created by kanevex
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Chula servant showing off his bumhole , i hope you enjoy and please visit my fa if you do so :)

  • Comments
  • obscenity said:
    what do you mean

    At the time I made that comment, the picture you had at that very moment, was not the same you apparently had for the longest as impliedby the chain of comments. I wouldn't had made that comment at all if I had not seen an entirely different picture as the avatar of this post now, and seen the hostory feed on your profile, it seems like you're just only trying to revive trivia on this.
    Its okay to have one preferred image for the longest, but acting as if you had it still the whole time without having ever switched briefly to something else and still pretend to have not only usurper yourself and the the individuals around you that you're trying to drag back into years lomg forgotten trivia. Me and many other users keep a singular avatar for the longest too but briefly others too.
    Do not fake a streak that was witnessed to have been broken and ignored just to come back later having switched back and pretend it was true to word. Its like seeing a hotdog eating contest and the winner ate hollow sausages hotdogs that had less meat that other's contestants hotdogs.
    Do not make too obvious pointless comments constantly, that is what the moderators/janitors check on eventually. Behave

    Other than that, the image aged like fine wine, inviting, detailed yet plane to the coloring limited dimensions, fine anatomy.

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  • obscenity said:
    I've literally never changed it, ever.

    I'm looking for this picture history and I can't find it, can you link me?

    I already gave the info I needed to give, you're just elongating the situation deliberately.

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  • obscenity said:
    I've literally never changed it, ever.

    I'm looking for this picture history and I can't find it, can you link me?

    I don't see such a thing ether

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