dbear and dogbruin created by keto
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When you have a good toy, it's always best to share with those you care and trust. And on the receiving end of that
kind of trust, you should always make sure to never break your toys.

Keto, Boreas, and Tusker went out one evening to unwind at the local dim-lit dive bar. They knew the owner, discounted
drinks, and got to stay a bit later to avoid the crowds.

This particular night, a few drinks and cigars later, Tusker and Keto found themselves riled up and feeling a bit needy. Keto's
been gripping and rubbing the back of Boreas's neck at the bar for a bit, patting him on the head casually as they all spoke.
And it wasn't long before the alcohol to hit, and the conversations became more blunt. Keto and Tusker would have their
conversations, blatantly pointing out Boreas's pet-status, making dirty jokes at the pet's expense, and Boreas would just
blush a bit and chuckle a long. He loved it and he felt proud, despite his initial shyness.

As the night went on, the crowd got thinner, and the trio became bolder, and at this point, it was inevitable that Boreas ended
up with a hood over his head, covering everything but his mouth, and mitts over his paws. They'd sit at the bar a little longer
still, continuing their casual conversations, with Boreas sitting between the two, unable to see, and head sunken between his
shoulder submissively, respectfully unable to look his superiors in the eyes as they spoke because of the hood, and lowering
his head only until one of them put their hand under his chin to lift his head, and put a beer bottle to his lips and fed him beer.
Boreas would gulp as much beer as long as the bottle was at his lips, until he'd gasp for air when the bottle was pulled away
and the hand under his lifted chin was gone, and he'd hang his head back down, panting, with a little bit of beer dribbling down
his lips, and he smiled, chuckled drunkly, and thanked the two while he felt paws and trotters pat the top of his head.

He felt proud and he couldn't feel happier. He couldn't feel like more of a good boy.

The night got even later, continuing like this, with casual conversations among the three, until finally Keto rubbed the top of
Boreas's head, carelessly looked around the bar to see it mostly empty, but not quite deserted. Then he looked back to Tusker,
leaned forward to rest his arm and chin on top of Boreas's head between them, causing Boreas to slouch down low to be Keto's
arm rest. Keto wiggled an eyebrow playfully at Tusker and licked his jowls.

"Hey, Mister Boar... " Keto started playfully, "how about we play with our toy tonight. The owner gave us the go ahead and..."
Before Keto could even finish, Tusker was standing up, heading towards the center of the bar.

It's as if they've done this before.

Keto followed behind Tusker, standing up from his chair, patted Boreas's head as he noticed Boreas trying to stand up to follow,
and gave him a cute, "Stay, puppy." and Keto left to follow Tusker as they set up the leather and chains as the few remaining
critters in the bar saw what was happening, and started setting up their chairs in the back of the bar, in the dark as to not cause
any distractions and enjoy.

Boreas felt firm paws on his shoulders pull him off the bar stool, and he walked carefully, blinded from the hood, and mitted
paws to his chest shyly, and finally heard chains. He felt the bar light over his head and stood obediently, with his head down
and made sure to only listen. His tail couldn't help but softly wag behind him as he knew he was going to be such a good toy
tonight and let himself be shared between his two superiors. He was going to make them so happy. He was doing exactly what
he was made for, and he felt a paw grab one of his horns, and trotters grab the other and warm breath against each of his
ears before the deep whispering came.

"Ready, puppy?"

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