Silver didn't pay much attention to the new shops he saw on one of his daily walks. But the giant, yet lovely lizard lady who worked there certainly caught his attention, partly due to her size, but largely because he hadn't seen anyone like her before. He didn't think much of it when he saw her unloading things in the back but, his curiosity having always been one of his strongest parts, he decided to add the area to his route once he was back home, hoping to see her again and find out more.
Several times that week, he saw her working at different shops, and always made sure he gave a wave before he went on his way. But one of those times she looked troubled, for reasons he couldn't decipher. He left before he could cause any further strife, even though he didn't know what happened.
The next time, he only saw her only in passing, but long enough to see her glance at a nearby alley. Hoping for the chance to speak with her, he waited there. The alley's remoteness should have been a red flag, but his curiosity got the better of him. At long last, he heard footsteps, and knew she came.
Silver wasn't expecting what he saw. She had shed every bit of clothing, leaving her wearing nothing except the gold rings in her nose and nipples. Silver didn't think he caught her attention in that way, but he was never one to turn down such an opportunity, especially with such an intriguing lady.
"Hello there!" He said with a flustered wave.
"I must say, I wasn't expecting things to move so quickly with us." He then added with a light chuckle.
The comment earned a smirk from her, but before he could say more, her hands grabbed his sides and hoisted him up like he weighed nothing. With her immense stature, he wouldn't have been surprised if he did. But he knew something was wrong when she tightened her grip, ensuring he wasn't going anywhere.
"Uh...miss...?" Silver said, his heart speeding up and his ears going down.
"Freya." She said, her voice sounding exactly how he imagined.
"Miss Freya, thank you. I'm Silver." He said, trying to hide the concern in his voice. Until he heard a demanding rumble from her belly.
"Wh-What's going on...?" He said, trying to wiggle free but, as always, it was no good. She suspected from the look on his face that he already knew.
She touched her ear with one hand, the other easily holding him by itself. "I got him." She said.
"Take care of him, Miss Freya." She heard, but it was too soft for the otter to hear.
"I'm sorry." She said to him, and sounded like she meant it. "But I have to do this."
Her reluctance was replaced with a steely determination once she held him at eye level. With her immense size advantage, he knew there was no chance of stopping her.
It happened quickly. One minute, he was staring into her fiery eyes. The next, he got a brief glimpse at her gaping jaws before he was shoved headlong past them, his tail showing just how much he enjoyed the rough handling.
Only a few gulps were needed to send him past her throat, down the fleshy chute, and into her sweltering stomach. She slumped against the wall while he squirmed in her guts, trying to find a comfortable position, and he knew she wasn't going to let him out.
He was left panting and stewing in her caustic stomach juices. It all happened so fast he still hadn't overcome the whiplash. By the time he did, he felt his hands going numb and could barely flex his fingers. Yet, in all that time, there was no caressing her stomach, no moaning, no signs that she enjoyed it unless she was a really good actor. Could she have been serious about not wanting it?
It took several breaths before he was able to form a word. "Why?"
She let out a sigh. "My superiors said you saw too much. They ordered me to eliminate you."
"But I didn't see anything!" He said once he had the breath for it.
"I know..." She grumbled.
Silver pressed his head out and felt her heavy boobs squishing down on him, earning a soft giggle. "I'll be okay!" He said, before panting again. "D-Don't worry!"
At the continued silence, he carried on. "Show them my collar as proof I've been taken care of. They'll believe it."
But by then, he was barely able to keep himself upright, whimpering while his fur bleached and then fell out in clumps. The tingling became itching, and then the world's worst sunburn. Thankfully, it wasn't much longer before he expired in her guts and she went up a cup size once they finished him off.
Left alone with her thoughts, she couldn't help but wonder: was he serious when he said he'd be okay? It didn't seem possible. But he barely panicked or even seemed worried when he figured out what was happening. Perhaps he simply meant he was okay with it? Either way, the job was done and the otter had been eliminated. And she couldn't deny she enjoyed the experience on some level. Her assistant, Shima, would be thrilled, even if she herself was not.
She returned to her superiors to report on a job well done, and was given Silver's collar to keep as a personal trophy.
pro cheese inspector
Memberi don't think he was okay, i think we should worry... /j
MemberHe's fine. Check the next part.
pro cheese inspector
Memberi know, I've seen the next panel...
i put this here as a joke...
as the /j suggests...
MemberOooohhhh, okay! Sorry. I didn't know what that meant. Thank you for the explanation.
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