libra bethelon created by libra-11
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  • Comments
  • 3 things
    1.This is weird o.o
    2.This reminds me of Endium's work (cept his is a perfect suit that forces the body to have a vagina or penis and just not hole over a dick & balls)
    and idk why but the suit feels rip-offish to me, kinda looks like a Flora from Twokinds rip-off a little

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  • Blackphantom770 said:
    3 things
    1.This is weird o.o
    2.This reminds me of Endium's work (cept his is a perfect suit that forces the body to have a vagina or penis and just not hole over a dick & balls)
    and idk why but the suit feels rip-offish to me, kinda looks like a Flora from Twokinds rip-off a little

    1. If you think this is weird, you haven't been on this site long.

    2. I actually like the concept of this suit, it's more realistic and easier for me to... Relate to, for lack of a better word.

    3. Of course it reminds you of Flora. Flora is a tiger, and this is also a tiger.

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