nekohaiku (i have no idea what i'm doing) created by lycanruff
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A meme piece that i got of my sona

  • Comments
  • Miraluka said:
    Not many people do but they still do what ever it is they do

    you just need to get help on the internet then~ ;P

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  • GarethGobulcoque said:
    Oh wait, here's your problem. You've got Windows 8. The poor thing's beyond help now.

    *Bursts in with windows 7 on a flash drive.* Surprise, motherfuckah!

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  • NSFW said:
    Whoever put the text, thanks for ruining the picture. xD

    This was actually commissioned to have the text in the pic :P

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  • GarethGobulcoque said:
    Oh wait, here's your problem. You've got Windows 8. The poor thing's beyond help now.

    -breaks down door shouting "surprise motherfucker" with windows classic shell on a flashdrive-

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  • Rocna said:
    -breaks down door shouting "surprise motherfucker" with windows classic shell on a flashdrive-

    *Had just finished replacing the door after Captain Obvious88 came through a week ago* Oh, COME ON!

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  • 25
  • Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Bursts in with windows 7 on a flash drive.* Surprise, motherfuckah!

    *Bursts in with copy paper and wireless doohickies* Supplies, motherfuckah!

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  • 31
  • Solsol said:
    *Bursts in with copy paper and wireless doohickies* Supplies, motherfuckah!

    *Bursts in with the only worthwhile part of a McDonalds meal*
    Some Fries, Muthafucka.

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  • 34
  • GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Bursts in with the only worthwhile part of a McDonalds meal*
    Some Fries, Muthafucka.

    *Runs into room blindly and trips over things* Shut eyes, muthafucka

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  • 24
  • Solsol said:
    *Runs into room blindly and trips over things* Shut eyes, muthafucka

    *jumps through window with bug spray*
    You got flies, muthahfuckah

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  • 18
  • GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Bursts in with the only worthwhile part of a McDonalds meal*
    Some Fries, Muthafucka.

    *Throws out them small fries*
    Wrong size, muthafucka

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  • 27
  • Rocna said:
    -breaks down door shouting "surprise motherfucker" with windows classic shell on a flashdrive-

    Solsol said:
    *Bursts in with copy paper and wireless doohickies* Supplies, motherfuckah!

    GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Bursts in with the only worthwhile part of a McDonalds meal*
    Some Fries, Muthafucka.

    Solsol said:
    *Runs into room blindly and trips over things* Shut eyes, muthafucka

    gets metal door ...

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  • 36
  • theomorashiguy said:
    *Throws out them small fries*
    Wrong size, muthafucka

    ben909 said:
    gets metal door ...

    *blowtorches through door holding ink carts*

    Some dyes, muthafucka!

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  • 12
  • johnwolf2345 said:
    *in love with large fries*
    Hearteyes muthafucka!

    *gets in preacher clothes*
    All Rise, muthafucka!

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  • heh like me with windows 8. in fact i think i just found my new life photo when it comes to using one *i proceed to print it out and put it in my wallet ready to use*

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  • Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Rushes in with a medal and a trophy* Your prize Muthafucka!

    *Runs in with a check for 1 million Dollars* No lie's Muthafucka!!

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  • -1
  • argentinianfurry said:
    8.1 it's the easiest OS ever made imo...

    not as good as windows 7 was though, i can work stuff out on 7 8 is just.... ohhh i just got a headache just thinking about it.

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  • Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Bursts in with windows 7 on a flash drive.* Surprise, motherfuckah!

    GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Had just finished replacing the door after Captain Obvious88 came through a week ago* Oh, COME ON!

    Solsol said:
    *Bursts in with copy paper and wireless doohickies* Supplies, motherfuckah!

    GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Bursts in with the only worthwhile part of a McDonalds meal*
    Some Fries, Muthafucka.

    Solsol said:
    *Runs into room blindly and trips over things* Shut eyes, muthafucka

    Dracowolf said:
    *jumps through window with bug spray*
    You got flies, muthahfuckah

    theomorashiguy said:
    *Throws out them small fries*
    Wrong size, muthafucka

    TheOnlyToaster said:
    *buys large fries*
    Large fries, muthafucka!

    johnwolf2345 said:
    *in love with large fries*
    Hearteyes muthafucka!

    ben909 said:
    gets metal door ...

    Chance_Wallace said:
    *tries to knock down metal door, failing* Collides, motherfucka

    The_Soldier said:
    *blowtorches through door holding ink carts*

    Some dyes, muthafucka!

    surdur said:
    *gets in preacher clothes*
    All Rise, muthafucka!

    Greythewolf said:
    bursts in as a pastor all rise,muthafucka

    Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Rushes in with a medal and a trophy* Your prize Muthafucka!

    shayetheawsome said:
    *Runs in with a check for 1 million Dollars* No lie's Muthafucka!!

    DimenaEcendo said:
    *Takes check and eats it* All lies Muthafucka!

    *Falling from the ceiling with two pies dressed like superma * Some pies muthafucka! In disuise muthafucka!

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  • janive4 said:
    *Falling from the ceiling with two pies dressed like superma * Some pies muthafucka! In disuise muthafucka!

    *Rushes in with a heard of Pinkie Pies, trampling everything in sight* Pinkie Pies, motherfuckah!

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  • -1
  • Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Rushes in with a herd of Pinkie Pies, trampling everything in sight* Pinkie Pies, motherfuckah!

    *gets crushed underneath flood of ponies* Demise, motherfucker!

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  • Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Bursts in with windows 7 on a flash drive.* Surprise, motherfuckah!

    Solsol said:
    *Bursts in with copy paper and wireless doohickies* Supplies, motherfuckah!

    GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Bursts in with the only worthwhile part of a McDonalds meal*
    Some Fries, Muthafucka.

    Solsol said:
    *Runs into room blindly and trips over things* Shut eyes, muthafucka

    Dracowolf said:
    *jumps through window with bug spray*
    You got flies, muthahfuckah

    theomorashiguy said:
    *Throws out them small fries*
    Wrong size, muthafucka

    ben909 said:
    gets metal door ...

    The_Soldier said:
    *blowtorches through door holding ink carts*

    Some dyes, muthafucka!

    TheOnlyToaster said:
    *buys large fries*
    Large fries, muthafucka!

    johnwolf2345 said:
    *in love with large fries*
    Hearteyes muthafucka!

    surdur said:
    *gets in preacher clothes*
    All Rise, muthafucka!

    Chance_Wallace said:
    *tries to knock down metal door, failing* Collides, motherfucka

    Greythewolf said:
    bursts in as a pastor all rise,muthafucka

    Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Rushes in with a medal and a trophy* Your prize Muthafucka!

    shayetheawsome said:
    *Runs in with a check for 1 million Dollars* No lie's Muthafucka!!

    DimenaEcendo said:
    *Takes check and eats it* All lies Muthafucka!

    janive4 said:
    *Falling from the ceiling with two pies dressed like superma * Some pies muthafucka! In disuise muthafucka!

    Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Rushes in with a heard of Pinkie Pies, trampling everything in sight* Pinkie Pies, motherfuckah!

    Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    *gets crushed underneath flood of ponies* Demise, motherfucker!

    *Notices that it's a beautiful clear day outside*
    Blue Skies, motherfucker!

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  • Greythewolf said:
    bursts in as a pastor all rise,muthafucka

    Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Rushes in with a medal and a trophy* Your prize Muthafucka!

    shayetheawsome said:
    *Runs in with a check for 1 million Dollars* No lie's Muthafucka!!

    DimenaEcendo said:
    *Takes check and eats it* All lies Muthafucka!

    janive4 said:
    *Falling from the ceiling with two pies dressed like superma * Some pies muthafucka! In disuise muthafucka!

    Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Rushes in with a heard of Pinkie Pies, trampling everything in sight* Pinkie Pies, motherfuckah!

    Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    *gets crushed underneath flood of ponies* Demise, motherfucker!

    Nine.Eleven9.11 said:

    *Notices that it's a beautiful clear day outside*
    Blue Skies, motherfucker!


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  • "Yes hello? Microsoft tech support."
    "Hi, I have this blue and yellow icon on my screen, how do I get rid of it?"
    "Sir, that's Internet Explorer."
    "Yes. I know."

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  • Cougarscythe said:
    I actually kind of like Windows 8 o3o

    Out of all the scat, guro, low quality, creeps, and etc.
    People's hate for windows 8 has made me become THE MOST ANGRY OF ALL!

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  • -7
  • shayetheawsome said:
    *Brushes off shoulders, completely unphased*
    "Nice try MuthaFucka!!"

    I love that this is still going three months later :)

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  • Gigawolf said:
    *looks at comments with (blank) motherfuckah*
    Please die motherfuckah

    *sees that I'm late for work*
    No time, motherfucker!

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  • 1
  • Dracowolf said:
    *jumps through window with bug spray*
    You got flies, muthahfuckah

    *Our bald Canadian Scumlord opens the door gently* BOMB FLIES MOTHAFUCKAH

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  • I have not laughed so hard at a comment train ever. Nor have I literally fallen out of my chair because I was laughing so hard. With tears.

    I... I think I need to lay down now. My sides hurt too much. Never change, e6.

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  • Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Bursts in with windows 7 on a flash drive.* Surprise, motherfuckah!

    *Bursts through door* Where's windows 9 muthafuckah!

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  • Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Slaps theomorashiguy* It never dies, mothafuckah!

    *Breaks through the window with chicken tenders, biscuits, and honey packets* Popeyes, Motherfucka!

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  • Rocna said:
    -breaks down door shouting "surprise motherfucker" with windows classic shell on a flashdrive-

    GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Had just finished replacing the door after Captain Obvious88 came through a week ago* Oh, COME ON!

    Solsol said:
    *Bursts in with copy paper and wireless doohickies* Supplies, motherfuckah!

    GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Bursts in with the only worthwhile part of a McDonalds meal*
    Some Fries, Muthafucka.

    Solsol said:
    *Runs into room blindly and trips over things* Shut eyes, muthafucka

    Dracowolf said:
    *jumps through window with bug spray*
    You got flies, muthahfuckah

    ben909 said:
    gets metal door ...

    The_Soldier said:
    *blowtorches through door holding ink carts*

    Some dyes, muthafucka!

    TheOnlyToaster said:
    *buys large fries*
    Large fries, muthafucka!

    Aussiedog2345 said:
    *in love with large fries*
    Hearteyes muthafucka!

    surdur said:
    *gets in preacher clothes*
    All Rise, muthafucka!

    Chance_Wallace said:
    *tries to knock down metal door, failing* Collides, motherfucka

    Greythewolf said:
    bursts in as a pastor all rise,muthafucka

    Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Rushes in with a medal and a trophy* Your prize Muthafucka!

    shayetheawsome said:
    *Runs in with a check for 1 million Dollars* No lie's Muthafucka!!

    DimenaEcendo said:
    *Takes check and eats it* All lies Muthafucka!

    janive4 said:
    *Falling from the ceiling with two pies dressed like superma * Some pies muthafucka! In disuise muthafucka!

    Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Rushes in with a heard of Pinkie Pies, trampling everything in sight* Pinkie Pies, motherfuckah!

    Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    *gets crushed underneath flood of ponies* Demise, motherfucker!

    Nine.Eleven9.11 said:

    *Notices that it's a beautiful clear day outside*
    Blue Skies, motherfucker!

    Solsol said:
    You lie, motherfucker!

    Lupus_de_Glacies said:
    *Begins demonstrating how to make a cloud in a bottle*
    Bill Nye, motherfuckah!

    LEGOEPIC said:
    *throws clock out window* time flies motherfucka.

    Nine.Eleven9.11 said:
    *Still looking at the clear day*
    Go outside, motherfuckers!

    shayetheawsome said:
    *Brushes off shoulders, completely unphased*
    "Nice try MuthaFucka!!"

    Mr_HickFox said:
    *bursts through door* Just why motherfuckah

    Gigawolf said:
    *looks at comments with (blank) motherfuckah*
    Please die motherfuckah

    Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Looks at this and laughs* Denied mothafucka!

    Nine.Eleven9.11 said:
    *sees that I'm late for work*
    No time, motherfucker!

    shayetheawsome said:
    *Realizes you had Time to comment*
    You Lie, muthafuka!!

    Heshun said:
    *Out of upvotes*
    I love you guys! Muthafuckas!

    Solsol said:
    Thread's died, motherfuckers

    Go outside, motherfuckers

    Live your life, motherfuckers

    *drops mic*

    ... muh'fuckers ...

    Great_Fire_Ettin said:
    *Our bald Canadian Scumlord opens the door gently* BOMB FLIES MOTHAFUCKAH

    unknown_scientist said:
    *Bursts through door* Where's windows 9 muthafuckah!

    Vergil.exe said:
    We have Windows 10 mothafuka.

    Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Slaps theomorashiguy* It never dies, mothafuckah!

    theomorashiguy said:

    TheKrat said:
    *Breaks through the window with chicken tenders, biscuits, and honey packets* Popeyes, Motherfucka!

    Player69 said:
    Deep down, can any of you motherfuckas really even...... you can't even.

    Solsol said:
    Thread's died, motherfuckers

    Go outside, motherfuckers

    Live your life, motherfuckers

    *drops mic*

    ... muh'fuckers ...

    *picks up mic*
    all rize mothafuckers
    im n discize mothafucker
    cuz im right nfrount of ur eyez mothafucker
    so take some suplize mothafucker
    and some large frize mothafucker
    and get ready to fly mothafucker
    and shut ur eyez mothafucker
    and prepare to die mothafucker
    *drops mic*
    beat that mothafucka

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  • Run motherfuckas, run. Sound of 45.acp tommy gun mows all the sorry ass motherfuckas down ending this goddamn thread....

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  • -7
  • Player69 said:
    Run motherfuckas, run. Sound of 45.acp tommy gun mows all the sorry ass motherfuckas down ending this goddamn thread....

    Yeah, maybe we HAVE taken this too far...

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  • POKEMON"LOVER""(#1)" said:
    *picks up mic*
    all rize mothafuckers
    im n discize mothafucker
    cuz im right nfrount of ur eyez mothafucker
    so take some suplize mothafucker
    and some large frize mothafucker
    and get ready to fly mothafucker
    and shut ur eyez mothafucker
    and prepare to die mothafucker
    *drops mic*
    beat that mothafucka

    *Takes a deep Breath...*
    No lies
    I'll Suprize
    and make you cry
    with my sweet tie
    well getting some fry
    Preferably thai
    and maybe some pie
    hope it doesn't go to my thighs
    well my dye dries
    But I'm a shy Guy
    and don't pry or spy
    but I'm spry
    though what I do spy
    is the end is nigh
    and this rhyme is high like this psi
    yet still so sly
    but you know I try
    sorry this has gone awry
    not going to deny
    and no need to amplify or exemplify
    what I meant to say is I have multi, Popeye's, refried, potpies, and walleye with a stylish, untied, nearby, necktie on standby, to classify and supply courage to reply I'm about to Justify my outcry, and nullify your rhyme Mouthafucka!! *Sigh*

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  • 17
  • *bust through every replaced door with a motherfukin abrams tank and a bag of penuts* SUPRISE YALL MOTHERFUKERS BEAT THIS AND DEEZ NUUUUTS!DEEZ MOTHERFUKIN NUUUTS!

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  • -1
  • firearrows said:
    I know what's wrong: fixes computer and plugs it in. you forgot to plug it in

    Plug it in, plug it in

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  • -1
  • slycooper51 said:
    I never know what the fuck I'm doing! That's why this is my avatar! XD


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  • -1
  • Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Bursts in with windows 7 on a flash drive.* Surprise, motherfuckah!

    Rocna said:
    -breaks down door shouting "surprise motherfucker" with windows classic shell on a flashdrive-

    GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Had just finished replacing the door after Captain Obvious88 came through a week ago* Oh, COME ON!

    Solsol said:
    *Bursts in with copy paper and wireless doohickies* Supplies, motherfuckah!

    GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Bursts in with the only worthwhile part of a McDonalds meal*
    Some Fries, Muthafucka.

    Solsol said:
    *Runs into room blindly and trips over things* Shut eyes, muthafucka

    Dracowolf said:
    *jumps through window with bug spray*
    You got flies, muthahfuckah

    theomorashiguy said:
    *Throws out them small fries*
    Wrong size, muthafucka

    ben909 said:
    gets metal door ...

    The_Soldier said:
    *blowtorches through door holding ink carts*

    Some dyes, muthafucka!

    TheOnlyToaster said:
    *buys large fries*
    Large fries, muthafucka!

    Aussiedog2345 said:
    *in love with large fries*
    Hearteyes muthafucka!

    surdur said:
    *gets in preacher clothes*
    All Rise, muthafucka!

    Chance_Wallace said:
    *tries to knock down metal door, failing* Collides, motherfucka

    Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Rushes in with a medal and a trophy* Your prize Muthafucka!

    TheTruthTeller said:
    *Runs in with a check for 1 million Dollars* No lie's Muthafucka!!

    DimenaEcendo said:
    *Takes check and eats it* All lies Muthafucka!

    janive4 said:
    *Falling from the ceiling with two pies dressed like superma * Some pies muthafucka! In disuise muthafucka!

    Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Rushes in with a heard of Pinkie Pies, trampling everything in sight* Pinkie Pies, motherfuckah!

    Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    *gets crushed underneath flood of ponies* Demise, motherfucker!

    Nine.Eleven9.11 said:

    *Notices that it's a beautiful clear day outside*
    Blue Skies, motherfucker!

    Solsol said:
    You lie, motherfucker!

    Lupus_de_Glacies said:
    *Begins demonstrating how to make a cloud in a bottle*
    Bill Nye, motherfuckah!

    LEGOEPIC said:
    *throws clock out window* time flies motherfucka.

    Nine.Eleven9.11 said:
    *Still looking at the clear day*
    Go outside, motherfuckers!

    TheTruthTeller said:
    *Brushes off shoulders, completely unphased*
    "Nice try MuthaFucka!!"

    TruckNutz said:
    *bursts through door* Just why motherfuckah

    Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Looks at this and laughs* Denied mothafucka!

    Nine.Eleven9.11 said:
    *sees that I'm late for work*
    No time, motherfucker!

    TheTruthTeller said:
    *Realizes you had Time to comment*
    You Lie, muthafuka!!

    Great_Fire_Ettin said:
    *Our bald Canadian Scumlord opens the door gently* BOMB FLIES MOTHAFUCKAH

    unknown_scientist said:
    *Bursts through door* Where's windows 9 muthafuckah!

    Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Slaps theomorashiguy* It never dies, mothafuckah!

    TheKrat said:
    *Breaks through the window with chicken tenders, biscuits, and honey packets* Popeyes, Motherfucka!

    Nine.Eleven9.11 said:
    Yeah, maybe we HAVE taken this too far...

    Vergil.exe said:
    We have Windows 10 mothafuka.


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  • GarethGobulcoque said:
    Oh wait, here's your problem. You've got Windows 8. The poor thing's beyond help now.

    Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Bursts in with windows 7 on a flash drive.* Surprise, motherfuckah!

    *tunnels up through floor with a single quantum computer's microchip and loads up a MacBook pro with it*

    Get yo tainted hands away from that Mac mothafuckas

    Edit: pro not prop, stupid autofill

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  • -2
  • UomO said:
    *Jumps down chimney*

    *sees intruder in his home*

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  • -1
  • TruckNutz said:
    *sees intruder in his home*

    *Gets knocked out*

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  • -1
  • argetva said:
    You all made me laugh so hard I cried.

    anyway, i can sympathize, (muthafuckas)


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  • Harbinger_of_Chaos said:
    *See's derailed train of comments tag* - *looks at comments*

    Lol, same here.

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  • -1
  • ben909 said:
    gets metal door ...

    theomorashiguy said:

    POKEMON"LOVER""(#1)" said:
    *picks up mic*
    all rize mothafuckers
    im n discize mothafucker
    cuz im right nfrount of ur eyez mothafucker
    so take some suplize mothafucker
    and some large frize mothafucker
    and get ready to fly mothafucker
    and shut ur eyez mothafucker
    and prepare to die mothafucker
    *drops mic*
    beat that mothafucka

    *Gets a new old-skool Beat-Poet skillz*

    You lie, muthafuckaz!
    *snaps* *snaps* *Z-formation*

    No one can stomp out thuh Z-Formation. *snickers*

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  • UomO said:
    *Jumps down chimney*

    TruckNutz said:
    *sees intruder in his home*

    UomO said:

    TruckNutz said:
    *sees intruder in his home*

    *Gets knocked out*

    *Breaks down door holding ice pack. Ice mothafucka!

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  • -1
  • *Looks at the comment* Well, no where to go but forward.

    *Shoves cum inside my onahole*

    Cream pies, muthafucka!

    DId I do that right?

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  • IguanasAreCool said:
    Well I see you broke a few GB of RAM...

    Damn, I was going to comment on that.

    shd said:
    Just because you can't figure it out doesn't mean it's bad.

    No, it's bad. Believe me, I thought it was fucking terrible for a computer. Metro was fucking terrible, and you'd inevitably end up there.

    Practically Everyone said:
    ********, mothafucka!

    *Holding a copy of Hunger Games* Rue dies, mothafucka.

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  • -1
  • ShylokVakarian said:
    Damn, I was going to comment on that.

    No, it's bad. Believe me, I thought it was fucking terrible for a computer. Metro was fucking terrible, and you'd inevitably end up there.

    *Holding a copy of Hunger Games* Rue dies, mothafucka.

    *bursts in through wall, and then begins to grab valuables* "ALL MINE, MUTHAFUCKAS!"

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  • -1
  • liciousD. said:
    *bursts in through wall, and then begins to grab valuables* "ALL MINE, MUTHAFUCKAS!"

    *Holds a gun to your head* Don't try, mothafucka!

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  • -1
  • *Removes windows 7 flash drive and replaces it with windows 10 on flash drive*


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  • Solsol said:
    *Removes windows 7 flash drive and replaces it with windows 10 on flash drive*


    ha, I upgraded to windows 10 yesterday. not half bad so far!

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  • firearrows said:
    after all this *installs diamond door and hires the army to guard it SURPRISE BITCHES GET THROUGH THIS


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  • "POKEMON"LOVER""(#1)"":/user/show/149830 said:
    *picks up mic*
    all rize mothafuckers
    im n discize mothafucker
    cuz im right nfrount of ur eyez mothafucker
    so take some suplize mothafucker
    and some large frize mothafucker
    and get ready to fly mothafucker
    and shut ur eyez mothafucker
    and prepare to die mothafucker
    *drops mic*
    beat that mothafucka

    What happened to the internet....

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  • DJRadiOheaD said:
    Why did you not get a record for saying that? I said "n---a" (censored as to not get another fucking record) and instantly got a neutral on my ass.

    Thanks for the heads-up, I forgot I said those things. Can't afford to get another record.

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  • janive4 said:
    *Falling from the ceiling with two pies dressed like superma * Some pies muthafucka! In disuise muthafucka!

    *I go on this site without blacklist*

    My eyes muthafucka!

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  • Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Bursts in with windows 7 on a flash drive.* Surprise, motherfuckah!

    Solsol said:
    *Bursts in with copy paper and wireless doohickies* Supplies, motherfuckah!

    GarethGobulcoque said:
    *Bursts in with the only worthwhile part of a McDonalds meal*
    Some Fries, Muthafucka.

    Solsol said:
    *Runs into room blindly and trips over things* Shut eyes, muthafucka

    Dracowolf said:
    *jumps through window with bug spray*
    You got flies, muthahfuckah

    theomorashiguy said:
    *Throws out them small fries*
    Wrong size, muthafucka

    The_Soldier said:
    *blowtorches through door holding ink carts*

    Some dyes, muthafucka!

    TheOnlyToaster said:
    *buys large fries*
    Large fries, muthafucka!

    Shenxiao said:
    *gets in preacher clothes*
    All Rise, muthafucka!

    Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Rushes in with a medal and a trophy* Your prize Muthafucka!

    TheTruthTeller said:
    *Runs in with a check for 1 million Dollars* No lie's Muthafucka!!

    DimenaEcendo said:
    *Takes check and eats it* All lies Muthafucka!

    Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Rushes in with a heard of Pinkie Pies, trampling everything in sight* Pinkie Pies, motherfuckah!

    Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    *gets crushed underneath flood of ponies* Demise, motherfucker!

    DJRadiOheaD said:

    *Notices that it's a beautiful clear day outside*
    Blue Skies, motherfucker!

    Solsol said:
    You lie, motherfucker!

    TheTruthTeller said:
    *Brushes off shoulders, completely unphased*
    "Nice try MuthaFucka!!"

    TruckNutz said:
    *bursts through door* Just why motherfuckah

    Unknown_Umbreon said:
    *Looks at this and laughs* Denied mothafucka!

    DJRadiOheaD said:
    *sees that I'm late for work*
    No time, motherfucker!

    TheTruthTeller said:
    *Realizes you had Time to comment*
    You Lie, muthafuka!!

    Heshun said:
    *Out of upvotes*
    I love you guys! Muthafuckas!

    Oracle_of_Pelor said:
    *Our bald Canadian Scumlord opens the door gently* BOMB FLIES MOTHAFUCKAH

    unknown_scientist said:
    *Bursts through door* Where's windows 9 muthafuckah!

    Captain_Obvious88 said:
    *Slaps theomorashiguy* It never dies, mothafuckah!

    TheKrat said:
    *Breaks through the window with chicken tenders, biscuits, and honey packets* Popeyes, Motherfucka!

    "POKEMON"LOVER""(#1)"":/user/show/149830 said:
    *picks up mic*
    all rize mothafuckers
    im n discize mothafucker
    cuz im right nfrount of ur eyez mothafucker
    so take some suplize mothafucker
    and some large frize mothafucker
    and get ready to fly mothafucker
    and shut ur eyez mothafucker
    and prepare to die mothafucker
    *drops mic*
    beat that mothafucka

    DJRadiOheaD said:
    Yeah, maybe we HAVE taken this too far...

    TheTruthTeller said:
    *Takes a deep Breath...*
    No lies
    I'll Suprize
    and make you cry
    with my sweet tie
    well getting some fry
    Preferably thai
    and maybe some pie
    hope it doesn't go to my thighs
    well my dye dries
    But I'm a shy Guy
    and don't pry or spy
    but I'm spry
    though what I do spy
    is the end is nigh
    and this rhyme is high like this psi
    yet still so sly
    but you know I try
    sorry this has gone awry
    not going to deny
    and no need to amplify or exemplify
    what I meant to say is I have multi, Popeye's, refried, potpies, and walleye with a stylish, untied, nearby, necktie on standby, to classify and supply courage to reply I'm about to Justify my outcry, and nullify your rhyme Mouthafucka!! *Sigh*

    DefqonOne said:
    *burst in this thread* Deserves first price motherfuckah!

    Namy said:

    Cyro said:
    *Jumps down chimney*

    TruckNutz said:
    *sees intruder in his home*

    Cyro said:

    TruckNutz said:
    *sees intruder in his home*

    *Gets knocked out*

    Lycan_Jedi said:
    *Gets knocked out*

    *Breaks down door holding ice pack. Ice mothafucka!

    BadKittySev said:
    *breaks down the door, carrying a re-purposed Crown Royal bag*

    Roll dice, mothafuckas!

    ShylokVakarian said:
    Damn, I was going to comment on that.

    No, it's bad. Believe me, I thought it was fucking terrible for a computer. Metro was fucking terrible, and you'd inevitably end up there.

    *Holding a copy of Hunger Games* Rue dies, mothafucka.

    liciousD. said:
    *bursts in through wall, and then begins to grab valuables* "ALL MINE, MUTHAFUCKAS!"

    ShylokVakarian said:
    *Holds a gun to your head* Don't try, mothafucka!

    TheTruthTeller said:
    That didn't rhyme motha Fucka...
    Get with the times motha Trucka...

    Solsol said:
    *Removes windows 7 flash drive and replaces it with windows 10 on flash drive*


    Sekriess said:

    CrabKingHunter said:
    And we still won't nlet it die, Mothafuckahs!

    And this thread will never die, MOTHAFUCKAHS!

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  • I enjoy that this image has so many random comments that it actually created a tag JUST to describe the comments! XD

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  • Oh no
    See you walking 'round like it's a funeral
    Not so serious, girl; why those feet cold?
    We just getting started; don't you tip toe, tip toe

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  • That was my standard mode of existence when I took Physics back in the spring. Hated every minute of it, and no amount of studying would help.

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  • me when this laptop starts acting up for some reason and i haven't the slightest idea as to the source of the problem or how to fix it on my own. well, that and a good amount of frustrated rage at this pile of crap.

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  • OCAdam said:
    I have not laughed so hard at a comment train ever. Nor have I literally fallen out of my chair because I was laughing so hard. With tears.

    I... I think I need to lay down now. My sides hurt too much. Never change, e6.

    So much yes...

    billy6549 said:
    This is literally the geek squad.....

    No if we were LITERALLY the Geek Squad we would charge over 100 dollars for a basic system cleanup then fail to remove anything that's actually plaguing the system after several days of work when a local store could charge half the price and get it done twice as fast with 200 percent more certainty that it has at least a free anti virus suite...

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  • Oh my god this comments thread is the best thing ever. And it's still going for well after two years after it started. This better not stop until all of humanity dies for whatever reason.

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  • Quake said:
    Oh my god this comments thread is the best thing ever. And it's still going for well after two years after it started. This better not stop until all of humanity dies for whatever reason.

    Still going

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  • This has to be one of the most wonderful trainwrecks of a comment section I've ever read.

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  • Solsol said:
    Thread dies, motherfucker.

    *Resurrects comment section*


    *Bust down door with icecream in hand* GOOBER BERRY SUNRISE MOTHERFUCKER!

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  • Is it just me, or would this image look better if "the fuck" wasn't included? I don't dislike swears, it's just that looking at this character, I think of someone childish, young and innocent, not someone who'd swear.

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  • *Rises from deep slumber finally awakened unless I'm mistaken to pronounce what has been denounced:*
    By the power invested in me, I bequeath unto to thee another comment for the thread to raise what was dead, Motherfuckuhs

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  • firearrows said:
    after all this *installs diamond door and hires the army to guard it SURPRISE BITCHES GET THROUGH THIS

    *somthing brown and sligtly pink flies past super fast*
    *high pitch humming*
    *Objects land right next to diamond door*
    *humming intensifies*
    *Diamond door shatters into tiny pieces killing the military*

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  • I can't believe that I just read all that. You know what? Let's contribute to this train wreck:

    It's story time, mothafuckas!

    Solsol said:
    *Removes windows 7 flash drive and replaces it with windows 10 on flash drive*


    *Looks at Windows 10 flashdrive*
    Nice try, mothafucka.
    Too trite, mothafucka.
    This is a crime of the prime kind, mothafucka.
    The time is nigh for you to die, mothafucka.
    I'll dine on your thigh, mothafucka.

    Why, mothafucka?
    I was so high, mothafucka.
    I touched the sky, mothafucka.
    I declined to cry, mothafucka.
    I defined his sigh, mothafucka.
    I defied his "DIE!" mothafucka.
    Why is it I, mothafucka?

    *Pulls out a 44 magnum*
    Good night, mothafucka.
    *Shoots the intruder*

    - – — • — – -

    *Moves to another continent and gets lost*
    Where am I, mothafucka?

    Within sight, mothafucka.

    Is it... Psi, mothafucka?!

    It is I, mothafucka.

    Can you do the Gangnam Style, mothafucka?
    Just for a little while, mothafucka…

    Do you want to fight, mothafucka?

    *Pulls out magnum again*
    I'll go light, but lets keep it tight, mothafucka.

    All right, mothafucka.
    You'll be sorry tonight, mothafucka.

    Quite right, mothafucka.
    It's time to die, mothafucka.

    When pigs fly, mothafucka!

    This is why I'm a poet. Shit like this gives me a rush.


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  • lucarisonic said:
    I can't believe that I just read all that. You know what? Let's contribute to this fallen train bridge:

    It's story time, mothafuckas!

    *Looks at Windows 10 flashdrive*
    Nice try, mothafucka.
    Too trite, mothafucka.
    This is a crime of the prime kind, mothafucka.
    The time is nigh for you to die, mothafucka.
    I'll dine on your thigh, mothafucka.

    Why, mothafucka?
    I was so high, mothafucka.
    I touched the sky, mothafucka.
    I declined to cry, mothafucka.
    I defined his sigh, mothafucka.
    I defied his "DIE!" mothafucka.
    Why is it I, mothafucka?

    *Pulls out a 44 magnum*
    Good night, mothafucka.
    *Shoots the intruder*

    - – — • — – -

    *Moves to another continent and gets lost*
    Where am I, mothafucka?

    Within sight, mothafucka.

    Is it... Psi, mothafucka?!

    It is I, mothafucka.

    Can you do the Gangnam Style, mothafucka?
    Just for a little while, mothafucka…

    Do you want to fight, mothafucka?

    *Pulls out magnum again*
    I'll go light, but lets keep it tight, mothafucka.

    All right, mothafucka.
    You'll be sorry tonight, mothafucka.

    Quite right, mothafucka.
    It's time to die, mothafucka.

    When pigs fly, mothafucka!

    This is why I'm a poet. Shit like this gives me a rush.

    Am I still alive mothafucka?

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  • bpeugh1 said:
    *Rises from deep slumber finally awakened unless I'm mistaken to pronounce what has been denounced:*
    By the power invested in me, I bequeath unto to thee another comment for the thread to raise what was dead, Motherfuckuhs

    Your in over your head, mothafucka!
    Yay! I feel included!

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  • IllinoisBoi1 said:
    *deactivates the nuclear airstrike using a missle interceptor* you just got neutralized, muthafucka!

    *Calls in special team of small rodents armed with white dotted cubes*
    I've got a squad of mice, muthafucka!
    *orders 'fire'*
    And you just got recked by dice, mothafucka!

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  • MyNameIsOver20charac said:
    *Calls in special team of small rodents armed with white dotted cubes*
    I've got a squad of mice, muthafucka!
    *orders 'fire'*
    And you just got recked by dice, mothafucka!

    *brings in special team of tigers with baseball bats*
    I’ve got a squad of cats, muthafucka!
    *orders ‘war’*
    And your mice just got beaten by bats, motherfucka!

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  • janive4 said:
    *Falling from the ceiling with two pies dressed like superma * Some pies muthafucka! In disuise muthafucka!



    On blinking ice*

    Sum pi:s, muthafucka! On disco ice, muthafucka!

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  • Goddamn. I was on mobile so it hadn't dawned on me right away how long it was.

    Well that was epic, awe-inspiring... And then some. I guess.

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  • *holds up copy of Windows 10 privacy policy and points at a line saying "We won't sell your data"*

    All lies, mothafuckas!

    *plays Altered Beast on the Sega Mega Drive*

    Rise from your grave, mothafucka!

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  • Minebruh said:
    What's better? The picture or the comments? xDDDDDDD

    Well all of the "motherfucka" upvotes combined is about 285, and yes it took half an hour to count them all up

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  • miraluka said:
    Not many people do but they still do what ever it is they do

    true story: I somehow managed to delete the OS on my laptop and didn't even know.

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  • I was gonna say "This is me when I play Minecraft" but I had to scroll the length of Snake Way just to be able to post it.

    I love the Internet sometimes.

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  • miraluka said:
    Not many people do but they still do what ever it is they do

    I remember when i somehow deleted my OS by clicking something, still don't know how it happened to this day.

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  • Some days, you have to just do a really good job of faking that you know what the hell you're doing, and as long as your shit doesn't blow up, and nobody blames you for their shit blowing up, you'll be allright.

    In the end, nobody really knows what the hell they're doing. We're all as lost in the woods as people have always been. The ones who seem to know their way around the woods aren't 'found', they're just the ones who've figured out how they, personally, are going to reconcile with this reality.

    Unless, of course, you're someone like me who will actually re-write their own code when it already works perfectly just to make it less "spaghetti code" in the way it's written-- doing the same things functionally but making more sense how the conclusions are reached. There's no convincing a person like that that what they want to do is impossible. If you can get two of them together that agree with each other, they will find a way to actually not be lost in the woods, but the trouble is finding even two of them that have the same opinions.

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  • I love how this comment section is a genuine Timelapse of internet culture and colloquialism and their progression through time.

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