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  • Comments
  • EpicSlaya said:
    where are the hidden ones?

    Protip: Tab is your friend.

    Here's all though because I have nothing better to do;
    Eevee and Charmander: Space between Charmander's and Eevee's heads
    Guilmon: Space near his right arm
    Cubone: Beneath his left armpit
    Glaceon: Beneath his right leg/under balls
    Vulpix: Beneath his belly which leads to luxio
    Luxio: Next to his right arm, leads to the actual animation
    ZigZagoon: Above cock

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  • this is freaking amazing. I want to save all these pics. hopefully Dreiker will post them all individually. sucks I'm not able to upvote this more than once though.

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  • Dunno if anybody notices joey/jounouchi at the lower right corner, from the very first slide, but I can't get to add his tag to a 'characters' tab.

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  • TailsClock said:
    -more silly words- (seems to be a theme with you)

    This is not your, nor does it revolve around you. You know where you can go.

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  • ChancellorOfPorn said:
    Protip: Tab is your friend.

    Here's all though because I have nothing better to do;
    Eevee and Charmander: Space between Charmander's and Eevee's heads
    Guilmon: Space near his right arm
    Cubone: Beneath his left armpit
    Glaceon: Beneath his right leg/under balls
    Vulpix: Beneath his belly which leads to luxio
    Luxio: Next to his right arm, leads to the actual animation
    ZigZagoon: Above cock

    I'm glad you've taken the time to post this guide, but I find it necessary to point out a mistake you've made. When you say "His" Right or left, keep in mind that you're talking about it from the creature's perspective and not yours, so when you say "his right arm" it should be the arm on the right side of the body instead of the arm on the right of the pic. The corrected comment would be:
    Eevee and Charmander: Space between Charmander's and Eevee's heads
    Guilmon: Space near his Left arm
    Cubone: Beneath his Right armpit
    Glaceon: Beneath his right leg/under balls
    Vulpix: Beneath his belly which leads to luxio
    Luxio: Next to his Left arm, leads to the actual animation
    ZigZagoon: Above cock

    ...but thank you anyway for your time.

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  • I'm pretty sure that the Manectric is the best thing EVAR! Seriously though, him holding down his cock is really hot, I'm sad there isn't a tag for it ;~;

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  • Hey! The first time I saw that gif it was its own animation. Can't believe I just found the actual original source! xD

    And to be honest, I've never seen a "good slideshow" on this site or... well... ever, but the images here were great! Good job!

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  • JadinWolfz said:
    I'm pretty sure that the Manectric is the best thing EVAR! Seriously though, him holding down his cock is really hot, I'm sad there isn't a tag for it ;~;


    "holding_down_cock" tag added.

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  • Obscenity said:
    People are asking for a pack of the pics used... so i did it.

    It includes ALL images used.

    sha256 images.rar

    Thanks a ton! Just out of curiosity, is there a way I can get the swf of the animation? The slides are cool, but I want to be able to view the animation offline (even though I figured out how to view it on the webpage).

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  • ImWorth10Bits said:
    Thanks a ton! Just out of curiosity, is there a way I can get the swf of the animation? The slides are cool, but I want to be able to view the animation offline (even though I figured out how to view it on the webpage).

    Done. Sorry it took so long, i just saw the comment today.

    Also i made it a bit faster.

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  • Captain_No_Name said:
    Why is this set up like a slideshow on PowerPoint? I understand that this is your first animation, but you could've picked higher quality pictures.

    aw c'mon don't be a dick, everyone starts somewhere!

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  • minus said:
    Why would you make a gallery like this? Seriously why? This site's purpose is to be a place to put images, so why do it this really silly and inconvenient way?!
    I really wanted to vote this up for that really good animation at the end, but the fact that it's hidden away is just, downright, FUCKING STUPID! This goes against all sense and logic. Just use this site the way it's meant to please.

    You are a damn good artist and animator though.

    monster mind and plenty of other flash related things have been uploaded here...

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