moonstalker (pabst blue ribbon and etc) created by richard foley and zaush
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The referee for the Titan Class Wrestleball games in the bottomless district visits the local pub, and he's enjoying some very good company. They're just getting started, so grab a beer and stay for the show, it'll be a long, noisy night for these two.

This is a little collaboration between moonstalker and myself.

We tossed the sketch back and forth, each working on it, and then I took the liberty of penciling and coloring, as well as throwing a background in there. It became a lot more involved than I thought it would, and some things didn't quite work out as I wanted, but I think it turned out okay. The wall was looking a little bare, so I threw some beer logos and a sports painting in there to liven it up. Looking back, I probably should have put the tail behind the bar stool, but by the time I noticed, I was way too far along.

Oh well, enjoy!

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