monster fucker sign and etc created by lluisabadias
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No head?

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  • Each hydra head thinks for itself, with the main head controlling the body. Be sure to not neglect any head, as this can cause unwanted distress and frustration to the entire creature.

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  • the_unnamed_visitor said:
    Each hydra head thinks for itself, with the main head controlling the body. Be sure to not neglect any head, as this can cause unwanted distress and frustration to the entire creature.

    this reads like an excerpt from a sexy field guide and i love it.

    "although most seeking out a hydra tend to 'like it rough', a frustrated one's priorites may shift from pleasuring you to pleasuring itself. it is at this point we find it appropriate to remind the reader that a hydra's genitalia is roughly the same size as an average human's torso."

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