malachi (pokemon mystery dungeon and etc) created by wooled

The reverberating echoes of the past have come to haunt Malachi from beyond his dreams. Truthfully, he knows he must face them... but wouldn't it just be easier to push towards the future?

What makes a champion?

And so, the main story of OBT returns! I've mentioned offhandedly in a few different places, but this is actually going to be a 3 part chapter- the parts just separating the main plot beats and allowing myself my usual between-chapter cooldown between each part. Part 1 is estimated to be 88 pages long, part 2 a slightly shorter 62 pages, and part 3 anywhere between 150-200 pages. Kinda puts Chapter 7 to shame, huh? I hope you all look forward to the gang navigating their baggage!

Special thanks to King-Pika for reading up to chapter 11!

hop on in buddy, the water's fine

  • Comments
  • The_MrD said:
    Malachi has Maelstrom tied on his neck again... Does this mean they reconnect?

    Notice how he doesn't have his fancy clothes. I think this is a flashback! That MIGHT be what maelstrom was tied to before.

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  • qwop9992 said:
    Notice how he doesn't have his fancy clothes. I think this is a flashback! That MIGHT be what maelstrom was tied to before.

    Plus he's almost certainly from Amp Plains given how he reacts when Yohann brings it up and the area in this picture is both quite plain-sy and has electricity abounding.

    Considering the past is coming beyond his dreams we might just have a little homecoming on our hands.

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  • kts said:
    Finally we get to see Malachi's past.

    Finally we are getting Malachi anything. Been all Rune and Dielle.

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  • pandaurs said:
    Finally we are getting Malachi anything. Been all Rune and Dielle.

    if anything, I've actually been more self-conscious of inigo getting shafted. malachi at least had that mini-arc in chapter 7, but my poor monster boy doesn't get his time in the spotlight for a while longer. hopefully the beginning of this chapter won't be too disappointing otherwise lmao, gotta get some quality time with the team before it becomes The Malachi Show for 200 pages!

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