geoff o'reilly, kelly, november, owen, and shane panther created by zaush
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Guess who's back. Back again. November's back. With a friend.

Looks like November's Bribe is going to be concluded after all! From left to right: Clyde (rugby coach), November (student), Shane (track coach), Geoff (football coach), Owen (track student), Kelly (male cheerleader). Think of this as a casting lineup for the project, where we're seeing the characters before they take on their roles in the comic.

  • Comments
  • How is this different from the original post? If there's a difference in size, it's certainly negligible :/

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  • Ivan56 said:
    How is this different from the original post? If there's a difference in size, it's certainly negligible :/

    I don't get why so much of his stuff is being reposted honestly.

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  • I think this is a prolog of the comic. Dude with the scarf just got done taking it from the football team and now the draft horse walks in. My guess would be the rest are thinking how bad he is going to get wrecked

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  • No worries always remember that magical void that all furries have will protect you from any harm large foreign objects entering yer tailpipe might cause.

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  • Ivan56 said:
    How is this different from the original post? If there's a difference in size, it's certainly negligible :/

    The colors look a lot richer and pop out more in this version.

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  • dont worry November, owen is there he will be MORE THAN HAPPY to take your place. can i see i show of paws for who wants them to change? "uh did you just say?-" OH NO! IM CATCHING FURRYISUM!

    JCV said:
    I don't get why so much of his stuff is being reposted honestly.

    because its less dark.

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  • This comic is great, that Clydesdale looks so handsome. I wonder if the Otter will back out on the bet or go through with it?

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