rainbow dash (friendship is magic and etc) created by cret
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  • Comments
  • -Frazzledragon said:
    Yeeeaaah... I'm not really sure what to think of this.
    I'm having a hard time calling it anything other than weird.

    Desmo said:
    No. Just no.

    Sunneh said:
    what the fuck man

    This is a example of why people hate bronies: Weird fanarts.

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  • -Frazzledragon said:
    Yeeeaaah... I'm not really sure what to think of this.
    I'm having a hard time calling it anything other than weird.

    Disturbing. Fucking disturbing.

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  • superpony said:
    This is a example of why people hate bronies: Weird fanarts.

    I don't believe that is the case. If anything, then I'd say, bronies are ridiculed because of how obsessively they follow MLP. The general art is much more disturbing due to the amounts there is, rather than having the "uncommon" art be a reason.

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  • superpony said:
    This is a example of why people hate bronies: Weird fanarts.

    Furries don't have any weird art. Not at all
    Watching MLP - that IS the only reason.

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  • It reminds me of the scene in the Witches of Eastwick where they are killing Jack Nicholson's character Lucifer

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  • oh man, as if the brain bug pic i just saw wasn't bad enough... *pic still loading* what the HELL is THIS?!

    has one of adult swim's drug using artists been visiting e621 recently? cause i've seen the crap they show when it's time for commercials and that crap screams drugs to no end.

    also, god? i think you mean nonexistent figment of sheeple's imagination. cause if a god made this, i don't want to know what was going through his/her/it's mind at the time.

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