takis karelia created by nx-42
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Life can be a wild journey.

This is kink content and not a statement on anyone's validity or life choices!

  • Comments
  • cryptographer256 said:
    My conspiracy theory

    First transition: has glasses
    Second transition: no glasses
    Conclusion: the glasses did it

    Never trust an ophthalmologist...

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  • I wish people were modular so you could pick and choose what you want every day. Is today a boob day or no boob day? Just put them on and find out. Some days I want to be much more androgynous but sadly we do not live in a perfect world and genetics will forever be the bane of my existence.

    The long and short of it? Gender is a fuck. Be gay do crime. Detransition if you need to (just don't claim every trans person needs to).

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  • Okay so everyone is having some big argument but damn, it seems switching genders is a damn good weight loss option.

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  • thedragonrider said:
    I wish people were modular so you could pick and choose what you want every day. Is today a boob day or no boob day? Just put them on and find out. Some days I want to be much more androgynous but sadly we do not live in a perfect world and genetics will forever be the bane of my existence.

    The long and short of it? Gender is a fuck. Be gay do crime. Detransition if you need to (just don't claim every trans person needs to).

    Very much agreed. Detransitioning is perfectly acceptable, everyone should find a gender identity they're fine with. My partner actually came out as trans about a year ago. I've assured and helped them through it, and have made it clear if they end up wishing to detransition it's perfectly fine. But detransitioning as a fetish? That seems a bit... questionable, but who am I to judge.

    My next point is one I'm very keen on but it's a bit of a heavy topic so I'll spoiler it.
    The sad part about people not being "modular" and the difficulties of changing ones body you mentioned, especially with modern transition surgeries, is that the currently implemented methods of bottom surgery in particular for transitions to both male and female are... not "butchering" as many transphobes say, but are a bit more 'primitive' than they could be for lack of a better word. I've discussed this with my partner (who has chosen to not get bottom surgery) and some other transgender individuals I know and they generally agree better methods should be found. I also feel a lot of medical or psych specialists may not talk to patients or generally discuss that, whether it's for the money from the surgery or to avoid being labeled as transphobic. On the bright side, there ARE better methods being worked out and experimented with for uterus transplants and other solutions, and hopefully those come to fruition.

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  • I love this for some reason. I feel like I should draw stuff like this too, mostly because there's so little of it out there and it's so hard to find

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  • sage_punchy said:
    But detransitioning as a fetish? That seems a bit... questionable, but who am I to judge.

    Pretty much anything can be a fetish, particularly things born out of trauma or repression. But it is certainly... an interesting one. I'm not going to question it since the person in question is very much not transphobic.

    sage_punchy said:
    [spoiled second paragraph]

    Gods yeah, there's a reason I'd never get surgery. It's very much well irreversible and I'd much rather have the ability to go between my options rather than just having what's down there be entirely replaced with no going back due to the way the surgery works. I hope the implants end up working well because it could spell something much better for trans folk (or just people in general tbh). I wish we could simply find a way to shapeshift so life could be a lot easier for me.

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  • Thank you so much for this lmao, I feel seen. There’s hardly any content out there like this

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  • sage_punchy said:
    But detransitioning as a fetish? That seems a bit... questionable, but who am I to judge.

    Although it’s not my thing, I follow a few tumblr blogs that post detrans fetish content on the side. From what I gather, it’s mostly seen like total power exchange and such things in domination fetish play- more common as a roleplay or smut than as an actual thing people do, and only done by the most dedicated fetishists.

    Above all else though, it’s smut, and detransition smut should be understood as being as separate from actual detransition as spanking smut and domestic abuse, or gore smut and homicidal urges. Especially with this comic being literally about a person who only transitioned in the interest of a sissification fetish.

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  • advarious said:
    It's not the act of transitioning that makes someone mentally ill, that's for sure. However, according to the DSM-5-TR published by the American Psychiatric Association, gender dysphoria is classified as a legitimate mental illness that absolutely CANNOT be treated by psychologically forcing said individuals to be cisgender (It has been deemed unethical to do, and rightfully so). So I'd give them half a point for quoting mental illness, albeit in the wrong order, and then take another 200 off for being a trolling chode with obviously absolutely nothing better to do.

    And notice how no other treatment actually works to treat dysphoria, and it doesn't "go away" any other way? This also refutes the Ken Zucker argument "90% of kids grow out of it, when I was a kid I wanted to be a dinosaur!" The 90% statistic came from measuring the percentage of kids in Zucker's clinic diagnosed with "Gender Identity Disorder" who transitioned as adults, which was 10%. But a GID diagnosis didn't even require any dysphoria, only gender nonconforming behavior in childhood. The 90% who weren't trans as adults didn't "grow out of it," they never had dysphoria in the first place.

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