lloydford l. lion and rambley raccoon (the cheese grater image and etc) created by anonymous artist
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  • Comments
  • I don't understand what makes this post get deleted but stuff that's way worse doesn't.

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  • Who ever posted it for Removal didn't have a reason. I'm suspicious it could be a non reason and will get a warning and reminded to use blacklist lol

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  • "[Flag] previously deleted"

    That was the original one that got deleted, not the Rambley version, which should be just fine

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  • tiiii12 said:
    I don't understand what makes this post get deleted but stuff that's way worse doesn't.

    ikr. when people talked about the raccoon cheese grater image the way they do, I figured it was some horrible thing made in the deepest darkest pits of hell. When I saw it was just a simple gore image that is innocent compared to alot of artwork I've seen. its odd why they're so content on removing these. probably RACISM

    espenebs said:
    Who ever posted it for Removal didn't have a reason. I'm suspicious it could be a non reason and will get a warning and reminded to use blacklist lol

    yea, I hate how people just REEEEEALLY hate using blacklist and prefer downvoting the shit out of it, no matter the quality or anything. this post is actually well made but for some reason is getting removed because they have a weak stomach when it comes to raccoons or something ig.

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  • thatkidfromcod said:
    ikr. when people talked about the raccoon cheese grater image the way they do, I figured it was some horrible thing made in the deepest darkest pits of hell. When I saw it was just a simple gore image that is innocent compared to alot of artwork I've seen. its odd why they're so content on removing these. probably RACISM

    Who are you referring to when you say racism?

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  • thatkidfromcod said:
    it was a joke because its a raccoon

    I don't get it sorry but gotcha. Just smart to ask, so that nobody could take it the wrong way lol

    Update: did you mean animal Anthro racism? That's kinda funny lol


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  • thatkidfromcod said:
    ikr. when people talked about the raccoon cheese grater image the way they do, I figured it was some horrible thing made in the deepest darkest pits of hell. When I saw it was just a simple gore image that is innocent compared to alot of artwork I've seen. its odd why they're so content on removing these. probably RACISM

    yea, I hate how people just REEEEEALLY hate using blacklist and prefer downvoting the shit out of it, no matter the quality or anything. this post is actually well made but for some reason is getting removed because they have a weak stomach when it comes to raccoons or something ig.

    What I think is people are pissed there something they don't like in their porn time and either don't know or don't Wana use blacklist and would rather do anything they can to shit on these arts without breaking the rules. For daring to post stuff like this on this website which their allowed to do lol

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  • espenebs said:
    What I think is people are pissed there something they don't like in their porn time and either don't know or don't Wana use blacklist and would rather do anything they can to shit on these arts without breaking the rules. For daring to post stuff like this on this website which their allowed to do lol

    I think e6 needs to make everyone do a tutorial on how to blacklist, then people can't act dumb and complain about stuff or excessively downvote things.

    espenebs said:
    I don't get it sorry but gotcha. Just smart to ask, so that nobody could take it the wrong way lol

    Update: did you mean animal Anthro racism? That's kinda funny lol


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  • thatkidfromcod said:
    I think e6 needs to make everyone do a tutorial on how to blacklist, then people can't act dumb and complain about stuff or excessively downvote things.


    It's literally just go to settings, select blacklist, then write any tags you want and you're set,

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  • espenebs said:
    It's literally just go to settings, select blacklist, then write any tags you want and you're set,

    ikr. people who act like its rocket science probably aren't old enough to be on this site.

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  • thatkidfromcod said:
    ikr. people who act like its rocket science probably aren't old enough to be on this site.

    That or really old people pfft

    (Jk old and young is fine with me, as long as their 18+ and of course respect people and rules )

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  • urutaguja said:
    To all of those who are complaining why I flagged it.

    1. I thought this violated some rules, not the fact I have a "weak stomach". I read a comment that sounded like someone brought this post again despite being deleted or denied.

    2. I am 21 years old, I am more than old enough to be here.

    3. Maybe don't assume that I get pissy hissy about this. I didn't know this was allowed, so don't be all assholes about it. I just wanted to throw this out there since people can't be bothered to think more than the sad deal of kids trying to be "adults".

    Maybe y'all need to realize that not everyone was aware that the cheese grater was a tag here, so how was I supposed to know this was gonna be in my blacklist???

    Update 1:
    I am willing to take the slap on the wrist if I get a warning, after all, I didn't know this stuff was allowed, but I should know better. I have seen worse regardless. My reason for the flag was for assuming this was posted after being denied or deleted, which is something that I am aware needs to be spaced by time, not immediate.
    Also, yes, there are worse things here and I have them blacklisted. Even though I double check if I miss anything, it is what it is.

    But if you instantly assume I have a weak stomach, that's easily your experienced problem as witness of people (or kids, in the matter) being babies about it. I get it, if I saw that happen, I would be angry about it too. But this isn't the case, but this should be a nice reminder that, not everyone is the one dummy kid that is a bitch about things, but rather the one person thinking they are doing the right thing for guideline purposes, and willing to learn that it was wrong.

    Can we all be civil about this now? Please? I'm trying to be civil myself, but I get worked up because nowadays, with the new generation being finicky about what is what, we can't have the "nice things" as is anymore...

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  • urutaguja said:
    To all of those who are complaining why I flagged it.

    1. I thought this violated some rules, not the fact I have a "weak stomach". I read a comment that sounded like someone brought this post again despite being deleted or denied.

    2. I am 21 years old, I am more than old enough to be here.

    3. Maybe don't assume that I get pissy hissy about this. I didn't know this was allowed, so don't be all assholes about it. I just wanted to throw this out there since people can't be bothered to think more than the sad deal of kids trying to be "adults".

    Maybe y'all need to realize that not everyone was aware that the cheese grater was a tag here, so how was I supposed to know this was gonna be in my blacklist???

    Having gore blacklisted would have been enough to not see this image. Also you sound like a new user if you had managed to not see the original cheese grater image it's referencing. If you ever flag something that you thinks previously deleted try searching the image up first by using the search function status:deleted. Don't forget to set a profile pic image if you want for yourself and welcome to e621 we have such sights to show you.

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  • asterisk6495 said:
    Y’know, I think this is a good reminder for me to add cheese_grater to my blacklist.

    It's not about the object, but how it's applied. There are quite high-quality images where it is present. For example - For example - post #1800676 - post #1366814
    But, alas, there are few such pictures...And it is easier (and better) to block this tag...


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  • jelomeosb1 said:
    This is almost a tradition at this point.

    The drawing of a cheese grater inside a raccon, will it be the Rick roll of the furries?

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  • espenebs said:
    Who ever posted it for Removal didn't have a reason. I'm suspicious it could be a non reason and will get a warning and reminded to use blacklist lol

    I know why. Remember that one image that is now lost? That's the reason.

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  • darkfox_kazuha221 said:
    Lets hope like the last one, that this one also gets lost to time.

    Gore? No those kinda pics will exist for years to come. Especially memes of these

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  • urutaguja said:
    To all of those who are complaining why I flagged it.

    1. I thought this violated some rules, not the fact I have a "weak stomach". I read a comment that sounded like someone brought this post again despite being deleted or denied.

    2. I am 21 years old, I am more than old enough to be here.

    3. Maybe don't assume that I get pissy hissy about this. I didn't know this was allowed, so don't be all assholes about it. I just wanted to throw this out there since people can't be bothered to think more than the sad deal of kids trying to be "adults".

    Maybe y'all need to realize that not everyone was aware that the cheese grater was a tag here, so how was I supposed to know this was gonna be in my blacklist???

    Most people who do what you did are usually what people here said you may or probably would have been. And many if not most eventually gets themselves banned. And I'll give you a good advice. If stuff like this happens in the future try taking the L and just say sorry I didn't know instead of listening everything you see people wrote about you wich may or may not be true or false. It is not a talking you down or anything like that because that's not allowed in the server either. It's a genuine advice I would say to anyone in any situation here in the server. Even if everything is true and you genuinely didn't pay attention to the tags it's still smart to just keep it bread and just say my b and ill do better ^^

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  • espenebs said:
    Gore? No those kinda pics will exist for years to come. Especially memes of these

    The cheese grater raccoon one. There is one image that is lost to time in a similar situation to this one. That one is lost. THANKFULLY!!!

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  • dahurgthedragon said:
    "[FLAG] Trace of another artist's work - about 19 hours ago"

    People are so desperate to take this down ROFL

    They are gonna get a timeout or perma ban for that one lol depending how they behaved before

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  • manyura said:
    it's been flagged again people really want this off the site lmao

    Lmao anything they can but to not use blacklist

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  • Oh no, what the fuck is this 😭 it looks so fucking gruesome please we do NOT need this type of stuff. I feel bad for all the raccoon fursona users cus they do NOT deserve this treatment

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  • I still find it quite fascinating how everyone associates that infamous image with raccoons, despite Fender being a ferret/fox.

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  • Lol the dribble of cum always gets me cuz it's like that incredibly distressed expression just flies out the window

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  • God i'm actually so glad i noticed this post AFTER i was done pleasing myself, now WHILE doing it i am actually so glad, also WTF is this shirt

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  • espenebs said:
    Gore? No those kinda pics will exist for years to come. Especially memes of these

    The infamous image that is offensive. But then again. I am hoping this one gets lost to time due to the fact that similar situations are in play

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  • darkfox_kazuha221 said:
    The infamous image that is offensive. But then again. I am hoping this one gets lost to time due to the fact that similar situations are in play

    I'm not sure wich pics you're talking about that's (offensive) I know gore pics are meant to be that extreme that's mostly there for dark humour. Especially enjoying people going nuts about it lol

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  • espenebs said:
    I'm not sure wich pics you're talking about that's (offensive) I know gore pics are meant to be that extreme that's mostly there for dark humour. Especially enjoying people going nuts about it lol

    Well to be honest I myself am more than likely to use the blacklist feature. But sometimes I get to curious and fuck around and find out. This is one such example. I have never looked at a cheese grater the same way since the first time I saw the original cheese grater raccoon image. Trust me. I get the dark humor part don't get me wrong. But I sometimes scroll through e621 and eat some food. Either while eating breakfast or eating a snack. And then I forget what I'm doing besides scrolling through e621 and accidentally stumble upon an image that makes me lose my appetite. This one however. Just makes me remember those crime documentaries involving brutal imagery.

    The original cheese grater raccoon image however. Let's just say that the Wikipedia article for cock and ball torture looked better than the image itself.

    Edit: I am kinda like curious George but if George was a fox and autistic.


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