A Protein-Rich Workout - by Littlewolf112
Submission information:
Posted: 4 years ago
Category: All
Theme: Muscle
Species: Unspecified / Any
Gender: Male
Favorites: 220
Comments: 35
Views: 2934
Image Specifications:
Resolution: 972x1280
Male Wolf Bull Weights Gym Cock Udder Piercing Blowjob Muscle Milk Nipples Fasttrack37D
Adult rating
This is a image I won from an auction from fasttrack37d fasttrack37d featuring my fursona Donovan feeding his newest trainee and pet Maverick, a sexy bull with a unique feature a big full udder swinging between his legs created by my wonderful loving mate Drawxne Drawxne as a gift, a nice rich batch of wolf protein to make sure Maverick gets nice and big.
Please note this image does contain a male with an udder in place of testicles this is a kink of mine, if it is not something you enjoy please do not leave a comment telling me why this image would look better without it or I will remove the comment.
And please support the artist who needs a little help with vet fees/expenses for his little pup.
MemberThat's not what udders do they're pretty much just boobs on a cow.Is that milk or cum?DieselWzl
MemberWe need a version with the udder cropped out.
PrivilegedNew fetish acquired: Udder-scrotums.
AdminYou didn't have that one already?
MemberThat's udderly ridiculous!
Membero_____o does anyone know if that's what it really looks like on a bovine in real life...just curious cause like...who else is curious about this honestly
Hello Kinky
MemberThis need a new word...Nutters
Memberok....that's enough internet for one day.
MemberI grew up in ranch lands and no male cows do not have udders for balls they have just plain huge normal male mammal balls....this is some quacked up stuff that makes no sense Udders are basically female cow boobs, Bulls don't have them and they certainly don't have weird nipple-like deformities on their ball sacks much less drippy ones.
Nanook Herrington
MemberIm trying to profess my fondness for this picture but i just cant 'utter' the words...
MemberI don't udderstand
BlockedMY BRAIN CANT UNDERSTAND THISS!!11!....Brain.exe is restarting to fix repair damage
BlockedSomebody else has noticed the ''What has science done'' tag? HAHAHA
MemberPutting my phone down! Clapping!
Chance Wallace
MemberUdder scrotum not necessary, other than that another awesome work of art by fasttrack
MemberI'm not entirely sure how I should react to this.
Super Happy Face
Member... I don't know what to say about this... I'm udderly terrified. o_o
General Esoterica
MemberThe thumbnail wasn't enough to tell me why this had the tag for "where is your god now".
Otis is that you??
MemberFor anyone who was wondering, there have been attempts to edit out the "nutters", but both have been deleted for an unknown reason.
Powerless Blade
MemberI think it is both.
BlockedPumping iron
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