created by mikeinel
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An Incubus in his usual job.

  • Comments
  • Vladmiri said:
    The only explicit thing in this is the fact the woman dangling over KND's Father is nude. No genitalia is showed, nor is there any real action going on. I'm not going to beat around the rules-bush, but if anyone else agrees, I wouldn't mind this being rated into Questionable.

    Of course, I'll probably just get downvoted into eternity for hurting the animator's/artist's/reader's/someone's feelings by saying and not doing. Better safe than sorry when it comes to changing a debatable tag, IMO.

    Are you positive? Look to the left of the image. Either I am going blind or there is clearly some tender tentacle lovin' going on here, not just bouncing breasts and kissing.
    isn't penetrative stuff explicit?

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  • Esme_Belles said:
    Breasts =/= explicit. Changed the questionable.

    I rated it like that because of the action, not exactly about the contents itself. Animations need a bit more of judgement, imo.

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  • Genjar

    Former Staff

    Esme_Belles said:
    Breasts =/= explicit. Changed the questionable.

    Obvious penetrative sex = explicit.

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  • For some reason this makes me think they are a married couple that love to do videos and this is them in their off time just having fun.

    But the I find the Romantic nature of these two more sexy then just hard unwilling rutting.

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  • VacantBloodstream said:
    The only explicit thing in this is the fact the woman dangling over KND's Father is nude. No genitalia is showed, nor is there any real action going on. I'm not going to beat around the rules-bush, but if anyone else agrees, I wouldn't mind this being rated into Questionable.

    Of course, I'll probably just get downvoted into eternity for hurting the animator's/artist's/reader's/someone's feelings by saying and not doing. Better safe than sorry when it comes to changing a debatable tag, IMO.

    You need to get your eyes checked, because your a moron.

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