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  • Delicious! Hot wives are the best. :) Also, isn't it amazing what just a few lines of text can do to heat up a drawing? Nice work!

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  • DobiesHot said:
    Delicious! Hot wives are the best. :) Also, isn't it amazing what just a few lines of text can do to heat up a drawing? Nice work!

    imaginary wives* are the best.

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  • DobiesHot said:
    I disagree, Aneurysm. My wife rocks out loud. :)

    excuse me while I laugh out loud at your blatant fib.

    furries can't get wives much less afford them.

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  • Aneurysm said:
    excuse me while I laugh out loud at your blatant fib.

    furries can't get wives much less afford them.

    *points and laughs at your foolish, pathetic, bitter, loser ignorance* Think what you want.

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  • DobiesHot said:
    *points and laughs at your foolish, pathetic, bitter, loser ignorance* Think what you want.

    I shall. :)

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  • ILoveCawk said:
    Not all furries jump around in plush suits and have sex with their pets you know. Some of us are only furries because porn is a good way to fight boredom.

    there is so much wrong with what you just said, it's not even funny.

    let me start by saying you listen to alot of stereotypes, and you know what they say about assuming things. it makes an Ass out of U and Me.

    secondly, if you're in it strictly for the porn, don't even think about calling yourself a furry. You are just as bad as the people who rape women and call it consentual because they said, whilst in the icy clutch of the fear of death, that they're the best they ever had, and they are "theirs".

    while this may seem like a poor comparison, it is nonetheless figuratively true because alot of people who I know personally would be offended by your demented view on the fandom.

    I am fully aware of the people that say "furries that think the fandom isn't just about porn are idiots! porn is porn!"
    let's take a step back and look at this statement. would you want someone who looks at porn all day represent YOUR group of friends, or would you rather have someone serious and non-sexual?

    whatever, don't even bother to answer. My head is already hurting because of your drug-like state of mind.

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  • Aneurysm said:
    a lot of stupid shit.

    You might be the dumbest fuck on the internet... congratulations.

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  • Aneurysm said:
    rant rant rant rabble rabble rabble rawr...

    Sir/Madam, you have been charged and found guilty of needless and excessive over reaction to another post and have displayed it in such a manner that it obstructed the view in the forum. In addition to this, you have also been found guilty of embarrassing yourself and have earned yourself the classification of "moronic asshat". You will be fined forty-two internets, in addition to a life long sentence of humiliation via comment viewing. Should you wish to oppose such claims and would like to appeal for a hearing, well tough fucking luck for you. Kthxbai.

    -The Forum Comments Court - e621 Division

    *insert disclaimer here stating I am not a mod in any way shape or form and that I claim absolutely no power whatsoever over the forum and it's administration... just to cover my ass*

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  • ILoveCawk said:
    Not all furries jump around in plush suits and have sex with their pets you know. Some of us are only furries because porn is a good way to fight boredom.

    That's me in a nutshell.

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  • You people still dont understand that ranting is pointless on a porn site. Sure, if your going to troll people, but seriously. Kinda waste of time.

    And thus saying that, Stfu and fap >.>

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  • IppSwitch said:
    You people still dont understand that ranting is pointless on a porn site. Sure, if your going to troll people, but seriously. Kinda waste of time.

    And thus saying that, Stfu and fap >.>

    I was about to type pretty much that same thing. :3

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  • The following comment is an extremely long post that expresses my opinion on another persons comment. Neither of our opinions matter but I am going to write this anyway to show how much of an internet tough guy I am. Both of our comments make no sense and show how easily butthurt we are but regardless of that, I will continue to f5 this page until adversary responds to it, for no matter how much I say it is unimportant to me, it really is important to me that I show my fellow furries that I am a cool guy, and can win internet arguments. With that being said, I do so hope that I am quoted and mocked within the next few posts, so i can respond once again, because having the last word is victory.

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  • ㊚︻┳═一㊛ said:
    The following comment is an extremely long post that expresses my opinion on another persons comment. Neither of our opinions matter but I am going to write this anyway to show how much of an internet tough guy I am. Both of our comments make no sense and show how easily butthurt we are but regardless of that, I will continue to f5 this page until adversary responds to it, for no matter how much I say it is unimportant to me, it really is important to me that I show my fellow furries that I am a cool guy, and can win internet arguments. With that being said, I do so hope that I am quoted and mocked within the next few posts, so i can respond once again, because having the last word is victory.


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  • Rikuso said:
    Sir/Madam, you have been charged and found guilty of needless and excessive over reaction to another post and have displayed it in such a manner that it obstructed the view in the forum. In addition to this, you have also been found guilty of embarrassing yourself and have earned yourself the classification of "moronic asshat". You will be fined forty-two internets, in addition to a life long sentence of humiliation via comment viewing. Should you wish to oppose such claims and would like to appeal for a hearing, well tough fucking luck for you. Kthxbai.

    -The Forum Comments Court - e621 Division

    *insert disclaimer here stating I am not a mod in any way shape or form and that I claim absolutely no power whatsoever over the forum and it's administration... just to cover my ass*

    That made me giggle *claps and gives cookies to Rikuso*

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  • Kireikitten said:
    That made me giggle *claps and gives cookies to Rikuso*

    *noms the cookies happily* :3

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  • ~the definitive guide to why you should get over it~
    ~bye ridley the dragon~

    Aneurysm said:
    there is so much wrong with what you just said, it's not even funny.

    let me start by saying you listen to alot of stereotypes, and you know what they say about assuming things. it makes an Ass out of U and Me.

    secondly, if you're in it strictly for the porn, don't even think about calling yourself a furry. You are just as bad as the people who rape women and call it consentual because they said, whilst in the icy clutch of the fear of death, that they're the best they ever had, and they are "theirs".

    while this may seem like a poor comparison, it is nonetheless figuratively true because alot of people who I know personally would be offended by your demented view on the fandom.

    I am fully aware of the people that say "furries that think the fandom isn't just about porn are idiots! porn is porn!"
    let's take a step back and look at this statement. would you want someone who looks at porn all day represent YOUR group of friends, or would you rather have someone serious and non-sexual?

    whatever, don't even bother to answer. My head is already hurting because of your drug-like state of mind.

    you make some valid points but if such a long post is stupid that definatly could have been condensed
    also its internet porn no one cares

    Rikuso said:
    Sir/Madam, you have been charged and found guilty of needless and excessive over reaction to another post and have displayed it in such a manner that it obstructed the view in the forum. In addition to this, you have also been found guilty of embarrassing yourself and have earned yourself the classification of "moronic asshat". You will be fined forty-two internets, in addition to a life long sentence of humiliation via comment viewing. Should you wish to oppose such claims and would like to appeal for a hearing, well tough fucking luck for you. Kthxbai.

    -The Forum Comments Court - e621 Division

    *insert disclaimer here stating I am not a mod in any way shape or form and that I claim absolutely no power whatsoever over the forum and it's administration... just to cover my ass*

    the forum comments court is as absolute as the tome of furry
    you cannot argue with it and therefore you should cease all attempts to do so before you even start them

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