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I'm sure I'm not ruining any Naruto lore since I know this is canon between Shukaku and Kurama, despite knowing next to nothing about the anime. Kurama is a bottom due to "stereotype furry fandom fox" reasons and because his 9 tails would have been a pain in the ass to animate ;}

Some things to note (rambling ahead), I ported both of these models (Kurama more than Shukaku as these two were my first model ports so I had a lot of help in between) and I plan to release them both for public use soon.
However, Kurama has a lot of bones...way too many. So much bones that he lags source pretty bad so unfortunately, that made animating this a lot harder than intended due to the fact that he makes Source drop to like 15fps and that made properly animating them both a real pain. Ontop of that, this also slows down the rendering a lot so if this animation seems a lot simpler and not as high quality as what I usually do, that is why as I didn't want to stretch this out much longer than needed and get a near 24 hour render time for this (had I done it my usual way it would have only rendered 1 frame every 1 minute)

Obviously these problems I mentioned are mainly for Source. You Blender users shouldn't have any issues with this so keep that in mind. I'll probably repeat a lot of this when I release them both soon.

  • Comments
  • I mean...kurama does have that superiority complex with the whole "more tails = more power logic" he gave in the anime , so it sort of makes sense that he the ninetails bottoms for the one tail

    You know kinda like a person in power or royalty wanting someone way below them to put them in their place or something along those lines


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  • furryvorelover01 said:
    I mean...kurama does have that superiority complex with the whole "more tails = more power logic" he gave in the anime , so it sort of makes sense that he the ninetails bottoms for the one tail

    You know kinda like a person in power or royalty wanting someone way below them to out them in their place or something along those lines

    I second this

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  • yotespots said:
    "slighty chubby"

    Have... have you seen the actual characters?

    The actual characters? Sure, you could consider Shukaku obese from the anime but, these are models and of course don't represent their actual designs.
    The model itself is more on the chubby side than obese but E621 tags auto defaults all chubby tags to "slightly" chubby. I guess for future reference the overweight tag would be more fitting to use as that could possibly go both ways for the body types that I usually go for.

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