created by chimera synx
  • Comments
  • TheVaultDweller said:
    Well, Hai thar satanicly symbolic demon. o.0"

    get your religions right, chimera is a greek demon

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  • Rogan2134 said:
    get your religions right, chimera is a greek demon

    I'm not sure it's a chimera >_>
    COPY PASTA: a monstrous fire-breathing creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of multiple animals: upon the body of a lioness with a tail that terminated in a snake's head, the head of a goat arose on her back at the center of her spine.

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  • TheVaultDweller said:
    I'm not sure it's a chimera >_>
    COPY PASTA: a monstrous fire-breathing creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of multiple animals: upon the body of a lioness with a tail that terminated in a snake's head, the head of a goat arose on her back at the center of her spine.


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  • Rogan2134 said:
    get your religions right, chimera is a greek demon

    Chimera is the name of the artist... I think?
    How anyone could look at this and not see the allusions to satanism is beyond me

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  • Muse53 said:
    Chimera is the name of the artist... I think?
    How anyone could look at this and not see the allusions to satanism is beyond me

    in cristianity, ANYTHING of another religion is satanic. so in a way your right

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  • I had to stare at this for a minute before I could (literally) make heads or tails of it. That I often have to is one of my favorite things about Synx's work.

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  • Rogan2134 said:
    in cristianity, ANYTHING of another religion is satanic. so in a way your right

    Fail opinion is fail.

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  • Rogan2134 said:
    prove me wrong


    Because "cristianity" isn't a religion...

    ...also, give it up. you've failed too many times ITT already

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  • Actually...this IS satanic. Look at the watermark; it's the satanic star. But, it's a happy star, so it's okay ;) Synx is so cool

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  • BigBadsheWolf said:
    Actually...this IS satanic. Look at the watermark; it's the satanic star. But, it's a happy star, so it's okay ;) Synx is so cool

    No! Its not a purely satanic symbol.
    Ugh you'd people would know a little more if they spend so much time on the computer.
    The symbol is originally Pagan (No not witches *rolls eyes*) and it was believed to be protection _against_ evil.

    @KloHOund thank you lol

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  • Sunshower said:
    Fail opinion is fail.

    When christians stop saying that pentagrams are the sign of the devil then you can insult someone for saying that they demonize everything that isn't pure white and christian because it's pretty much true dude like it or not.

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  • Hakoten said:
    Here's an idea... Stop being idiots. ;D

    Words of truth.

    Pashmenia said:
    If i knew it was my last day on earth, i'd run and jump on Synx's back and see how long i can hold on before dieing :)

    This would be amazing.

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  • thevaultdweller said:
    Well, Hai thar satanicly symbolic demon. o.0"

    If anything, the only real viable symbolism of the creature is the fact that it has eye pattern in vague appearance of the Eye of Horus. That's if you're looking for direct occult symbolism at least. Then of course horns which go back to Germanic paganism where horned entities were considered revered before the Holy Roman Empire decided to go north and screw everything up. Everything else is allegorical symbolism of monster design (purity or simplicity of color, freedom of form vs uncomfortable contortion, unbound chaos, unconcernedness, serpent physiology, emotional instability, etc)

    I'm replying to an old comment and you can't stop me.

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