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  • Comments
  • I knew I should have waited until the end! And it payed off!
    No no no, not that way. It's just, I'm not gay, so satisfaction through my sexual identity is just, good.
    Betty Boob, oops, I mean, Betty Boop, was going CRAZAH.

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  • omfg its awesome, i had a Youtube and this open in 2 tabs, and on youtube i had the original and i had both of them going at the same time ITS SO AWESOME

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  • abraham lincoln's dick says "log" on it XD and in a couple of frames when batman is licking indiana jones his spit spells out "l337" i watched the whole thing backwards >.>

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  • OMFG Stop it! I can't breathe!!!


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  • The japanese guy in the very begining was watching lesbien porn on the computer.... sad that i notice this junk XD

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  • Danny said:
    Click on the armadillo named Corey, BTW :D

    Once again, snape perfects another already awesome gay flash. :3

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  • Poltergeist said:
    This is offically the gayest thing ever. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

    I didn't knew that a thing could be more or less gay than another. Do you say of something that it is more or less hetero ?

    Funny comment.

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  • I know this is kinda old (the first comments are dated 3 years ago), but I just watched it for the first time and I have some things to say about it.
    1-I have seen many animations in my short experience in this page, but I'm sure this one is in my top 5.
    2-I can't get the song out of my head.
    3-I need to take this to school and watch it again there. I'll put it on favourites so I can find it easier later.
    4-I need a link to download the song.
    5-I need to find someone like you in real life, he'll be my best friend :D

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  • WHAT, the, FUCK... did I just watch?
    I think I just saw the most gayest thing I have and will ever see but, I just pissed myself laughing all the way throughout XDD

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  • Oh, that was... Something. I wonder how I managed to miss this one.

    Snape didn't quite pull of the cute bunny boy if you ask me :P

    Also seems Waldo likes getting in on the group things, I wonder why...

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  • Amazing what people with too much time on their hands can do.

    Fortunately, no lawyer representing any living person mentioned in this vid has yet to have this yanked off the internet. I guess they can take a joke!! I'm so proud of you!

    Huzzah for political incorrectness!

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  • ... dafuq? This may possibly be the weirdest animation I've ever seen. And that's saying something, cause I've seen a lot of weird shit in the days that I've been on the internet.

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  • Guat da fak??? I didn't know how to react, but that was funny.

    And the first time I saw Chuck Norris fucked (up), finally. :v

    The most gay video I have ever seen in my fucking whole life.

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  • I was looking up xenomorphs and I found one. It's a female at the end. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    I still fucking love this video.

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