livia and whitney (nintendo and etc) created by juzztie
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Furaffinity post desc:
Art by Juzztie
Characters of Vulfox

Made a starfox-themed set of eeveelution girls because I can! :P Will I actually expand on them? probably, idk but obviously i love eeveelutions so much, and I love this first set of artworks! Writing stories/personalities, etc has also been fun :3 What do they do exactly? Idk man starfox shit haha- they fly around in Veewings and Landmasters and stuff. They take on both ground & air missions while fighting Team Rocket and other various goon squads in a more futuristic Pokemon universe. Here's a bit more about em:

Whitney uses her psychic abilities to great use for Star Vee, providing valuable telepathic recon for the team. Nobody quite knows the full extent of the Espeon's powers. Whitney has acute senses and reaction in battle, often not even using her radar and relying on instinct to track enemies. She is normally soft-spoken and reserved, especially so in large groups; but she opens up more to people in one-on-one situations. While her abilities are invaluable to the team, Whitney sometimes seems more passionate about things other than battle missions, such as fashion, style, and getting close with the rest of Star Vee. Despite great psychic ability and intentionally appearing as "cool-headed", she can get absolutely lost in her secret lust for others without realizing.
7'1" / 215cm
Roles/Mission Preference: Telepath, no mission preference

Livia, the strong, hardy, tomboy-ish Umbreon, is the team's most dependable all-rounder. Ready for anything needed of her, Livia works hard to keep in her best physical condition. While she is regemented in her fitness, Livia is also a known party animal. Inebriated or not, Livia always presents as smile and an encouraging attitude towards her peers. Not shying away from saying whatever comes to mind, the gym rat frequently making blunt romantic comments and advancements towards her fellow team members.
7'6" / 228cm
Roles/Mission Preference: Fitness expert, no mission preference

And yes, many of them are extremely tall. The average anthro height in this universe is the same as an average human, perhaps with slightly more variance. But they are still a very tall group, I like big women, not sorry :3

Ok, I can't make a bunch of eeveelutions without esp x umbreon. I have the idea that Livia is pretty openly horny a lot of the time, while Whitney tries to hide her lust and is more reserved. That is, until they get behind closed doors together >:]

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