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This is a sexual fetish video I made for myself. There is no female private parts because I didn’t know how to make it at the time. Because I asked someone to customize this model, I was too embarrassed to let him do it and keep doing it haha
I am the producer (baoza), this is the download link for 1080p 60fps 👇

  • Comments
  • thatguywhoisfurry said:
    that's weirdly cute

    Yes, and I think we all want to see more like it. 😋
    It was quite entertaining to see the jelly-like dicks with cute style even the ending.


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  • i never thaught i would see the little big eurovision song uno in a sex animation
    then again i thaught i would never see hypno dancer in a sex song and yet i saw it by tthe same band

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  • This is a great little animation. It was the most tags that I have ever added to 1 video (50+). But, It makes me happy. Please add the artist of you know who it it. I don't personally know.

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  • this is quite cool. its not every day you see a music video on this site, i commend you for it and encourage you ti do more!

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  • Yo I remember finding this on Wallpaper Engine! Always wondered who made it, it looks awesome. Well done, Baoza. :)

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  • I don't super like porn music videos most of the time, but I really like this a lot?

    The character is very cute and I love the scenario and style. There's so much going on; I've watched it like 5 times to look at all the little details in the animation.

    I'd love to see more with this character, and more with the tentacle ovipositors in the end. :)

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  • Wait wait wait, those tentacles at the end look really similar to ones in Hina Bitch (yes, that is literally the name of a porn animation), in addition to being used similarly as well
    I don't know if you'll see this comment, but did you get some inspiration from that animation?

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  • i really like this video the animation and music go really well together and its very cute and im not the biggest tentacle fan but i like this this is my new #1 favorite

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  • This is what they mean when they say “go fuck your self” and I fucking love it

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  • fucking the love that song its a bop
    -the song is Uno by Little Big


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  • BLS


    Heyyy, The tentacles look familiar... (Hina Bitch)

    Nice animation, its the actions not the model that makes it good and you have a good sense of it.

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  • This confuses me why are they in a void why do they all look the same and why are the dancing while having sex

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  • Found the animation on R34, I Love it! Too bad it wasn’t approved here for whatever stupid reason.

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  • I contacted an e621 admin about it but got ghosted after they found the post and asked me to stand by for a bit (no reply after two months now). I'm not sure whether it's just a coincidence or if they don't want this specific post on the site for some unknown reason. Seems odd for a post as high-quality as this one to get screwed by coincidence twice.

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