fluttershy (friendship is magic and etc) created by deaffinity, deannart, and third-party edit
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  • Comments
  • tubeku said:
    I'm waiting for the creepy comment to show up

    Fluttershy can lick my IceCream any day *creep creep*

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  • Mortox said:
    Fluttershy can lick my IceCream any day *creep creep*

    So u want put ur icecream maker into the fridge?
    good luck with that!

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  • Great_Fire_Ettin said:
    From the thumbnail, I thought Fluttershy was holding a phallus... Then I saw it was ice cream...

    exactly what i thought good sir... or ma'am.

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  • The corner of the mouth turning up at the beginning is a little awkward. otherwise, nice animation..tho is that plastic icecream? I mean it never breaks off onto her tongue XD

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