someone's pc and etc created by dark violet
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Don't Record This - by Dark_Violet

The video starts with a shaky blur of pale skin lit solely by the phone's screen. Trails of long red hair roll over a pair of bare breasts, a light shine to their surface.

The camera pans up, and there's her face - what's not hidden by a black blindfold, shadowing her cheeks. She lifts it gently with one figure, and a light glints off a green eye underneath.

"Ohhhkay..." she whispers, probably to herself, as an impish smile plays across her pink lips. The video trembles as she begins tapping on its screen.

A message rises up from the bottom.

everyone else is asleep. gotta b quiet

She pauses, glancing at something out of frame. Something else is breathing in the room. She continues typing. Behind the muted thump-thump of thumb taps, there's a clink of metal on metal.

don't record this x

With another smile, she slips the blindfold down again. The dark room around her leaps as she leans down, breasts hanging beneath her chest, as she rests the phone on something. It slips, and there's a flash of a bedroom - bed, covers, some kind of pin-up poster - before she rights it and points it back at herself.

She's fully naked, her skin glowing in the low light. A small paw-print tattoo sits just above her hip bone, twitching as she moves. Her chest rises and falls - anxiety? Excitement...?

She kneels down, looking vaguely off to the side, the blindfold framed by her red hair. With a trembling hand, she taps one thigh. "Come on..." she whispers, teeth gleaming in her smile. Her shaky breath mingles with panting-

And then there's a new shape, brown fur added to the muted blues and greens of the scene. A tail sweeps across the phone, making the scene twitch, a loud shffff of fur across a microphone, and then it parts and the woman is cupping the dog's head in her hands. She lifts her muzzle, and he licks at her lips with abandon, his paws dancing and pulling at the carpet with sharp ripping tugs. She tilts her head, and the head-twitching kiss is lost behind a wagging tail.

When she breaks it, she lets out a tremulous giggle, and whispers something indistinct as she guides his body around. The lithe, rugged form of the lycanroc is illuminated in the phone's light, the soft fur of a housepet layering over toned muscles. He gazes up at her, jumps up, pink pawpads and black claws running over her bare skin. She's breathing more heavily now, chest rising and falling - she holds his chest, keeping him calm, reaching a hand underneath his belly.

The dull brown sheath is already half-swollen when her fingers reach it, and when she eases it back, the pink tip of his shaft glints in the darkness. A shot of pre dances across her arm.

His shaft hangs below him when she finally pulls back. The dog, calm while he was being pleasured, surges towards her, leaping up, his paws making her breasts bounce as she tries to dissuade him. His collar tag tinkles, mixing with his heavy, breathy pants.

A muffled thump briefly overcomes the video's sound. The woman jolts, gripping the dog close, looking out of frame, towards the rest of the house. The dog twitches, and she shushes him gently, one hand on his muzzle.

The scene is still for a few moments. Sweat is gleaming now on the woman's skin.

Eventually she looks back at him, and glances roughly towards the camera. "Oohkay..." she whispers again. She pushes herself up onto her knees, going onto all fours beside him. She keeps one hand on his collar, and he struggles against it, his tongue lolling from his muzzle as he tries to wrap his forelegs around her.

"Better be quick boy..." she says, and lets go of the collar...

Suggested by TeqNea

This picture is part of Someone's PC, a group dedicated to bringing you tales of danger and delight from that familiar Universe. A patron suggested the idea for this picture; want to know more? Want your idea to be next? Check us out on that site that begins with P~

Pokémon © Game Freak / Nintendo

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