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Chelsea is more devious than one would expect for a tiny doggie... She totally got Vee drunk and took off his prosthetics so he wouldn't be able to fight back!

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  • Comments
  • The_Domo said:
    yeah, but double standards tell me you are not really complaining

    judging on my avatar are you? nicely played

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  • Marazmus said:
    Suprised that he still has a cock..... oh wait furry logic....

    In order to take his cock off, the thing that cut him would've had to cut right around waist level. Since there is clearly a bit of each leg left, it is not at all unbelievable that his dick survived the process. In fact, if he'd been cut high enough to take his equipment from him, it would've been more of a surprise that he SURVIVED AT ALL than anything...

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  • Dr.myster said:
    that was mean of her

    Been in that position many times where was completely paralyzed with only minor feeling and I have to admit even now am sort of like that since my left leg doesn't work and have a trachea to be honest I would not mind it at all it's better than the loneliness that comes with being disabled

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  • I was born disabled and grew up with a lot of problems because of my back so speaking from the disabled characters point of view not only would that be the greatest thing ever we would want more of it I literally been a lone my entire life just because people here in NY consider neck and back braces something that means you're retarded and should be run over with a car and yes a lot of people have actually tried running me down just because I had to wear those things.

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