flora (twokinds) created by tom fischbach
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Flora Hunts for Koi - 10 Minute Thumbail Sketch

Really really sloppy thumbnail sketch - one of several - done to brainstorm ideas for posters and book covers. This one came out the best in my opinion, so I thought I'd throw it up her for you guys to see. ^^ Obviously, it hasn't been refined at all, but that's not the idea. A thumbnail sketch / speed paint is just meant to convey the general idea, and I think it's worked here. I mostly tried to focus on color. Putting Flora's orange fur on a blue background really makes her pop out, and red also complements her as a tertiary color. In time, this will likely be refined into a fully-realized poster and sold alongside the books.
~Tom Fischbach

Very creative and Too cute for words

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