created by wolfjedisamuel
  • Comments
  • It's a scam. I became a furry and I lost my virginity. When I called to cancel they said I have a five year contract with them and to cancel it I have to goto some 'camp' for a year.

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  • CharlieWoo said:
    It's a scam. I became a furry and I lost my virginity. When I called to cancel they said I have a five year contract with them and to cancel it I have to go to some 'camp' for a year.

    I went to the camp man...
    there was...
    stuff man...
    I have nightmares about stuff now man...

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  • Fursaffis said:
    I went to the camp man...
    there was...
    stuff man...
    I have nightmares about stuff now man...

    ShadeolTheFox said:
    And this one time, at yiff camp--

    I did a horse, but it didn't go that well :(

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  • No!!! I am not becoming some non-human freak that has sex all the time!!!(I have no problem with sex, it's just that I don't like doing it to much) Plus I'm going to put a border on Canada that way the furries can have half of Canada only, while us decent Humans can have entire USA and the other half of Canada!!! That way we don't be spreading fleas to each other every fucking day and shitting on the ground all the time making the streets smell like shit all day long!!!!!

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  • BlueGreen said:
    I did a horse, but it didn't go that well :(

    And today on "Things that I really did not need to know...".

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