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The female Demiphoenix slowly stirred on the ground. Having been unconscious for an indeterminate amount of time. The bright morning sun piercing through her opening eyelids, causing her discomfort. She quickly sat up and surveyed her surroundings. She was certain she was in the human world before she had passed out. Staring at a beautiful golden paradise where two large suns kept it in perpetual daylight. She continued to gaze in awe at this strange world until her sensitive ears heard something approaching from the rear. Quickly facing the intruder who was calmly floating towards her. An anthropomorphic eastern dragon wearing a long yellow robe and a pristine turquoise bead necklace. Possessing a rich yellow and white pelt, a thick orange dorsal mane and some long whiskers. He curled his clawed talon like finger around his 'tache and gave his new guest a warm welcoming smile.

Dragon: You are awake. That is good.

Anya furrowed her brows at the unfamiliar dragon. Slowly backing away as he drew closer to her.

Anya: "Who are you? Where am I? What am I doing here?" she barked in a demanding tone.

The dragon just shook his head as he grinned at her.

Dragon: "There will be plenty of time for questions later. Now, I have just made a fresh batch of herbal tea. I would be most honored if you would join me."

Anya growled loudly as he dodged the subject.

Anya: "I asked you a question! Now answer me. What am I doing here?!"

Her attention was then drawn to her body. Noticing that she had been standing totally naked the whole time. She yelped loudly before covering her private parts with her arms, blushing deeply as she scowled at the stranger.

Anya: "And what did you do with my armor, you sicko?!"

The dragon shook his head again as his expression softened.

Dragon: "Very well. The demons that attacked you had damaged your armor beyond repair. You were gravely injured when I intervened. You're lucky to still be alive right now."

Her pride as a warrior was crushed from this revelation. Not only had she been defeated in battle, but she was stripped and humiliated by her attackers. She let out a frustrated growl as her eyes burned with rage.

Anya: "They're going to pay for this! I'm going to find those fucking monsters that attacked me and when I do, I'll tear out their god damn entrails and make them eat them!"

The angry Demiphoenix then spread her wings and attempted to fly away only to find herself bouncing off what appeared to be an invisible forcefield that was surrounding the temple. Shaking the disorientation from her head before frantically punching and kicking at the barrier.
The dragon just shook his head in disappointment as he watched Anya try in vain to break through.

Dragon: Aww... Leaving so soon? But you only just got here.

Anya glared back at the dragon. A fearsome snarl on her face as her long feathered ears pinned back.

Anya: What's the meaning of this? Let me out of here right now!

Undaunted by her threatening gaze, he shook his head again.

Dragon: "I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave. Not in good conscience anyway. You still have not fully recovered from your injuries."

He then grinned at her as he gestured his open hand towards the temple entrance.

Dragon: "Besides, I brewed some extra tea just for this occasion. We don't want it to get cold, do we? Now. please follow me and we shall get you suitably attired before we drink."

She just stared at the dragon, completely flabbergasted before growling angrily at him. Her fangs bared and her talons primed as a fiery aura enveloped her entire body.

Anya: "You can't keep me prisoner! If you won't let me go willingly, then I'll have to do it by FORCE!!!"

In her rage, Anya lunged for the dragon with her claws aimed right for his heart. But in the blink of an eye, the dragon vanished from sight. Instantly reappearing behind her before restraining her with his long prehensile tail, leaving her unable to move.

Dragon: "Hah hah hah! My my. You sure are a spirited one. You need to loosen up. Relax a little with a nice piping hot cup of my herbal tea. I'm sure that will help calm your nerves".

Anya's ears flattened down, feeling embarrassed and demoralized. She growled lowly at the dragon before letting out a grumpy sigh.

Anya: "Fine. We'll do it your way".

The dragon's expression lit up and an ecstatic grin spread along his long furred maw.

Dragon: "Ah. Wonderful! Please follow me. By the way. I am Xiao. What is your name?"

Anya: ".......... Anastasia. But just call me Anya"

Xiao: "Ah... Anya. You know, I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship."

  • Comments
  • Endarian_Dragon said:
    so is this gona be a comic?

    i ABSOLUTELY hope so! the storyline and art is AWESOME. please expand this, ill make a pool or something :-)

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