created by merrunz
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  • Genjar

    Former Staff

    remigius said:
    Look at the tag history.

    From what I can see, there was only one. Ippiki and furrypickle seem to have tried tagging this at the same time, and the edits got overwritten.

    That tends to happen whenever someone uploads posts with no tags: several taggers bounce on it at once, and end up negating each others edits..

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  • Genjar said:
    From what I can see, there was only one. Ippiki and furrypickle seem to have tried tagging this at the same time, and the edits got overwritten.

    That tends to happen whenever someone uploads posts with no tags: several taggers bounce on it at once, and end up negating each others edits..

    That is exactly what happened. I hate that damn bug. I've been talking about that bug for ages now, and recently talked to one of the devs directly about it. It has to do with what's called "race conditions" so basically instead of both tasks going to a central point which adds them together and keeps both edits, they instead "race" against each other and can potentially negate each other out. It can be fixed by making tag edits atomic, I'm told. But it is waiting on a list of things to fix. In the meantime it causes random headaches like this one, where two people edit the tags at the same time and the site overwrites one of them and credits them with "removing" the other person's tags without informing either party that anything happened differently than normal. Which undoes valid work and looks like tag warring/vandalism even though both people are innocent and it's just the site's code which is doing something idiotic. It really needs to be fixed, but there's always a queue of things waiting to be fixed. It's frustrating. I keep trying to get it pushed up the list, because stuff like this is just ridiculous and frustrating for everyone involved in the percentage of times that it occurs. We're lucky that the site is big enough that it doesn't happen every time. And I know I am impatient. It's just hard to be patient when I see it causing bs like this for everybody... =/

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