capitoline, lily baker, myka atlis, and trevon created by zinnick
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Hunted Prey (Catching a Trev by the...)

Trev practically collapsed into a heap as he reached the top of the ancient stone stairs leading up to the monastery, flopping out onto the grassy ground waiting for him.

It was only a few seconds later that the wizardly cat heard a soft thwiph noise next to him, his friend Karro the bat stepping out of a teleport as he adjust his tailored jacket.

“Wha… but… you said…!” Trev breathed out, breathlessly and incredulously. “That’s… cheating…! You said… the stairs… were part of the training…!”

“Hmm?” Karro voiced in confusion, looking down to the collapsed Trev. “Oh, my dear Trevon, the stairs ARE part of the training. As if lady Capitoline would want to see anyone that couldn’t even make it up those…” Karro trailed off, looking behind Trev as his gaze followed the stairs down the mountainside. “I want to say… two thousand steps? Give or take? Honestly not as bad as the path to her family lodge.”

Trev swiped his claws in Karro’s general direction, the imagination of shredding the bat to ribbons enough to urge him to push himself back up to his feet as he turned to see just where they’d arrived. Nestled just below the peak of the mountain, constructed on a grassy and pristine patch of land, was a wooden lodge. Capitoline’s training dojo. Built by the warrior wolfess mother herself. Trev had yet to have the pleasure of actually meeting her, but from everything Karro had told him, she was sweet as she was powerful. The matriarch of a clan of warrior wolves devoted to protecting the weak and helpless.

And Karro had gotten him a training session with her.

“Well… thanks again, for setting this up,” Trev huffed, having caught his breath.

“A birthday is a special thing, darling!” Karro beamed with pride, clasping his claws together in front of himself like an eager child. “A day celebrating yourself? How can one resist!”

“You know all you had to do was get me something small.” Trev countered, stretching his muscles. He wanted himself fit for whatever was to come.

“Smalllll!? Karro Telokey does not do small!” The bat exclaimed in mock horror. “Not where his friends are concerned!”

Trev raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more on the subject. “So uh… do I just… head inside?”

“Oh, yes yes! Quite right! Come along, darling,” Karro grinned, waving Trev to fall into step behind him as they walked towards the dojo.

“So you ever been here before?” Trev asked him.

“Oh yes, indeed! A few times. Tempest dragged me up here a few times,”

Trev paused, looking up at Karro. “Okay so when you say she dragged you, do you mean literally?”

Karro’s silence, and subsequent blush, were enough for Trev to have an answer. Before he could press for any more information though, they’d already arrived at the front door. A well balanced array of interlocked logs, sealed together with baked mud. Trev raised a hand to knock, but Karro placed his own claw on Trev’s as he just shook his head.

“Just go on inside. They’re expecting you!”

“Right, right, I just didn’t know if-” Trev began, pushing open the door but pausing as he did so as one word registered in his head. “Wait, they’re expecting me? I thought it was just Capitoline up here? Who else is waiting?”

Trev got his answer all too soon. Within the lodge, shrouded in the shadow of lack of torchlight, were three figures. One of them Trev didn’t recognize, but surmised to be Capitoline. The other two though, Trev MORE than recognized. His lycanthropy cursed friend, Lily, who normally appeared as a small and softspoken drow cat girl. And Myka, a friend from another world that occasionally stopped by Peratha to say hello. But it wasn’t the unexpected presence of two friends that caught him off guard. No, what had Trev frozen in place, hand gripping the open door for support, was their state of dress.

Piercing eyes gazed out at him from beneath black masks. Their claws, encased in soft black gloves, flexed beneath the material covering them at the sight of their prey. Their legs were equally encased in soft black thigh high stockings, tensing at Trev’s arrival, as if readying to pounce.

And those articles of clothing were ALL they wore.

“I… you… all of y-... what is…!?” Trev stuttered, frozen in fear.

“Ohhhh, I may have… lied a little about what this place is…” Karro sighed dramatically as he leaned against the doorframe. “It’s not so much a training dojo… as a disciplinary one…”

Capitoline was the first wolf to step forward, hands on her hips. She was an older looking woman in the face, but body wise she looked like she could still be young.

“Karro tells us it’s your birthday,” Captoline spoke, flashing her fangs. “As a noble warrior who’s saved many, and a student of Jean herself, it will be my honor to test your spirit.”

“Well… you see… I d-”
Trev didn’t even finish his sentence, spinning on his heel as he ran for the stairs. He heard a growl, the sound of pounding feet, and suddenly there was a big, furry body on him, pinning him to the ground as two others seized his arms and legs, dragging him back to the dojo.

“KARRO YOU BASTARD!! YOU SET ME UUUUP!!!” Trev screamed as he was hauled by the three practically naked wolfesses back into the dojo, for the first time Trev noticing that what he had thought was training equipment was, in fact, bdsm equipment.

“Have fuuuun!” Karro waved with a grin. “I’ll come pick you up in the morning!”

Trev managed to let out one last piercing mewl of desperation before the doors closed on him, leaving him at the mercy of the three eager wolfesses inside…

An absolutely wonderful birthday piece for TreVhART~ commissioned by the lovely trio in the picture.
And stellar writing done by the one and only: Cosmic-Library

Myka belongs to: drpossibly
Werewolf Lily belongs to: DeviantStyle
Capitoline belongs to: Cosmic-Library

  • Comments
  • This
    Was a fucking FLASHBANG to me.
    And a wonderful birthday gift

    I will beat up everyone involved in the future

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