cammie, ingrid, ruby the zangoose, blair, capri, and etc (nintendo and etc) created by sssonic2
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  • A little sad how, despite being different Pokémon or varying heights, they've all got the same body type. Got to be more diverse with the bodies of your girls, Sonic.

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  • luznolindo said:
    A little sad how, despite being different Pokémon or varying heights, they've all got the same body type. Got to be more diverse with the bodies of your girls, Sonic.

    He draws the males with the same body type as the females; it's most likely his preference. His content works for him, and he's not obligated to draw a certain way just to satisfy one person, or a small minority.

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  • i'mhereforresearch said:
    He draws the males with the same body type as the females; it's most likely his preference. His content works for him, and he's not obligated to draw a certain way just to satisfy one person, or a small minority.

    I think it's less about satisfying a minority of people and more about expanding what one is capable of as an artist. There's nothing wrong with liking this body type, but when it's all you draw--especially when you're posting it online for all to see--that's when it becomes a problem.

    Artists like Sonic end up coming off as one-trick ponies: They're only good at drawing one thing, and refuse to see what else they're capable of and try out new things. And it just gets old to see. Artists like Sonic aren't worldly artists.

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  • luznolindo said:
    I think it's less about satisfying a minority of people and more about expanding what one is capable of as an artist. There's nothing wrong with liking this body type, but when it's all you draw--especially when you're posting it online for all to see--that's when it becomes a problem.

    Artists like Sonic end up coming off as one-trick ponies: They're only good at drawing one thing, and refuse to see what else they're capable of and try out new things. And it just gets old to see. Artists like Sonic aren't worldly artists.

    Always hated this point of view.

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  • lysanderoth said:
    Always hated this point of view.

    Yeah, it's absolute bogus. Every artist doesn't have to cater to every taste. Art is self-expression, not crowd-pleasing. Besides, niches exist for a reason.

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