created by romman08

From source:

OС. MIG-21H. Viktor Kirov - by Romman08 ( )

New male character.
I apologize for my bad English

A few facts:
- Victor highest personnel of laboratory 34 . His height is 3 meters 40 centimeters.
- Scientists have created the Victor on the program "super soldiers." There is information that the project idea was stolen from the United States.
- Initially, Victor should have been fruitless. But because of the genetics error, he can impregnate the human woman and any other species.
- The first combat experience Victor - Vietnam. He destroyed:
4 B-52
23 F-4 Phantom
34 helicopter
47 armored vehicles
- He was married to the F-4 Phantom. Suzanne Gelesi. But due to unexplained reasons, they divorced.
- At the moment, Victor 5 children - 2 boys and 3 girls.

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