created by meesh
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Serving The Customer 2.

Oh mai god! I love Meesh...I love his art with tremendous amounts.

I felt like I needed another image showing what Athene actually does and here she is doing her job. :3

I got this during his sketch stream yesterday.

Art is by meesh

  • Comments
  • Disturbed10k said:
    Asking for a sandwich is sexist?

    If you can't be bothered to get up off your ass and make one yourself like a responsible, reasonable human being and instead ask your female partner to do so even though you are fully capable of making your own, yes.

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  • Disturbed10k said:
    What did I say?

    I think it's to do with the irrelevance of the phrase in connection with the image, and also the phrase's typical/commonly sexist usage.
    There is nothing in the image connected to the making of a sandwich other than the character being female**. I can't consider your use of the phrase to be funny or joking because it doesn't seem to reference anything there (She's not even in a kitchen).

    **For anyone who doesn't know, the phrase "make me a sandwich" ("MMAS") Is often a sexist remark because it is often connected to the idea that it is a female's place to be in the kitchen making food. Women are usually the recipients of the phrase because they have been (and still are) indirectly but strongly encouraged to take on nurturing/care-taking occupations by numerous male-designed social systems.

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  • Chester77 said:
    I think it's to do with the irrelevance of the phrase in connection with the image, and also the phrase's typical/commonly sexist usage.
    There is nothing in the image connected to the making of a sandwich other than the character being female**. I can't consider your use of the phrase to be funny or joking because it doesn't seem to reference anything there (She's not even in a kitchen).

    **For anyone who doesn't know, the phrase "make me a sandwich" ("MMAS") Is often a sexist remark because it is often connected to the idea that it is a female's place to be in the kitchen making food. Women are usually the recipients of the phrase because they have been (and still are) indirectly but strongly encouraged to take on nurturing/care-taking occupations by numerous male-designed social systems.

    But some females like to stay home with the kids, none tells them to. That's what my mum does and shes happy.

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