too." Taross added "I saw how the regular herd was whistling and clamoring for attention when you passed by their side of the corral, but I bet it's not the same as having an actual conversation."
Orion laughed at that, chirping in the middle to his own mollification. "Ah... still getting used to that a little."

Taross let out a hearty laugh of hirself before shi replied again "Oh, you'll get used to that. And in due time you'll even find understanding the regular ones gets a bit easier too."
Shi paused a second "Come to think of it, in your case, if you ever hear one of the studs make this noise in your general direction, don't acknowledge it or come closer." Taross took a deep breath and let out a resounding 'wark', the effort of which even set the feathers around hir neck to poof out a bit. After settling them shi gave a sideways glance to Orion.
"What that means," shi started before he could ask "Is that he wants to kick your ass simply because you're another dude in his field of view. And trust me, Chocobo fight dirty."

Orion nodded and laughed again "I'll make sure to remember that sound and not to respond to it." He answered before smiling "Anything else you can tell me?"

Taross mmed a little, tapping the side of hir beak in thought for a moment or two, making note of the marker "Well... we're almost three miles out from the farm now. I can definitely tell you that the last one back is a rotten egg."
With that, the black and white taur started off in a quick trot and broke into a run, warking a slightly differently pitched 'challenge' to the other and leaving him to join into the race back...

This is a wonderfully neat gift from Orion-B who had a something planned out in which he offered to have me appear, showing the walk-and-talk a bit more than the implied race ;D Posted with the permission from Orion.

Taross is mine.
Orion belongs to Orion-B
Art made by AgroPuer
Artists submission: TBA

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