artie and the crusher created by twinkle-sez
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the Mask: Crusher vs Artie

character by artie

  • Comments
  • SleeptilSober said:
    Anouncer: "Look at that files he's got him in the sleeper hold and in the peeper hole!"

    not exactly a sleeper hold, its a strange modification on the full nelson but still funny

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  • bombermanpyr said:
    not exactly a sleeper hold, its a strange modification on the full nelson but still funny

    Give him 5 menits he'll go to sleep LOL

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  • SleeptilSober said:
    Anouncer: "Look at that files he's got him in the sleeper hold and in the peeper hole!"

    I can't jack off to this picture anymore because I laugh too hard at your comment every time.

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  • 1night said:
    I want to fuck the arctic fox so so bad

    You take the fox, I'm gonna have some wholesome completely platonic wrastlin' with that stallion of a luchador.

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  • Has anyone else met that weird guy on omegle who keeps trying to get people to play a wrestling roleplay game with him? He claims to give away a steam gift code to any winners now. I swear people on there are so weird...

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