tammy vixen and tor dog (star trek) created by eric schwartz
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  • LOL, so true. But hey, at least they have the "bug stuck to their heads" now - back in the old-school days, they just had different outfits, and that's it.

    WAITRESS: "what'll you have, boys? And DON'T say Raktajino, if I have to say one more time that we don't have.."
    ODO: "Who ordered the Raktajino?"
    ODO: "Klingons?"
    WAITRESS: "over there, and over there"
    BASHIR: *confused at what looks like Humans* "Those are Klingons?"
    WAITRESS: "alright... you boys have had enough"

    LOL, forgive how much of a total Trekkie I am

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  • K1, reminds me of that TNG episode where they went back in time to the Tribble episode. After having the old-style Klingons pointed out to them, the rest of the crew gave Worf a long look... He just replied with something like "We don't like to talk about it..."

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  • Typhin said:
    K1, reminds me of that TNG episode where they went back in time to the Tribble episode. After having the old-style Klingons pointed out to them, the rest of the crew gave Worf a long look... He just replied with something like "We don't like to talk about it..."

    That's exactly what it was supposed to be, although it was a DS9 episode, not a TNG, lol

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