old man created by matataku
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髪 眉 ヒゲ じじい そして猫


  • Comments
  • This is SCREAMING for a caption contest! I would start, but I'm at work. Someone contribute, and get it going!

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  • Acolyte said:
    This is SCREAMING for a caption contest! I would start, but I'm at work. Someone contribute, and get it going!

    already added mine as a Note

    "You think you have a bad hair day"

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  • Acolyte said:
    This is SCREAMING for a caption contest! I would start, but I'm at work. Someone contribute, and get it going!

    Surfing a furry porn site at work...nice. Wish you could do that on government computers.

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  • i have built a machine that turns hair in to cats

    ok hit me with it poof

    now you got pussy in your pants, face, back, and ass

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  • El_Tigre said:
    "Unlike his brother Zeus, the Greek God Felineius seems to be all but forgotten from today's history books."

    we have a winner! someone hand El his internet

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    Surfing a furry porn site at work...nice. Wish you could do that on government computers.

    therefore google chrome's incognito mode was made

    ZZREZZ said:
    this... i like this....
    but i wonder, how gruesome his shaving must be...

    ooooohhh snap !! i cant get this outta ma head D:

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  • ippiki_ookami said:

    RJHTommy said:
    Surfing a furry porn site at work...nice. Wish you could do that on government computers.

    therefore google chrome's incognito mode was made

    Yeah, except for the part where any decent-sized group of networked computers should have at least one person tasked with watching what everyone does on their computers all day.
    My high school did. If he caught you playing games, he'd open up notepad on your computer and tell you to get back to work. But, a person could still get away with looking at porn if they took the right steps. But that wouldn't work at an office job, where you're always using the exact same computer at the exact same time every day.

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  • Atani said:
    therefore google chrome's incognito mode was made

    Yeah, except for the part where any decent-sized group of networked computers should have at least one person tasked with watching what everyone does on their computers all day.
    My high school did. If he caught you playing games, he'd open up notepad on your computer and tell you to get back to work. But, a person could still get away with looking at porn if they took the right steps. But that wouldn't work at an office job, where you're always using the exact same computer at the exact same time every day.

    That's what a portable virtual machine and a tor proxy is for. It may be slower to connect(because you're taking the long way) but it's damn near untraceable. The only people who can trace it, won't unless you tell the truth about the government. FREE BRADLEY MANNING!

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  • mcepicflail1221 said:
    i wonder if he has cat for pubes

    Does that means his crotch coughs up hair balls?

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  • 1 week ago. (looks in mirror) Im losing my hair. Worst part of my week.I mean next week were doing family photos. I guess I could buy a wig before I get Cindy(random girl name) her cat... I have an idea...

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  • MapOfTheWorld said:
    This should be e621's mascot. :3

    Screw that, this should be the mascot for the internet.

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  • Awesome Work. I think I get it...the man is completely DEVOID of hair on his head, including eyelashes, and the cats surround his head, with their fur, to replace all the man's hairs that were removed and act as replacement hair. This is why the man looks like he's WEARING the cats on his head, instead of HAVING cats on his head for no apparent reason. Brilliant Post! ;-)

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  • Atani said:
    therefore google chrome's incognito mode was made

    Yeah, except for the part where any decent-sized group of networked computers should have at least one person tasked with watching what everyone does on their computers all day.
    My high school did. If he caught you playing games, he'd open up notepad on your computer and tell you to get back to work. But, a person could still get away with looking at porn if they took the right steps. But that wouldn't work at an office job, where you're always using the exact same computer at the exact same time every day.

    And that's why people need to delete their history and clean up the mess they make.

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