nintendo and etc created by dragonith
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Mega Medevol (M-Medicham/Gardevoir*/Claydol)

Classification: Belly Dancer FUSEmon

Special Ability: Third Seer
"Pokemon fully reveals the opposing Pokemons' moves."
-Note: Basically, you'll always know what moves your opponent has at all times.

Signature Move: Carousel Trance
Category: Special
Type: Psychic
Power: 120
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5
"A hypnotic pirouette is performed, confusing all opposing Pokemon in the process."

Normal Form:


"The client who commissioned Mega Roturnette requested for a counterpart, so I went ahead and fused this FUSEmon for him. Unlike the creepy Banette fusion, this one is actually not unpleasant to have around. It fights similarly to Meloetta in the fact that its dances hide a flurry of graceful accompanying attacks. It can even use its hair as additional fists for combat! The orange jewel on its head we refer to as Mega Medevol's "third eye". It allows the fusion to see into the future and predict incoming attacks. Or... perhaps its to see ahead to make sure it doesn't make a misstep when dancing? Hard to tell."

"Now that I think about it, this isn't the first time we used Medicham and Claydol together for a fusion. But hey, coincidences are coincidences."

―Professor Dragonith's Dedicated Assistant

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