created by chris goodwin
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  • Improperly tagged, should be tagged fox, not wolf, fixing it now.



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    not a chance! look at the guy. he's all like "yeah, bitch, whatever. you don't have the balls. now get back in the kitchen!"
    this went on for years and their child grew up to be a pedofile :C

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  • i find it slightly amusing cause my mother did something simmler to my real father and the kid is more likely to be a wifebeater than a pedo unless worthless was touching kido and on a nother note anyone really in this boat with a gun shoot the bastard if not get a kitchen knife and go bundy

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    I've seen a LOT on this site, in this fandom even. Even things that most flag and find absolutely disgusting I've seen and just gone "Meh, they can draw what they please." but...this is different.

    This IS abuse, but it's... anger, shouting, broken families, alcohol...I think this is the first pic I have EVER seen online (and I spend much time online) where I would say :"No, please don't post this." The fact that this kind of sitiuation is very real is...harsh. Other pictures of rape, cub, gore, scat and so on...most despise it, yes but most can also agree that it's just art, and no one gets hurt, but this....this is something probably a LOT of us can relate to.

    It hurts...and I have to agree with vixthenix domestic violence is very real and hurts you in the one place you should be safe, don't suffer in silence: TELL SOMEONE.

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  • Kald

    Former Staff

    The purpose of art is to provoke a reaction. Wether it makes people cry, laugh, think or have a boner, if a picture provoked a reaction into someone, it succeeded.

    Now, pictures like this carry a lot of (negative) meaning that some people can and will relate to, because of situations they have lived or seen. But it doesn't mean it should not have been posted, much to the contrary, it is good art.

    We need more stuff like that.

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  • Kris_Manapaw said:

    I've seen a LOT on this site, in this fandom even. Even things that most flag and find absolutely disgusting I've seen and just gone "Meh, they can draw what they please." but...this is different.

    This IS abuse, but it's... anger, shouting, broken families, alcohol...I think this is the first pic I have EVER seen online (and I spend much time online) where I would say :"No, please don't post this." The fact that this kind of sitiuation is very real is...harsh. Other pictures of rape, cub, gore, scat and so on...most despise it, yes but most can also agree that it's just art, and no one gets hurt, but this....this is something probably a LOT of us can relate to.

    It hurts...and I have to agree with vixthenix domestic violence is very real and hurts you in the one place you should be safe, don't suffer in silence: TELL SOMEONE.

    Get over yourself. This is art and I regret to inform you that you have completely missed the point.

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  • Anonym said:
    Get over yourself. This is art and I regret to inform you that you have completely missed the point.

    Yes, it had a point, and that is the one major difference between you and art. Get out.

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  • I have 2 things to say,

    1. Kitsune Baka she has a man face because that's the way the artist drew her and because of the eye she gets hit a lot which can have effects one the face

    2. Did anyone think that this was the persons way of reaching out, of telling what has or is happening in there life and this is their way of telling it with out their parents (the father) knowing

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  • For one thing, this is happening because she has been cheating on him for years and after finding out she had a kid she was hiding for the past year, they get into an argument and she rips. Her being a girl and unable to comprehend simple emotions, grabs a gun and threatens to shoot him while he knows he is done with her, tries to make her angry by holding the obviously empty barrel to his chest. Later he calls the cops and she spends life in jail and her daughter is turned into cat food while he lives it up with the bitches.

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  • Lockjaw35 said:
    For one thing, this is happening because she has been cheating on him for years and after finding out she had a kid she was hiding for the past year, they get into an argument and she rips. Her being a girl and unable to comprehend simple emotions, grabs a gun and threatens to shoot him while he knows he is done with her, tries to make her angry by holding the obviously empty barrel to his chest. Later he calls the cops and she spends life in jail and her daughter is turned into cat food while he lives it up with the bitches.

    All I can say to this is: "I lawl'd, hard" XD

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  • elad said:
    not a chance! look at the guy. he's all like "yeah, bitch, whatever. you don't have the balls. now get back in the kitchen!"

    I wonder how many husbands have said that just before they found out their wives DID have the balls?

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  • if i were her, i´d shoot him....if my dad would beat me up, i´d probably kick his ass with a baseball bat....if my dad would beat my mom up....i´d pretty much kill him.

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  • The child is a rabbit, the guy is a wolf/dog whatever, = child is NOT his. I'd be reasonably upset,

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  • The message behind this drawing ("all men are evil, and all women are repressed but morally superior") is brought to you by Feminazism™​.

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  • Munkelzahn said:
    The message behind this drawing ("all men are evil, and all women are repressed but morally superior") is brought to you by Feminazism™​.

    I don't see that as the message at all. But spousal abuse DOES happen. This picture has a lot of emotion behind it. The arrogance and misdirected anger of the father, conceivably jealous that the kid isn't his. (As Nelson mentioned, it's a rabbit.) The fear, anger, and flat-out desperation of the woman, driven to the end of her rope and having to choose the gun over the end of a rope. The fear and confusion of the child who just wants it all to go away.

    It's such a simple picture, but so much is there. I don't think it says "Feminazi" any more than any pics with the "inviting" and "female" tags mean all women are horny sluts.

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  • pwn3rxp said:
    Only those with wives that wanted 25 to life and have their children living in a foster home.

    Also, I bet if this picture were reversed everyone would want the abusive wife to be right.

    No, I'd still want the wife to get her shit pushed in with a 12 gauge 00 buckshot shell (mind you the husband would probably go to jail). But that's just me, also no, no 25 to life. It's justifiable self-defense.

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  • pwn3rxp said:
    Only those with wives that wanted 25 to life and have their children living in a foster home.

    Also, I bet if this picture were reversed everyone would want the abusive wife to be right.

    No, I'd still want the wife to get her shit pushed in with a 12 gauge 00 buckshot shell (mind you the husband would probably go to jail). But that's just me, also no, no 25 to life. It's justifiable self-defense.

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  • Munkelzahn said:
    The message behind this drawing ("all men are evil, and all women are repressed but morally superior") is brought to you by Feminazism™​.

    Munkelzahn said:
    The message behind this drawing ("all men are evil, and all women are repressed but morally superior") is brought to you by Feminazism™​.

    Kinda strange how men are always thought to be the "big bad wife beaters" of the family, yet the female actually does most of the abuse. Women are more likely to use a weapon and men are less likely to report it, thanks to the great equal society feminazism has created for us, people would think of him as weak if he called the police or tried to talk to about it.
    Basically the same in any other situation where a women hits a man, he can't hit back or it assault.

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  • sim21074 said:
    Kinda strange how men are always thought to be the "big bad wife beaters" of the family, yet the female actually does most of the abuse.

    Sorry, no. 85% of domestic violence victims are women.

    Women are more likely to use a weapon and men are less likely to report it, thanks to the great equal society feminazism has created for us, people would think of him as weak if he called the police or tried to talk to about it.

    Half true. He'd be seen as weak, but not because of your so-called "feminazism." He'd be seen as weak because of men. It's men who see men as weak for not standing up to "weaker" women. Also this has been true for far longer than the feminist movement has been around. Check your friggin privelege.

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  • RedOctober said:
    Sorry, no. 85% of domestic violence victims are women.

    Half true. He'd be seen as weak, but not because of your so-called "feminazism." He'd be seen as weak because of men. It's men who see men as weak for not standing up to "weaker" women. Also this has been true for far longer than the feminist movement has been around. Check your friggin privelege.

    85%? Source please.

    Maybe not "thanks" to feminism, but they sure as hell haven't done much in the way of equality all these years. It seems women are the only ones who actually matter to them, witch isn't any surprise being it "feminism'.

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  • sim21074 said:
    A week and still no reply... why am i not surprised

    because people generally know better than to engage in pointless and petty arguments in the comments

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    because people generally know better than to engage in pointless and petty arguments in the comments

    Well then he wouldn't have replied in the first place, would he?

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  • sim21074 said:
    85%? Source please.

    This is a study done by the U.S. Bureau of Justice. Most notable is that five times more women were victims of abuse from a significant other than men.

    sim21074 said:
    A week and still no reply... why am i not surprised

    -shrugs- I'm usually on here to fap, I rarely bother checking who's responded to my comments.

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  • It's so weird yet compelling to me how this is the anti-Zootopia, a predator/prey relationship here being tried and failing completely... and you wonder if predator instincts are at least partly to blame.

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  • RedOctober said:
    Sorry, no. 85% of domestic violence victims are women.

    Half true. He'd be seen as weak, but not because of your so-called "feminazism." He'd be seen as weak because of men. It's men who see men as weak for not standing up to "weaker" women. Also this has been true for far longer than the feminist movement has been around. Check your friggin privelege.

    I've been in this situation. Female on male. I reported it. They decided she acted in preemptive self-defense without any investigation. My injuries were ruled as self-inflicted, again without investigation. The best part? The attack was from behind, and I didn't fight back because I've never been able to hit anything. She was unscathed and I had several cuts on my back and shoulders, which left scars that occasionally reopen. You can say whatever you want, but what that THING did to me was not my fault.

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  • kamimatsu said:
    I've been in this situation. Female on male. I reported it. They decided she acted in preemptive self-defense without any investigation. My injuries were ruled as self-inflicted, again without investigation. The best part? The attack was from behind, and I didn't fight back because I've never been able to hit anything. She was unscathed and I had several cuts on my back and shoulders, which left scars that occasionally reopen. You can say whatever you want, but what that THING did to me was not my fault.

    And that's just spousal abuse. Imagine being someone's son and constantly taking it from your mom, emotionally, physically, financially and psychologically.
    One time I finally had the moral and logical high ground and she checked herself into a mental institution, claiming that she had a break-down, and blamed me for her trauma. She played the victim when she was the bully and instigator of the family's problems for 15 years!
    She manipulated her assigned psychologist into thinking that she was the victim and I was the abuser. Even after I told the psychologist(who was also a woman) that I had been the victim of my mom's shit at least since I was 5 years old, the quack said it was too late and suck it up.
    She also demanded that if I didn't move out of the house and stay away from my family from then on that she was going to relapse, and they had the right to call the cops on me and have me arrested for as long as they wanted.
    So they forced me into an apartment, which I could only JUST BARELY afford for two months, AND we had to use my father's credit, because my mother never let me keep money long enough to do anything toward establishing my own credit, and I went poor just trying to feed myself and keep gas in my car so I could go to work every day.
    That of course took it's toll, and I lost my job, followed by the apartment...
    By the time I had to move back in, my mom had heard from her co-workers that they were all in a similar financial struggle I was in, and that she was an asshole for making me move out when I couldn't even afford to pay my own car insurance.
    She still hasn't ever told me she was sorry and meant it. And whenever I get money(regardless that it's piss-poor minimum wage while she's been getting paid $14.00 and up at her job), she demands that I help her pay bills or buy groceries. Oh, and both she and my dad(who is her enabler, by the way) complain when I don't do the house chores...which is kinda funny because I have *been* doing the chores in this fucking house since I was in the 4rth grade, at least four days a week.

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  • kris_manapaw said

    This IS abuse, but it's... anger, shouting, broken families, alcohol...I think this is the first pic I have EVER seen online (and I spend much time online) where I would say :"No, please don't post this." The fact that this kind of sitiuation is very real is...harsh. Other pictures of rape, cub, gore, scat and so on...most despise it, yes but most can also agree that it's just art, and no one gets hurt, but this....this is something probably a LOT of us can relate to.

    I rather have more emotionally charged images like this positive or negative that get people talking than extreme fetish art that just revels in debauchery. This piece here has more artistic value than most art posted here.

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