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Commissioned from H1

Jett and Lotte

A pair of feline twins from an iteration of the Primeworld inhabited by sentient anthropomorphized mammals, Jett and Lotte were brought to the Parasite World not by random chance, but by a rare ritual attempting to contact the Parasite World. The pair were separated on arrival, with Jett arriving in Nadayal and being picked up by a married hydromel couple, while Lotte landed in the stormy layer of Tempest and was taken in by a colony of Sahi incubi. For a time, the two lived in relative safety in their respective new homes, but they did not live there entirely by choice. Jett in particular, though kept safe, healthy, and comfortable, was essentially a captive of his hydromel benefactors; a captive food source specifically.

The two would be reunited entirely by chance. Lotte was traded to a local kobold tribe by the Sahi colony where she was staying, while Jett was kidnapped by a Nadayalan kobold raid while his hydromel keepers were traveling. The kobolds who captured Jett would later encounter Lotte during another raid across layers, which resulted in the two being united.

Their kobold captors recognized them as siblings and kept them united, though their status as siblings didn't keep them from being raised as sex cattle like any other Primeworlder the kobolds got their hands on. From their teenage years onward, the two would even be used as breeding stock for one another, since the two being the same species provided a rare opportunity for the kobolds to produce more cattle to reduce how many they had to hunt for.

Kobold Cattle Conditioning

Kobolds are, above almost all else, infamous for raiding their neighbors (including other kobold tribes) for resources; food, raw materials, water, and especially sex cattle. Like all sex feeders, kobolds gain the most nutrition from sentient non-sex feeders, and the most nutrition of all from Primeworlders. As such, while they generally take whatever they can get during raids, they generally only take nonsentient animals as food for their cattle, and sentient beings as feed for kobolds themselves. They place a particularly high priority on prepubescent sentients; partly because they are easier to capture, but also because conditioning their cattle for long term use becomes more effective the younger the victim is, with a massive spike in effectiveness occurring when it starts before puberty.

Regardless of age, this conditioning begins the moment they bring said cattle back to their village. The regimen involves a combination of both artificial and natural drugs as well as regular applications of kobold jelly (produced in the mouths of the breeder caste) that is both fed to the cattle and applied to their genitals. The drugs fed to the cattle mainly consist of hallucinogens, leaving the victim more suggestible and less likely to escape, while kobold jelly contains a mix of hormones that kobolds can customize instinctively to fit any species, steadily putting greater emphasis on the development of characteristics associated with sex and pleasure. Over time, the genitals become more sensitive, orgasm more difficult to achieve, and the production of sexual fluids is greatly increased. Additionally, cattle are also breastfed by breeder caste kobolds, whose milk is - like their jelly - automatically changed to match the needs of specific cattle, and contains an especially potent mix of hormones that have much stronger effects than those in kobold jelly, but require more time to take effect.

The conditioning of cattle using the above methods usually progresses in 3 stages. The first stage is focused on establishing a baseline for the cattle's body to operate on. In this stage, kobold jelly and milk are given to the prospective cattle very regularly, usually every hour or even multiple times an hour. In this stage, the cattle is kept at the edge of orgasm as often as possible without being allowed to fully achieve satisfaction, which with the aid of the hormones in kobold jelly begins to set high arousal as the body's default state, while also effectively kickstarting specific parts of puberty at a much younger age than normal in prepubescent cattle. Kobolds will also manage the cattle's behavior in ways that suggest a surprisingly strong grasp of psychology belied by kobolds' primitive nature and relatively low intelligence. The timing of periods of restraint, exercising periods, food, drink, orgasms, and even sleep are all calculated to produce a habitual aversion to masturbation, lack of desire to leave the kobold village, and a strong desire for personal sexual gratification and orgasm over all else. Sleep deprivation in particular is a common tool at this stage; purposely keeping the cattle too aroused to sleep, desperately seeking release. Constant masturbation in this phase is common, especially for younger sentients, which the kobolds generally allow since it takes only a few hours of applications of kobold hormones to render masturbation nearly useless as a means to orgasm. In this stage, the sentient cattle will generally have a specific breeder assigned to them, managing their development, and only that breeder and a few trusted adults will feed from them, since feeding too often or at the wrong times could set back the conditioning process. Tribes that utilize cattle's secretions for potions or other concoctions will often only use the semen or vaginal secretions of cattle who are in this stage. How long this stage lasts is variable. Adult sentients typically graduate to the next stage within a few days, while prepubescent cattle will be carefully conditioned in this first stage for years, until they reach the age when puberty would normally begin in earnest.

By stage 2, the main physiological effects of kobold hormones have become permanent, with the body settling into arousal as the default state. Females constantly produce vaginal secretions, while the penises of males have reoptimized to the point that lacking an erection for more than a few hours becomes unhealthy, and having an erection becomes the default. If conditioning began before puberty properly began, then females will also have noticeably larger breasts than they should at their age, and their breasts are much more sensitive. All cattle at stage 2 have more sensitive erogenous zones than before, and will often find that they have new erogenous zones that were not sensitive at all beforehand. By this point, behavioral changes from both pheromones and training leave the cattle mostly unwilling to masturbate directly, though they will still often grope their genitals and other erogenous zones for the sake of giving themselves pleasure regardless. Conditioning at this stage focuses from maintaining arousal to increasing the volume of sexual fluids produced, often by inducing many orgasms in a short time while still feeding the cattle more hormones to assist in the training. Cattle at this stage are typically opened to the tribe to feed on, which can easily result in the sentients receiving few breaks throughout a given day. That said, kobolds take pains to keep their cattle comfortable within reason during this time, establishing a pattern and keeping them more aware of their surroundings than they are allowed during stage 1. Throughout this stage, kobold jelly and milk continue to be fed to and applied on the cattle to maintain the process. If rescued from the kobolds at this point, former cattle will feel the worst effects of the hormones subside, but retain the change of being aroused by default.

In stage 3, conditioning of the cattle is effectively complete, and enters a maintenance stage. The cattle are now largely reliant on their kobold keepers, kept in a state of constant and intense arousal that quickly becomes unbearable and only subsides briefly after fully orgasming. Male cattle's penises and testicles are now significantly enlarged and much more sensitive than before, and when not fresh from orgasm will slowly pump out a constant stream of precum in a sort of "mini-orgasm", while their proper orgasms feel much more explosive, last much longer and produce much larger volumes of semen and a much shorter refractory. Males who have reached this stage will occasionally require kobold aid to relieve themselves, as their erections are quite stubborn at this stage and their more plentiful and sensitive erogenous zones can cause unwanted arousal when attempting to relieve themselves on their own. Females at this stage have significantly larger breasts than they normally would - especially those who began conditioning in childhood - that constantly produce milk and are incredibly sensitive. Females require regular milking at this stage to not suffer from discomfort. Their production of vaginal fluids, meanwhile, has become "excessive" compared to their normal baseline, and they live in a constant state of pulse orgasms; brief but intense orgasms. When actively pleasured (such as by a feeding kobold), these pulse orgasms simply increase in frequency until they lead to a "proper" orgasm, the length of which depends on cattle species but generally lasts 30 minutes or beyond. The bulk of kobold alterations are permanent at this point so long as their hormones are regularly ingested, but rescue can reduce their severity. Separating the cattle victim from a source of kobold hormones at this stage results in a period of withdrawal and heightened, almost feral libido. After that, the intensity of the alterations subsides enough for the freed sentient to live independently, but freed stage 3 cattle often rarely wear clothes due to their own sensitivity to pleasure from touch, and scarcely go more than an hour or two between orgasms (be it via sex or masturbation).

I'm not even sure this counts as worldbuilding at this point lol. It's just horny rambling.

  • Comments
  • What exactly is meant by “will occasionally require kobold aid to relieve themselves”? I assume urination is meant by “relief”, but I am unsure what is meant by “aid”.

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  • pcaelifera said:
    What exactly is meant by “will occasionally require kobold aid to relieve themselves”? I assume urination is meant by “relief”, but I am unsure what is meant by “aid”.

    Relief in this context definitely means pissing. It's rather hard to do that with a permaboner lol.

    Edit: as for aid, that basically means they need kobold help to get the boner down for a few minutes. Kobolds can' with the right rubbing and prodding, do that for someone who has been under the effect of their hormones for a while.


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