monster hunter and etc created by third-party edit and unknown artist
  • Comments
  • tfkcex said:
    ..... they weaken them in 3 just saying

    How so? I haven't encountered one in 3U yet, so I'm guessing it's a very high level creature. At any rate it's still going to be incredibly deadly.

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  • Ko-san said:
    How so? I haven't encountered one in 3U yet, so I'm guessing it's a very high level creature. At any rate it's still going to be incredibly deadly.

    in monster hunter 2 all monster are so much more powerful I feel like 3 and 3U are for beginner if you try to fight it alone in 2 unless you have some "skills" you will die and die and die... I can solo most quest in G rank in 2 just saying

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  • tfkcex said:
    in monster hunter 2 all monster are so much more powerful I feel like 3 and 3U are for beginner if you try to fight it alone in 2 unless you have some "skills" you will die and die and die... I can solo most quest in G rank in 2 just saying

    Every game requires skill or else you will "die and die and die". If you have played 3U (nargacuga do not appear in 3) then it's possible that you just found the controls easier or something.

    And wouldn't mentioning soloing quests in 2 make 2 seem easier?

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  • tfkcex said:
    in monster hunter 2 all monster are so much more powerful I feel like 3 and 3U are for beginner if you try to fight it alone in 2 unless you have some "skills" you will die and die and die... I can solo most quest in G rank in 2 just saying

    No one gives a fuck just saying

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  • Ko-san said:
    How so? I haven't encountered one in 3U yet, so I'm guessing it's a very high level creature. At any rate it's still going to be incredibly deadly.

    It feels like they did weaken them :/ I don't know, I use LS so with the new </> + X/A combo LSing it is cake... It's only High rank and G rank. It's still hard to kill just not as a pain as in second gen

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  • tfkcex said:
    in monster hunter 2 all monster are so much more powerful I feel like 3 and 3U are for beginner if you try to fight it alone in 2 unless you have some "skills" you will die and die and die... I can solo most quest in G rank in 2 just saying

    3/3u were so easy (in na/eu atleast) because the non jpn versions babied players by giving then 50 base armor instead of the usual 1

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