flora, keith keiser, natani, and zen (twokinds) created by tom fischbach
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This weeks twokinds update. Natani Allowing Zen to Take control over control her body and is giving Keith the business, warning him not to break Natani's heart...or else.
Threats from assassins should always be heeded, cuz once said out loud they're no longer threats..they become promises o.e
Talk about brotherly love, being the over protective brother XP
So I thought it was a special enough an occasion to post on site.

You know with Natani and Zen sharing the same emotions I bet a lot of the times Zen's thinking like "Stupid sexy Keith" X3
post #294149
Since Natani and Zen both share the same emotions it really makes me wonder if Zen's gay..or bi X3

  • Comments
  • Blackphantom770 said:
    I worked hard on those tags. I hope everyone finds them thorough enough.

    If most uploaders would do half... quarter of it this would be great.
    Really nice job.

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  • I don't think it's so much Zen being gay as Natani's opinions getting mixed with his own. Sharing a brain does have it's downsides after all, especially as thoroughly as the assassin brother's do.

    Although...his awkward reaction DOES make me wonder...

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  • Arter said:
    If most uploaders would do half... quarter of it this would be great.
    Really nice job.

    Well thank you. I try to do my best whenever I post or update TK tags

    yugijak said:
    I don't think it's so much Zen being gay as Natani's opinions getting mixed with his own. Sharing a brain does have it's downsides after all, especially as thoroughly as the assassin brother's do.

    Although...his awkward reaction DOES make me wonder...


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  • Tufer said:
    Flora's tits should be getting bigger with pregnancy, not smaller.

    They aren't getting smaller, her belly is getting bigger.

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  • Tufer said:
    Flora's tits should be getting bigger with pregnancy, not smaller.

    They haven't gotten smaller, they've always been around that size

    Duke_Ysellian said:
    They aren't getting smaller, her belly is getting bigger.

    Lol yup! Her breasts will probably get bigger as the comic progresses I mean right now she's early in the pregnancy, she's only around 2-3 months (I think, from comic time estimation) We don't know how long it takes for Keidran to birth children (was never explained to us) so right now we can only assume it takes up to 9 months so no need to rush the process of physical body change X3 (She's only just starting to "show")
    Heck we don't even know if Keidran have children in singles or by the litter. Since the females only have two breasts I can only assume via evolutionary bio-mechanics that they can have one child or two per pregnancy, but it still hasn't been explained to us in detail yet :P

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