created by sam jinks and third-party edit
  • Comments
  • Verdreht said:
    It does have a very Rammstein-esque feel about it.

    i'm seeing more Tool in this, but i see where you are coming from with the rammstein thing

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  • i fail to see the furry in this. or is it so we can disguise ourselves as humans? or is there like a human fandom now?

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  • If you think about it he kinda looks like that guy from X-Men Origins, although I forgot his name at the moment

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  • Jesse said:
    If you think about it he kinda looks like that guy from X-Men Origins, although I forgot his name at the moment


    They ruined him in that movie.

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  • Jesse said:
    If you think about it he kinda looks like that guy from X-Men Origins, although I forgot his name at the moment

    overkill27 said:

    They ruined him in that movie.

    Deadpool is hilariously badass but yea they ruined him...

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