José Carioca
(Saludos Amigos, The Three Caballeros, and Mickey Mouse & Friends)
From FurAffinity:
Roger Rabbit in Frisky Frames — by ~V3RG3 — Nov 28, 2023
Both a commission for CloverThePossum featuring his character cradling a gaping Roger Rabbit as well as my super late Halloween post. Anyways sorry for the super late upload and minor disappearance, it wasn't really planned - though this draw should partially hint as to why I've been away for awhile. This draw was not easy, but I feel it was a great learning experience as well as an excuse to draw a bunch of characters I otherwise wouldn't (although now this makes me really want to draw the Three Gay Caballeros some more - likely next year!)
I wonder though, can you recognize all the characters in this draw? Likely all but 2, but in total there's 35 in this draw...
Anyways the rest of the year and maybe even some of January will still be pretty busy for me, I think I'll only be able to post 2 more times this year, so please await them! Thank you for your time, especially if you've read all this, and please have and amazing day! [And late spooky Halloween~]
(lastly this fa posting is pretty compressed, for the full version please visit the e621 posting here:
From Inkbunny:
Roger Rabbit in Frisky Frames — by @V3RG3 — 28 Nov 2023
Both a commission for CloverThePossum over on fa featuring his character cradling a gaping Roger Rabbit as well as my super late Halloween post. Anyways sorry for the super late upload and minor disappearance, it wasn't really planned - though this draw should partially hint as to why I've been away for awhile. This draw was not easy, but I feel it was a great learning experience as well as an excuse to draw a bunch of characters I otherwise wouldn't (although now this makes me really want to draw the Three Gay Caballeros some more - likely next year!)
I wonder though, can you recognize all the characters in this draw? Likely all but 2, but in total there's 35 in this draw...
Anyways the rest of the year and maybe even some of January will still be pretty busy for me, I think I'll only be able to post 2 more times this year, so please await them! Thank you for your time, especially if you've read all this, and please have and amazing day! [And late spooky Halloween~]
From Twitter:
Tweet #1729641579730637027 — by @AnonV3RG3 — Nov 28, 2023
Comm for Cloverthepossum over on fa as well as a super late Halloween draw, sorry about that. Hope ya like this super massive draw regardless! #Halloween #commission #furryart #furry #disney #LooneyTunes #Zootopia #RegularShow #rogerrabbit #stitch
Memberthis gotta be a world record for tags
Membermore tags than a ranchers cow farm jesus fucking christ.
MemberTags? Y E S
Membervery much yes
MemberI feel like I need the Star Wars scroll to get through all these tags.
MemberI need a more powerful scroll to get through them.
MemberYou mad lad...
MemberKH Mikey nice
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