judy hopps and nick wilde (zootopia and etc) created by amadose
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  • Comments
  • "People project thier own fears onto us."

    Considering you had lied and manipulated Nick, I can't say their bias is truly unfounded.

    Also, please don't say that everyone's negative criticism about a subject is down 'them being always in the wrong.' It's a very self-centered approach to a controversial subject, and I swear it never ceases to end in real life.

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  • mousey11 said:
    Would you mind citing how and where in the comic she does this? Reading the comic up until this point everything seemed very contingent on Nick's comfort and consent so this comment doesn't make any sense to me.

    Think they're talking about the start of the comic when there was that bunny character that was still there. At that point, Judy hadn't mentioned anything at all to Nick, Nick had to discover it himself.

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  • alexandermugetsu said:
    "People project thier own fears onto us."

    Considering you had lied and manipulated Nick, I can't say their bias is truly unfounded.

    Also, please don't say that everyone's negative criticism about a subject is down 'them being always in the wrong.' It's a very self-centered approach to a controversial subject, and I swear it never ceases to end in real life.

    This is why I think these QnA segments can do more harm than good.

    codeofzoot said:
    Think they're talking about the start of the comic when there was that bunny character that was still there. At that point, Judy hadn't mentioned anything at all to Nick, Nick had to discover it himself.

    Judy confessed to Nick. But then Nick just kind of swept it under the rug.


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  • Honestly, the reason why this comic kinda sucks isn't because of the cuckold fetish itself but because of the very beginning

    to elaborate, everything started because they wanted to have a kid to have a family but Judy accidentally took birth control which after she started doing on purpose, essentially cheating on Nick and then just Judy decided "Hey, let's not have kid anymore and invite some random person to control our sex lives"

    If the beginning was removed or rewritten, I think it wouldn't be as bad as it is now

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  • Taking swipes at anyone who has an issue with Judy being turned into this horrific serial cheater and manipulator? Amadose really is trying his hardest to be the new Borba huh?

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  • mrhardbone123 said:
    Honestly, the reason why this comic kinda sucks isn't because of the cuckold fetish itself but because of the very beginning

    to elaborate, everything started because they wanted to have a kid to have a family but Judy accidentally took birth control which after she started doing on purpose, essentially cheating on Nick and then just Judy decided "Hey, let's not have kid anymore and invite some random person to control our sex lives"

    If the beginning was removed or rewritten, I think it wouldn't be as bad as it is now

    That kinda happened when one of the QnA's revealed that Judy has been inviting Nick to regularly have orgies with her other relatives. For me, that sort of deflated the whole situation. If you're already having orgies, their current relationship doesn't seem like that much of a big step.

    paulhyseria said:
    Yall take fanfiction too seriously. just fap or blacklist

    I think that's a good thing, though. Regardless of how the story's critiqued, the amount of discourse people have about it, shows an invested interest in it from readers. Unfortunately, that does come with the requisite "hot-takes" and inflammatory statements.


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  • I don't get how people still get mad over this comic. It's a known quantity. Nearly everyone clicking on a new page knows it's a cuck comic.

    I'm not into noncon. I don't click on a fanfic I know will contain noncon. If I'm reading a fanfic and noncon occurs, I stop reading it and don't click on new pages. I don't fill the comments with how I don't like noncon. I just move on. Ironically cuckold gets more backlash than noncon.

    And that's the thing. The vast majority of the criticism for this comic is just because it contains cuckolding. Not because of the writing. Not because of the art. Because it contains cuckolding.

    People certainly have a disproportionate hang up on cuckolding.

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  • Remember when this was about Nick and Judy trying to have a kid and couldn't afford artificial insemination, so then Jude went behind Nick's back and took birth control. Yeah, good times.

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  • sexygriffon said:
    What's the opposite of rose-coloured glasses? I think most readers remember that moment as being much more heinous than it actually was. Did Judy do a bad? Yes, characters in stories often do bad things and make mistakes. Judy then owned up and said she was sorry, showing remorse for her actions but also admitting to her own faults ("I can't stop"). There's also a believable reason for why she lied, because she was afraid that Nick would leave her if she said she wanted to keep fucking other guys. Is that a healthy thing to do? No, it's not, but again that's the character in the story making a mistake and eventually learning from it. She got to a point where she realized she shouldn't keep doing this and decided to come clean.

    Nick is at first hurt and shows his vulnerability, after which he thinks about it more in a positive way. I'll agree that he flipped from sad to glad a little bit quickly, but that's such a minor thing. Nick forgives Judy, and Judy doesn't feel like she deserves to be forgiven, after which Nick comforts her and assures her that he still loves her. From there Nick lays out his thoughts on the matter, and why something "negative" that she did still excited him, from which they decide to pursue this entire cuck business in more controlled, communicative, understanding way.

    The grudge some of these readers still hold from this, which happened a billion pages ago, isn't really fair to the story as a whole. It was an ugly moment in their relationship, but from there you can see that they're both happier than ever before. Nick and Judy moved on from their mistake, why can't the rest of you? Forgiving a character's mistakes is a part of any story (If it's addressed and dealt with, of course), and if you can't forgive then honestly there's no point to keep on reading (Which is fine, that's your own tastes).

    Even if Nick forgave her, the matter is she lied for her own personal gain. Even if she got better, the problem is still did so and got little reprocusions.

    The main problem here is the hand-waving of "All people who disagree with me are wrong because of their own insecurities, and not because my lifestyle has zero real issues to be discussed." It's not a healthy or correct take, literally much the same as when companies change a media hat people like and they call the people that dislike it 'bigots' in some way or another.

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  • alexandermugetsu said:
    Even if Nick forgave her, the matter is she lied for her own personal gain. Even if she got better, the problem is still did so and got little reprocusions.

    What repercussions should she get?

    Also, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Judy is about to continue talking on the next page. I don't think that's her full response on this page.

    alexandermugetsu said:
    everyone's negative criticism about a subject is down 'them being always in the wrong.'

    "All people who disagree with me are wrong because of their own insecurities, and not because my lifestyle has zero real issues to be discussed."

    Gonna add on, these are some pretty big leaps, when none of this is actually being said or suggested on this page. Those comments from the askers are not negative criticism, Judy isn't saying 'everyone else is wrong'. She's bringing up what I think is a fair point in this whole thing. People assume that things either will go wrong, or are already going wrong, because they picture their own relationship with their partner, and they imagine how it would fuck up their relationship, as well as how they or their partner would handle the issue of Judy's mistakes in the first chapter. But Judy's point here is that every person is different, and every relationship is different, and it's not fair to assume "This would fuck up my relationship, so it's going to fuck up yours too." Some people would be devastated by Judy's confession, but others would try to reason that it's not worth destroying the relationship over and trying to find the positive side of things.


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  • alexandermugetsu said:
    Even if Nick forgave her, the matter is she lied for her own personal gain. Even if she got better, the problem is still did so and got little reprocusions.

    The main problem here is the hand-waving of "All people who disagree with me are wrong because of their own insecurities, and not because my lifestyle has zero real issues to be discussed." It's not a healthy or correct take, literally much the same as when companies change a media hat people like and they call the people that dislike it 'bigots' in some way or another.

    Calling us bigots doesn't make us any less right, they never realize that

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  • there's a perverse part of me that wants this to have the twist ending where everything is on fire lol. "what could possibly go wrong" --> everything

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  • Remember Nick was since the bunny guy, starting to fap and think that was hot. One reason Judy kept taking the pills was watching how his husband was fapping from she having sex with another dude, and that's really hot.

    Guys, we can all tell our opinions but we must be respectful, I'm sure there's someone who might have a broken relationship for trying something like this, but the true is, we take risks for pleasure, we always do.

    Now, from the risk being "cheating" to trying this deep dark kink I think is can be more healthy, or at least honest. I love this comic so much, cause I feel it educates you in a way nothing has ever before about this deep kink. So whoever has the curiosity can bring themselves to the necessary inspiration to try.

    The way everything is growing to a lifestyle is exciting. Its a great comic. To me, we can all learn a lot from it. It doesn't exclude the hard questions and the fears and feeling. So anyone inspired can really be careful. As Owen said, this entire thing can only work if we always speak up.

    Great work! Happy life everyone. Please stop being so judgemental and have more respect for what other's enjoy

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  • This would have been more fun if this hadn't devolved into the same stereotypical cuck trope that all these comics seem to find their way in.

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  • I think that lots of people are in a position where they will never be satisfied with anything about this comic due to a combination of not understanding the feelings and complexities of being non monogamous in a monogamous centered world as well as just not liking this kink in particular and just wanting to be mad about it whether that's a good or a bad thing. (Some of y'all are angry but hard/wet at the same time I know it).

    It's a comic, and just like TV shows and movies sometimes you have to suspend your disbelief about certain things related to pacing. Drawing comics is time-consuming and difficult. There's like 50 pages total to this entire work and it's not the only thing that this artist does with their life. Especially at the beginning when the artist wasn't even sure this was going to continue, did you want them to do 20 pages of just conversation between these two about their relationship?

    The couple addressed it and continuously address that everyone involved is having ongoing discussions about boundaries and rules and checking in with one another even during scenes. Is there a universe where they could have gotten to this point without the deception at the beginning? Absolutely. But I think it's very humanizing how a mistake led to this. Unfortunately lots of people begin their journeys into non-monogamy through situations that are honestly even worse than this. Suspend your disbelief and imagine yourself able to be turned on by situation like this or just stop reading the comic, that also works.

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  • alexandermugetsu said:
    Even if Nick forgave her, the matter is she lied for her own personal gain. Even if she got better, the problem is still did so and got little reprocusions.

    The main problem here is the hand-waving of "All people who disagree with me are wrong because of their own insecurities, and not because my lifestyle has zero real issues to be discussed." It's not a healthy or correct take, literally much the same as when companies change a media hat people like and they call the people that dislike it 'bigots' in some way or another.

    But then we circle around to " If everyone involved is consenting and happy with the arrangement why do you have a problem with their lifestyle?" What is it about this particular kink between consenting adults that makes everybody so angry? I blame NTR honestly. I think people are used to that depiction of infidelity masquerading as cuckold kink in tags and searches. The typical NTR is not the same thing at all but people bleed the two together and express this wild hate for consensual cuckold dynamic.

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  • seere3rd said:
    But then we circle around to " If everyone involved is consenting and happy with the arrangement why do you have a problem with their lifestyle?" What is it about this particular kink between consenting adults that makes everybody so angry? I blame NTR honestly. I think people are used to that depiction of infidelity masquerading as cuckold kink in tags and searches. The typical NTR is not the same thing at all but people bleed the two together and express this wild hate for consensual cuckold dynamic.

    Maybe cuckoldry is a bit too close to cheating, and that hits a little too close to home for some people.

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  • alexandermugetsu said:
    Maybe cuckoldry is a bit too close to cheating, and that hits a little too close to home for some people.

    I can see that, the way I try to explain it is that it's voyeurism with roleplay attached. People don't really have too much problem with voyeurism and people don't have much problem with swinging but the only difference between those things and cuckoldry Is that(sometimes) there is a humiliation roleplay happening at the same time.

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  • seere3rd said:
    I can see that, the way I try to explain it is that it's voyeurism with roleplay attached. People don't really have too much problem with voyeurism and people don't have much problem with swinging but the only difference between those things and cuckoldry Is that(sometimes) there is a humiliation roleplay happening at the same time.

    True, but similarly, some people just won't ever be into swinging, and we shouldn't be attempting to snub against those not into it.

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  • the problem is not the "projecting fears" the problem is turning Nick into a pathetic simp and Judy into a mean bitch, don't know what about other fans, but the more this goes on, the less I consider the two characters I like so much. Can you imagine, that Bunny from Zootopia, having fun degrading anyone? especially the guy she loves?

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  • whereourblueis said:
    Why did the comment section turned into literal war ?

    lol welcome to the new E6 were LOL_comments were Turned out and now its just personalised opinions put up in comments annd some, just dont like it. hence your comment's reflection, can sadly be found on many different posts on E6 nowdays :d

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