elizabeth (bioshock infinite and etc) created by noname55
  • Comments
  • Kumba said:
    That's not a stable building if the camera is shaking. :/

    It's Bioshock Infinite. All the buildings are floating in the air.

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  • Kumba said:
    That's not a stable building if the camera is shaking. :/

    Or the cameraman jerking.

    Oder der Kameramann holt sich einen runter.

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  • PlüschTiger said:
    Or the cameraman jerking.

    Oder der Kameramann holt sich einen runter.

    Why do you always translate all of your own posts? Thats as unnecessary as a third leg.

    If you're gonna bring the argument that there are german people who don't understand what you're saying then don't. You're answering to an english speaking person. Also This is an english website, everyone should have the basic knowledge to navigate through the site and understand what people are saying. And if not and they desperately wanna know whats going on they will have to use the translator because they are not gonna understand the conversation by just your answer.

    I don't know, It just gets a little bit annoying after a while, at least for me.

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  • Ghadar said:
    Why do you always translate all of your own posts? Thats as unnecessary as a third leg.

    If you're gonna bring the argument that there are german people who don't understand what you're saying then don't. You're answering to an english speaking person. Also This is an english website, everyone should have the basic knowledge to navigate through the site and understand what people are saying. And if not and they desperately wanna know whats going on they will have to use the translator because they are not gonna understand the conversation by just your answer.

    I don't know, It just gets a little bit annoying after a while, at least for me.

    You kinda got him backwards there. As I understand it his english is bad and he just uses Google or Bing to translate the german to english, which shows in the bad/wrong translations. I've asked him the same before, don't quite get it either.
    Either post in english or don't. Only a select few people happen to be german (like me) or know german and be able to read the 'actual' text you wrote. (This is directed at PlüschTiger obviously)
    But yeah whatever, some people don't wanna learn or something. Not really my problem. Try not to mind him too much.

    German part for PlüschTiger

    ((this is not an actual translation of the above!))
    Ich verstehe immenoch nicht wieso du nur auf deutsch postest. Und die Übersetzungen werden nie so recht Sinn ergeben. Man kann vielleicht Wort für Wort übersetzen und versuchen Muster zu erkennen für die es Übersetzungen gibt aber eine Maschine kann nicht den Sinn des Textes erkennen und passend Worte wählen. Dazu gibt es einfach zuviele Möglichkeiten und zuviele Feinheiten. Und so einen eingachen Satz wie oben hättest du ja wohl auch hinbekommen, und dazu richtig, oder? ^^
    Und die wenigsten hier werden den deutschen Text überhaupt verstehen. Da kannst du den auch gleich weglassen.

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  • Emserdalf said:
    Either post in english or don't.

    misread that to mean, post in English, or post in German, not both. Feel embarrassed that I was just about to argue with you. So I actually fully agree with ye. Posting a comment that no-one can read is always pointless. All text should be translated to English. It's not like it'd come out that much less legible than what some english people write like normally.

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  • Minus said:
    [...] It's not like it'd come out that much less legible than what some english people write like normally.

    Uhh, only if those people post completely nonsensical comments. Let me show you some examples of the nonsense PlüschTiger's machine-tanslations produce:

    Example 1

    (found here: comment #1608209)

    Findet noch jemand, das die Position der Vagina zu weit unten ist?

    Find someone else that is too far below the position of the vagina?

    Actual translation: Does anyone else think that the vagina is positioned too low?

    Example 2

    (found here: comment #1618421)

    Rosa steht Tigress überhaupt nicht.

    Pink tigress is not available at all.

    Actual translation: Pink does not suit Tigress at all.

    ...buuut... looking back I somehow thought the comments were a lot worse. They're actually fairly readable most of the time; not all meaning is lost in translation.

    I will thus agree that there are individuals on this site who post comments that make even less sense than something Google Translate would produce. I always am equal parts baffled and in awe at the "gift" these people have. xD

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  • Ghadar said:
    Why do you always translate all of your own posts? Thats as unnecessary as a third leg.

    Emserdalf said:
    Und die wenigsten hier werden den deutschen Text überhaupt verstehen. Da kannst du den auch gleich weglassen.

    The German original text is not only for people like me, but also for the user who can do anything with the automatic translation. If you want to translate it yourself, it is better to have the original text.

    Also, there are also people who find it good for that I translate my text.

    Der deutsche Original Text ist nicht nur für meinesgleichen, sondern auch für die User die mit der Automatischen Übersetzung nichts anfangen können. Wenn man es selbst übersetzen will, ist es doch besser den Original Text zu haben.

    Außerdem gibt es hier auch Leute die es gut finden das ich meine Texte übersetze.

    Emserdalf said:
    Und so einen eingachen Satz wie oben hättest du ja wohl auch hinbekommen, und dazu richtig, oder? ^^

    Although it may sound strange, I have problems finding the right words sometimes even in my own language. Then how does that work in a different language?

    One of the problems with automated translators is that she fixed write rules work. But almost no one is able to write rules to keep to them, be it German or English. There are just too many and too complicated. Would you do this, probably also the automatic translations are better.

    Auch wenn es seltsam klingen mag, ich habe manchmal selbst bei meiner eigenen Sprache Probleme die Richtigen Wörter zu finden. Wie soll das dann erst bei einer anderen Sprache funktionieren?

    Eines der Probleme bei Automatischen Übersetzern ist das sie nach festen Rechtschreibe Regeln Arbeiten. Doch nahezu niemand ist in der Lage sich an diese Schreib Regeln zu halten, seien es nun Deutsche oder Englische. Dazu sind es einfach zu viele und zu Komplizierte. Würde man dies machen, währen wahrscheinlich auch die Automatischen Übersetzungen besser.

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