genesis created by kabscorner
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  • bakeneko said:
    Ah the magic of Christmas, when you can wish for a cock.

    Can i wish for , Bacon? Bacon Car? Bacon House ? Bacon Plane? Bacon Universe?!?!?

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Can i wish for , Bacon? Bacon Car? Bacon House ? Bacon Plane? Bacon Universe?!?!?


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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Can i wish for , Bacon? Bacon Car? Bacon House ? Bacon Plane? Bacon Universe?!?!?

    What about wait for it.......Bacon Bacon double the bacon flavour in one bacon Strips.

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  • joe26 said:
    What about wait for it.......Bacon Bacon double the bacon flavour in one bacon Strips.

    bakeneko said:

    Diamond_Jacker said:
    You can even wish for a bacon dildo


    The whole Solution !

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  • bakeneko said:
    Ah the magic of Christmas, when you can wish for a cock.

    Christmas magic is a magic that works like any magic, but it leaves a warm feeling no matter what, because it's closest to new years where things are known to start anew

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  • joe26 said:
    What about wait for it.......Bacon Bacon double the bacon flavour in one bacon Strips.

    Bacon, bacon, bacon, eggs, bacon, bacon. Or
    Bacon, bacon, eggs, bacon, bacon, bacon, with a side of bacon? Or
    Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, eggs, bacon and some more bacon?

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  • Narji said:
    Bacon, bacon, bacon, eggs, bacon, bacon. Or
    Bacon, bacon, eggs, bacon, bacon, bacon, with a side of bacon? Or
    Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, eggs, bacon and some more bacon?

    Can I have the spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam?

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  • Something tells me that she'll be getting this Christmas gift she wants so badly.

    Heck, maybe she and Vergence will finally go all the way?

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  • So this makes me think that Genesis and/or Kabier may be a trans guy. Then again Genesis could just be honestly wondering what a penis is like.

    This lady will tell you, its not too great imo. :P

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  • Techman14 said:
    Can I have the spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam?

    Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam ♫
    Spamity spaaaaaam
    Wonderful spaaaaaaaaaaammmm *viking ship*

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  • Techman14 said:
    Can I have the spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam?

    Jugofthat said:
    Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam ♫
    Spamity spaaaaaam
    Wonderful spaaaaaaaaaaammmm *viking ship*


    Baked beans are off.

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Can i wish for , Bacon? Bacon Car? Bacon House ? Bacon Plane? Bacon Universe?!?!?

    screw that id wish for alex.

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Wish for that Alex to turn into Bacon :D

    ..... thats just wrong. not only because im vegan but also because how would you like it if I turned your best friend into bacon if you where vegan?

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Why not ? Bacon never killed anyone...... besides those who died from it .

    and the poor pigs who are forced to live there whole lives in a factory just so you can have some cheap breakfast.

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Bacon & Cheap?!?! I think you don't understand the importance of Bacon for our modern society.

    welll dduuuuhhhhhh i dont even glance its way so how would i?

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Well a wise man said once , "If I couldn't drink Alcohol and eat Pork I would also be really pissed "

    These are 2 things a man can desire
    Beacon & All other Meat variations
    Alcohol .

    And now we look into the Middle East, And there you have it.

    Well here's something to ponder. humans where never meant to eat meat or animal products. go pout. I win.

    And the middle east? you mean where they cut of peoples heads and force kids into prostitution and worship a god that makes them think there are no other gods and makes them fight for stupid reasons? yeah, very wise. anubis needs to descend from the sky's and send his jackal warriors on them that would sort em out.

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  • sergal239 said:
    Well here's something to ponder. humans where never meant to eat meat or animal products. go pout. I win.

    I don't really want to join your discussion (because it will lead to nowhere) but where is your source on that? Because humans look a lot like they are build (anatomy wise) to be hunters (and I'm not thinking we are supposed to hunt vegetables)

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  • skulblakka said:
    I don't really want to join your discussion (because it will lead to nowhere) but where is your source on that? Because humans look a lot like they are build (anatomy wise) to be hunters (and I'm not thinking we are supposed to hunt vegetables)

    scientists ALL agree that humans are descendent from apes right? when have you EVER seen/heard of an ape hunting? takes to much effout and is to hard, but growing plants is easy and you never have to worry about there feelings when you take there fruit, humans survie better on fruit and veggies than meat and as furrys we should all be non carnivorous because dont we love animals? and before you start going on like *oh but wolves and foxes eat meat* i will say this, if given a choice they will go for melons, berry's and fruit over the meant 75%+! of the time, that and they have evolved for hunting (note the teeth for ripping and tearing) while humans do have these, we also have teeth for grinding and also that is what our wisdom teeth are for, extra grinding. so no, we are not *anatomy wise* built to eat meat, and every creture on earth can survive and be far more healthy eating plant matter, lets take your milk for example, we are human, so why do we drink cows milk and not human milk? or like myself soy and rice milk, while to much soy is bad for you, you can have as much rice milk as you want AND the brand i get shows to have MORE calcium than your cows milk. for you to have some beacon in the morning (im guessing you would like to buy free range but do not have the funds to do so) you have the cheap brand where the animals live in such extreme conditions all for what? you all to have some cheap meat for brekkie instead of some serial? the same goes for your eggs. and have you heard of live export? its where thousands of animals and loaded onto ships and sent to the middle east for what? so they can be thrown into boots of cars and have there throats slit in the streets just so they can die blessed by shitting alah or what ever, over 40% dont even survive the trip. i have a friend who went there and they left the same day they saw what was happening. while i am saying humans should not be eating meat, at the very LEAST! could we not be so cruel to them? many think wolves or sharks are evil and the most dangerous or the mosquito with its disease. but there not, humans are, how many sharks and wolves do we kill each year, for what? fun? because we can kill them? we dont need there fur for warmth any more, sharks are only fleeing from the decomposing sharks the japs chuck backing to water so its humans that are causing them to come closers to shore and fishing is lowering there food supply. so face it, humans are evil, animal killing monsters, look at what the Russians did in WW2, they strapped bombs to starving dogs and sent them under tanks, the poor German soldiers where ordered to shoot any dogs they found. even today we force them to sniff out bombs and go out in the line of fire because we force them to. who can say we are not evil after all that? im so glad im a vegan furry and completely guiltless but that don't mean i feel EXTREMELY guilty when hearing about what other humans do to them, that's why i came up with the URSC but they only help so much, even then i still have to live with the truth if i chose to learn it.

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    If you actually would say something "Scientific" it wouldn't sound like Scientologyist's explaing their believe.

    But i raise a very good question wouldn't you say? and i also had another word for it but i have just forgotten it -.- i shall remember later im sure.

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    No..... you dont...... as for this

    Ya know what , This is boring here .

    "You Win"

    or something i don't care anymore. Bacon still stays the best food in the World no Matter what , China will still dominate the world . And still gonna get more money then i deserve....Thanks retarded German government.

    if anything Germany is one of the best places to live with Japan being number 1. so i hope you enjoy having you spent its whole life in a cage pig or what ever poor creature you will eat on Christmas day. oh and i know what i was going to say before. every animal ON EARTH! can survive without meat, sharks wolves the whole lot. so tell me why do YOU your self eat it?

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  • sergal239 said:
    scientists ALL agree that humans are descendent from apes right? when have you EVER seen/heard of an ape hunting? takes to much effout and is to hard, but growing plants is easy and you never have to worry about there feelings when you take there fruit, humans survie better on fruit and veggies than meat and as furrys we should all be non carnivorous because dont we love animals? and before you start going on like *oh but wolves and foxes eat meat* i will say this, if given a choice they will go for melons, berry's and fruit over the meant 75%+! of the time, that and they have evolved for hunting (note the teeth for ripping and tearing) while humans do have these, we also have teeth for grinding and also that is what our wisdom teeth are for, extra grinding. so no, we are not *anatomy wise* built to eat meat, and every creture on earth can survive and be far more healthy eating plant matter, lets take your milk for example, we are human, so why do we drink cows milk and not human milk? or like myself soy and rice milk, while to much soy is bad for you, you can have as much rice milk as you want AND the brand i get shows to have MORE calcium than your cows milk. for you to have some beacon in the morning (im guessing you would like to buy free range but do not have the funds to do so) you have the cheap brand where the animals live in such extreme conditions all for what? you all to have some cheap meat for brekkie instead of some serial? the same goes for your eggs. and have you heard of live export? its where thousands of animals and loaded onto ships and sent to the middle east for what? so they can be thrown into boots of cars and have there throats slit in the streets just so they can die blessed by shitting alah or what ever, over 40% dont even survive the trip. i have a friend who went there and they left the same day they saw what was happening. while i am saying humans should not be eating meat, at the very LEAST! could we not be so cruel to them? many think wolves or sharks are evil and the most dangerous or the mosquito with its disease. but there not, humans are, how many sharks and wolves do we kill each year, for what? fun? because we can kill them? we dont need there fur for warmth any more, sharks are only fleeing from the decomposing sharks the japs chuck backing to water so its humans that are causing them to come closers to shore and fishing is lowering there food supply. so face it, humans are evil, animal killing monsters, look at what the Russians did in WW2, they strapped bombs to starving dogs and sent them under tanks, the poor German soldiers where ordered to shoot any dogs they found. even today we force them to sniff out bombs and go out in the line of fire because we force them to. who can say we are not evil after all that? im so glad im a vegan furry and completely guiltless but that don't mean i feel EXTREMELY guilty when hearing about what other humans do to them, that's why i came up with the URSC but they only help so much, even then i still have to live with the truth if i chose to learn it.

    Could somebody lend me a pickaxe so I can break down this wall?

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  • Jugofthat said:
    Could somebody lend me a pickaxe so I can break down this wall?

    sorry no pickaxes here but I can lend you a scarab mining platform.

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Not MANLY!


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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Still not Manly......

    Besides , Why am i even here....

    because you seem to not have anything better to do than sit here arguing with me all day. besides that thing is more manly than you are (which isn't hard it seems)

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Can i wish for , Bacon? Bacon Car? Bacon House ? Bacon Plane? Bacon Universe?!?!?

    Better not live next to me! I love bacon. soon as my eggs were done i'd be on my way to your house! Saves cooking time for sure!

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  • waddledee5505 said:
    Well, we already have Kevin Bacon...

    True, but the baconing is an end of the world scenario in which the entirety of the world, and maybe the universe, transforms into bacon. It is the most delicious of destruction.

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Can i wish for , Bacon? Bacon Car? Bacon House ? Bacon Plane? Bacon Universe?!?!?

    BACON STRIPS!!!!!!!!!

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